Chapter Nine:Let's Roll.

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After the thing at school, I was a little more, well, not angry, mostly because Zach hit the back of Ty's head, he said it was supposed to stop him from being a douche.

So here I am, with my friends, getting ready for a party.I don't even know who's party this is, I asked the girls but they refused to tell me, Angel said, and I quote
'If you don't stop asking, I swear to God, I will punch you so hard that your grandparents will feel it all the way from Miami' so I decided not to question further.

That wouldn't work, because my grandparents are dead.

And the weirdest part is, I have no idea where Hunter is, I know we're not dating but I'm worried, call me selfish but I'd rather not have to find out that my possible future boyfriend was murdered by a serial killer, or Barney,  or Dora, I really hate them so I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of them.It wouldn't be surprising, just disturbing.

"Who's party are we going to?" I ask, hoping the answer, but they ignore me, I give up.

"You look amazing" Sarah complimented.

I was wearing a short red dress that ends mid thigh,my brown hair straightened so it rests in the middle of my back and not it's normal length that stops above my waist,and I'm wearing heels higher than the stop signs in the street.

"Thanks, you guys look great too" they smile.

"So let's roll" we walked down the stairs and we're met by the guys, except Hunter, my heart drops a little.

"You look beautiful" Aidan looks at me, I smile.

"Kat we're going with Zach and Tyler, and we're taking one car since Zach's is being repaired, so you'll have to go with Aidan" Sarah leaves, my eyes widen, by the time I go outside to protest, they're gone.

"So you're with me then" I nod, we get into the car and start moving but the ride is silent, the place is far, somewhere in the woods.

"So you know where we're going right​?" He asked, my eyes widen.

"I thought you knew where we were going!" I start to panic.

"I didn't ask 'cause I figured you knew".

"They wouldn't tell me" this is not good, not good at all.

At that moment, the car stops.

"What's wrong?"

"The car broke down".

"I thought you fixed the problem".

"Yeah, me too" he starts to chuckle, oh no,it hasn't been long and he's already going crazy.

"What's so funny?"

"You remember the time we had dinner at a restaurant,right?" I nod, understanding."and then we got lost?"I understand completely now.

"It was your fault then too" I chuckle softly, we got out of the car, and sat on the hood.

"Maybe we should start walking" he turns to me.

"Hell to the no, Jacob, I'm wearing heels, so no walking"
I think."unless......"I trail off.

"Unless what?" He asked.

" give me a piggyback ride" I replied

"I'm not letting you ride me" he said.

"You make it sound dirty" I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"No piggyback rides" I huffed at his response.

"Aw come on, just one" I pouted.

"Nope, the last time I gave you a piggy​back you drooled all over my shirt, plus, you weigh a ton"
He said.

"Okay, first:you are the one who decided to get us lost in the woods, second:It was just a shirt, and third: I do not, you are just weak" I defended myself.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes,  not bothering to argue, knowing that I wouldn't give up if he did.

I shivered, wow, it's really getting cold and it's not even December yet.

"You're cold" he said.

"No shit, sherlock" I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be right back, don't move".

"Oh darn, I thought I would run away" I said sarcastically, it was his turn to roll his eyes.

He came back with a blue sweatshirt and tried to put it on me,I moved.

"Nuh-uh, I'm wearing red, and that shade of blue does not go with red, that's like mixing mustard and peanut butter, disgusting" I gagged at the thought.After a minute, a car arrived.

"Kat,Aidan.There you are" Angel appeared with Tyler.Suspicious.

"Hunter was looking for you" Tyler said to me.

"He's there?" I asked, joy flooding through me.

"Yep" Ty says, popping out the 'p'.

"Can we go now, the party won't last forever"I state, walking to the car.

"Let's roll" Aidan says, getting into the car.We drive to the house and I can hear the music from outside the house.I walk into the house and the smell of alcohol hits me.

"I'll go tell Hunter you're here, don't move" Angel says before walking off with Tyler.Aidan is no where to be found.

Why am I looking for him?

I walk through the crowd of drunk and probably high students hoping to find somebody I know.

"Hey." I turn around to see Hunter and I hug him.

"What was that for?"I shrug." I haven't seen you all day."A smirk forms on his lips.

"You missed me." He teased, I roll my eyes, trying to hide the fact that he's right, even if he doesn't know it.

"Get over yourself Adams" I say."we both know that you're the one who missed me."

"So, so true," he smiles."let's dance."he says, tugging me to the dance floor/middle of the living room.

We dance, and dance until a slow songs starts.I wrap my hands around his neck, he wraps his hands around my waists, pulling me towards him, and I'm now flushed against him.

"This is nice." I say, my voice muffled by his shirt.

"Mhmm." He replies, I raise my head from so now we're face to face, our faces are so close that I can smell his minty breath.

Why is it that all boys have minty breaths, even the ones that don't smoke.Seriously.

I feel my cheeks heat up, he chuckles."You look cute when you blush."I blush even more.

"Stop,I'm basically a tomato now." He laughs.

Before I know it, his lips meet with mine and fire works explode, he tastes so good.I don't want to ever stop kissing him.I realise that I haven't kissed him back so I do.Our lips move in sync, it feels so good, I don't know why but it feels like I'm high, so high like a butterfly.

He pulls away, I see that his cheeks are a a bit pink.

"Your lips taste like candy."

Yay! I wrote this chapter without feeling sorry for myself *audience clapping*

Thank you, thank you.I'm really happy that they finally kissed.I've never had my first kiss tho *sighs* I feel so sad.The only way I could write this chapter was because of all the books I've read, and the what the poems always said.That the heart was meant to share.Sorry, I was watching Barbie, I hate it but I love it.

Love ya💖💖💖💖💖

Bye loves.

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