The day I died AND came back to life.

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Floating. Breathless. Motionless, except for the tears falling. Dead… Then Duh Dum…Duh Dum… Duh Dum…the beat of the infant’s heart can be heard…

It was the night of 4th of July back in 1997. I was only one year old. One year and four months to be exact. We were at my grandparent’s house on the 4th of July. It was almost midnight when the worst thing happened. The clock struck twelve and then midnight explosions. Not a noise could be heard except the distant screams from my panicking mother. Everybody turned to look at her but once they caught a look at my mother’s pale skin and tear shed eyes and the thin wet lines on her face from her tears their faces went gaunt.

They all asked what happened but my mother’s only reply was “I can’t find her! Where did my baby girl go?!” Then the frantic noise of the intakes of breaths was heard then… Shear panic ripped through my family. They all started searching for me panicky. Five minutes later my Mother screamed and everybody grew silent and turned to see what was going on. As they watched my mother walk slowly and jerky towards the pool they dare not say a word but walk towards the pool as well. What they saw broke their hearts. There… I floated dead.  My mother hastily jumped in the pool and swooped me up in her arms and got out of the pool. With shaky arms she laid me down and my grandpa and uncle rushed up and immediately started pumping on my chest and giving my CPR.

You could hear in the background a distant voice frantically shouting into a phone for an ambulance to arrive. Pump...Pump...Pump... Cough…Cough… Not too long after you could hear the ring from the sirens as the ambulance tore into the yard to rush me off to the hospital. Three hours later still in the hospital the doctor walked out and said” You’re very lucky you got her breathing again… Or she might not have came back and been alright…That is how I died and came back the same day.

The day I died AND came back to life.Where stories live. Discover now