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The bright lights and constant buzzing of the hospital was slightly driving Samantha insane. Here she was again, slouched sadly in a waiting room seat with tears cascading down her face. She could never catch a break.

Sitting adjacent of her was Beylan, Carson and Ashton. Aven couldn't really deal with seeing his mother balling her eyes out so he offered to stay behind with Payton.

Time seemed as if it was at a standstill when Samantha was notified that Anthony was getting rushed to the hospital due to being in a fatal car accident. She always warned that boy about driving so crazy in the streets, but she never really anticipated this would happen. Now his 6'2 frame was scrunched uncomfortably in a stuffy hospital bed that was stained with his blood from the bruises they we're stitching up.

Ashton and Carson looked at both of the women who couldn't control their silent cries. Both of them meant a lit to Anthony so they knew he would be hurt to know he was the reason they were was crying.

"Ma', Bey, y'all straight?"Ashton placed a consoling hand on Beylan's shoulder.

Samantha shook her head no. "That damn boy is just so dangerous."She dabbed underneath her eye with a Kleenex as Beylan now how her head buried in Ashton's chest crying her eyes out.

Carson couldn't handle all the crying and the sad vibes that was coating over them like a heavy gray cloud. He raised from his seat walking towards the desk. A young girl with her hair tied back in a neat ponytail looked up at him. Her eyes where a calming blue color, she seemed exotic with her bright chocolate skin. If his boy wasn't fucked up in a hospital bed, he would have definitely bagged him a lil' nurse. "Can I get the status of Anthony Taylor, we been waiting' here all night and ion' think we can take the shit any longer." His words came out harsh, he was frustrated, impatient and upset that his soldier was down, he couldn't help it.

A bit taken aback by his diction of words and his tainted tone, the girl nodded her head in response before getting up from her seat and walking to the side of the semi-circle desk that held charts stacked upon each other. She filed through it with her nicely painted acrylic nails before slipping one out of the stack.

Flipping a few papers back, she read over the final page. Glancing up at Carson, she looked down at the page again. "Did anyone tell you what led up to him getting here or did you just get notified to come here?"She asked him.

Carson clenched his jaw impatiently. "No disrespect nurse, receptionist whatever the fuck you are , but I just wanna know how my dude doin' back their. So are visitors allowed or do I have to turn some shit upside down and make my way back there myself?"Usually Carson wasn't so irrational, he was the nice one. So for him to be acting like this, you could tell it huet him to know his nigga was put in a situation like this.

The nurse was use to the sudden attitudes caught by family and friends of all patients that were admitted to the hospital. As he calmly sat down before dialing the number to the desk of the floor Anthony was placed in. "One moment sir."She assured Carson while placing the phone to her ear.

The phone rang for a bit.before she was speaking to another nurse. "Yeah this is nurse Sid, down in the family waiting room and I was calling on the behalf of the family to Anthony Taylor. Is visitation allowed to him right now?"Carson leaned against the desk with his fist underneath his chin.

Nurse Sid chatted a bit longer before hanging up. She looked up at Carson while speaking. "You guys can head to the third floor and his status will be given to you guys from their. I simply gave first hand information like what time ge was admitted and what's the situation. Upstairs they will further explain. I'm sorry about the inconvenience."She spoke kindly.

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