Chapter 9 - Lemon World

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I yelled as he threw me over his shoulder, heading to a big swimming pool.

"NO! PLEASE! I BEG YOU! I'LL TELL YOU NEXT TIME, I SWEAR!" I shouted just before he threw me in, fully clothed. The whole team had rented a villa for us all to stay in whilst we was in Australia.

"You fucking dickhead!" I laughed breathlessly as I reached the surface of the water to see Van laughing, fully clothed too.

He bent down on one knee and held out his hand. I accepted his grasp and he pulled me out. I shoved him and he cackled more, along with Larry cackling with him.

"you're dead!" I grinned and I ran after him, my clothes weighing me down. I finally got a grasp of his white button down shirt, his favourite one.
He turned and held me into his frame for a hug.

Haha, he's in for it now.

I removed myself from his grip and pushed him as hard as I could backwards into the pool behind us. He fell, pulling my hand as he fell in.

We both reached the surface of the water laughing.

"Now you're the dickhead." Van smiled as he swiped his wet hair back with two hands.

I swear, this kid. He knows how to mess with your emotions, doesn't he?

We both clambered out of the pool, drenched from head-to-toe in water.

"My favourite shirt." Van pouted.

"That's what you get when you mess with me." I grinned, laughing before he swung his arm around my shoulders.

"You guys are so childish." Larry spoke, lighting a cigarette.

"You can't say much Larry, can you?" Van clapped back and Larry knew that Van was right. He was childish, just like the rest of the group.
He rolled his eyes jokingly and smoked his cigarette.

Me and Van walked back into the villa, leaving wet patches where we had been walking. For the rest of the afternoon, me, Van and the boys sat out in the back, in circle. We all had blankets because of the nights breeze.
I sat on my own chair next to Van, his arm still around my shoulders. Benji gave me a cold look.

What was that for?  If it's about Bob then why doesn't he just tell me? I know Bob likes me but it's been around a week, surely he's moved on because all I know is that we're mates.

Benji didn't stop looking at me since me and Van in the pool. What's wrong with him? Maybe he's daydreaming? I don't know. I shrugged it off and rested my head on Vans shoulder who was chuckling to Bondy and Dougie who was singing "oh Larry look what you've done." In a deep opera, Italian voice whilst playing the guitar.

The night fell upon us faster than I thought and soon enough we were all heading to bed. I yawned before to my surprise being whisked up into Vans arms. He carried me like I was royalty to him upstairs and into the bedroom. He laid me on to the bed with a kiss and turned towards the stereo. He picked up a cd, placed it into its slot then pressed play.

"Lemon World." I beamed happy smile as I recognised the tune.

"Our favourite." He turned and offered his hands out to me. My smile grew and I accept his offering hands. My arms wrapped around his neck and his hung around my waist. His frame firmly pressed into mine, our hips swayed in sync.

My mind wondered off. I couldn't help but think why Benji was looking at me so seriously..why?
No, stop getting distracted. I'm with Van, I'm happy, and I love him.

My mind came back to the present and I looked up to Van whose eyes were looking into mine. His hair rested into his eyes and his breathing so subtle. This is what I wanted. Him to myself.
His face inches away from mine, his eyes burning through mine, his lips skimming mine, he leaned in and kissed me.

"Losing my breath do do do do do do and your sister live in a Lemon World." Van sing gently into my neck whilst we both swayed in each other's arms.

We danced until all the stars appeared in the nights sky and our legs were aching from standing.

We parted as the song finished and I gave him one last kiss before he went to the bathroom to sort himself out and I got changed into my pyjamas and got into bed. Soon after, another body was next to me. Vans. His arms around my waist as I laid facing him, his arm pulled me in tighter, cocooning our bodies.

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