Chapter Ten: Candy Lips.

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The next morning, my friends came over to go to school together, but before that, we  should chat a little so here we are, sitting criss-cross apple sauce.Talking and throwing food in each others mouths.

"He said what?!!!" Bella screeched.

"He called me candy lips." Sarah raises her eyebrows.

"Did he call you candy lips?"she asks, I know she doesn't believe me.

"No, but he might as well have." I mumbled.

"Well it's your fault." I look at Angel."How is it my fault?"I ask, she rolls her eyes."Well for starters, you eat candy all the time. Especially M&Ms."I gasp.
"That is so not true." I say, stuffing my face with M&Ms.

"You're eating them right now." She says, pointing at my hand and then my face.

"Okay. So maybe it is true," I say slowly."but I'm not quitting."

They roll their eyes. "Guys, I'm so confused, I have no idea what this makes us." I groan.

"Why don't you ask him?" I give her a pointed look.

"You can't just ask a guy that question. Girl, you cray-cray if you think that I'm gonna ask him that question." I say before eating my last M&M and grabbing another one from the stash under my bed, but I found nothing.

"What the-" I was cut off by Angel.

"Dear Kat, I took all your M&Ms and sold them, love Nick." She read the piece of paper. I grabbed it and read it over and over again.

"When I get my hands on than mofo, I'm gonna rip his balls off!" I growl, breathing heavily.

"Relax Kat, it's just chocolate." I snapped my head to face her, glaring daggers at her Sarah.

She backed away slowly. "Nice tiger...... I didn't really mean it." She defended.

"I can already tell that today's going to be a disaster." I lie down covering my face with a pillow.

"What's today, the fifteenth of July?" I ask.


I'm not the date fairy.I don't care about dates unless it's my birthday, or Christmas.

"It's the twenty-ninth of November." Bella says, pulling the pillow off my face.

"Now get ready, it's Monday, therefore it is a school day." I groan.

"I knew it, I said it was going to be horrible. Not only did Nick steal the love of my life–"

"You're overreacting." Angel cut me off but I let it slide.

"–But today is Monday, the worst day of the week. My bad luck day." They roll their eyes. They probably think I'm a drama queen. They have no idea how it feel for the love of your life to be taken away like that.

Okay that did sound a teensie bit too dramatic, but whatever.

"Fine I'll get ready for school, ugh! Stupid school." They get up and leave.

I sigh. Well since I can't drown my sorrows in M&Ms– stupid Nick– I guess I'll have to drown it in toast. Though it's so plane,no colours, no chocolatey taste, non, Nada, zip, zilch.Ugh! Life is so frustrating.

I walk downstairs after I got dressed for school *shudder*and I head straight to the kitchen, hoping to find at least jam to put on top it before eating it so it won't taste so plane.

After eating, I walk into the living room to find Bella and Sarah fighting for the remote and Angel using her phone, oblivious to the fight that's right in front of her.

"I'm ready." I say in a sing-song voice.

They stop, look at me then continue with their fight. I take a bottle and spray them with it. They hiss like cats.

"Where did that even come from?" I don't say anything and just shrug.

"Stop fighting like children, we have school."

"Yes mother." They say in unison while grinning.

I roll my eyes instead of replying., the place where dreams come to die and children are tortured. If only parents knew what they were getting us into.

Walking down the hall with my friends, thinking of ways to murder my little brother.

We all stopped at our lockers to take our books. They were having a conversation about world hunger, or was is it world slumber?


Bella was like:'Kat, you can't murder your brother, it's wrong on so many levels, besides, it's just chocolate.' I scoffed, remembering what she had said.

Let's see how she likes it when someone takes her most prized possession. I think as I steal her phone.

I can't believe she doesn't see me stealing her phone. It's normally always in her pocket but thank the candy gods she decided to wear a dress today.

They turn to me and I feel like I just missed something.


"Sarah asked how you would end world hunger." So that's what it was....

"More people should go into agriculture so that we can grow more crops and food rate will increase." They blinked, their faces filled with astonishment.

"You gave me a good answer this time. You always give me stupid answers."

"Hey, my answers are not stupid." They gave me pointed looks.

"The first time you said and I quote: kill all of Asia to reduce population." Angel said.

"I agree my answers are not always valid-"

"The second time you said that we should kill ourselves to reduce population." Sarah interjected.

I don't try to justify what I said.

"Well it's your faults for asking me that question. Ya'll know me, you should know better than to ask me that." I averted the blame to them.

The bell rang.

"Well, see you later losers." I close my locker and wave them goodbye.

Why do we have to go to school?
Why can't we just do school work at home, or online?Why are teachers so evil? Why are oranges orange?

"Miss Carter."

Why is the world spherical?

"Miss Carter."

Why does-

"Miss Carter!" I snapped my head up to look at the teacher as he gave me his best glare.

"Yes Mr. Kennedy?"

"It's Mr. Greg." Oh.

"Was there something you wanted?" I asked, ignoring what he said earlier.

"Yes, I'd like to see you after school." He said.

"Why?" I asked,  raising s brow.

"Detention." My jaw dropped and the rest of the students snickered.

"But I- but you- but huh?" He didn't reply, he just pat my head and walked away.

I officially hate school, well more than before anyway.

I was too busy grumbling under my breath to notice where I was going, I ended up bumping into someone. Someone I never thought I see again.

He smirked down at me,"Well hello there kitten."

I don't really know what to say. So um............... I'm gonna say something because something is better than nothing and nothing isn't something so yeah.

I think I'll start to write what I write in my other book here and the other one so....

Vote, comment and other chiz.


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