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O  M  N  I  S  C  I  E  N  T

Ai'Milan  listened as her aunt and her husband argued all through out the night. It wasn't disturbing her too much due to her getting use to it. "You think he's gonna hit her tonight?"Ejace asked Milan as he laid on the floor of her bedroom next to her bed due to his room being too close to his parents, he could hear everything and it interrupted his sleep.

Milan who sat up against her head board looked down at her fourteen year old cousin. "Depends what they arguing about, you know she gets slick out the mouth and his sorry ass always feel the need to touch her instead of having a grown up conversation." Ai'Milan didn't start disliking her uncle until a few months back when she walked in on Candace covering up a black eye with make up. Ai'Milan was sixteen, but damn sure wasn't naive to believe the dumb ass story Candace gave her. Now that the kids were more aware of the physical altercations, the arguments only got louder and the fighting got worse.

Something Milan was proud of was the fact Candace just didn't get hit and sobbed about it, she fought back. They laid hands on each other and made sure to leave bruises on each other . It wasn't a one sided thing, but Yezir always seemed to start it.

Ejace sat up, no longer wanting to lay on the floor. "You remember how ma' had that bank account over at the Reigon?"He asked Milan who had now stopped scrolling through Twitter focusing on her younger cousin. Ejace watched her nod before continuing. "She went to check it today and it was wiped out clean, Mil. She pissed as fuck because that was your money that you halfway worked for."Although Milan recieved income from the state due to her being an adopted child, she still wanted to work a nine to five at Krispy Kreme since she didn't want to leach off her aunt too hard. The week after she turned sixteen she got the job, and kept ten percent of her check in hand while the other portion got deposited in a bank account Candace had set up for her like she had for all the kids.

"You serious Jace? How you know this?" She asked.

Jace shrugged. "My room is right next to theirs so I hear everything, thats why I came in hear hoping I could sleep, but I guess not."He said just as he heard something shatter from outside Milan's bedroom.

Milan sighed as she heard Candace and Yezir transition from their room to the hall. "Get on the bed and go to sleep, do not leave this room."She demanded Ejace as she slipped on a pair of Uggs. He nodded his head before getting onto her bed.

Milan then took it upon herself to step out of her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Walking across the hall from her room, she peaked into the next bedroom seeing six year old cousin, Elayla still asleep in her bed unbothered by the arguing.

Making sure to shut Elayla's bedroom door, Milan began to trail the screeching voices of Candace and Yezir. Watching her step, she walked around the shattered glass on the floor from the vase that use to be positioned perfectly on a high standing table in the hall. Arriving in the living room, she watched as a 6'4 Yezir towered over Candace's 5'7 stature. "Cause you're stupid and fucking irresponsible Yezir!"Candace shouted up at him with her hand in his face.

"When you was out there spending thousands on that dumb ass private investigator to find out if i was stepping out on you, was you fucking irresponsible then?!"Yezir shouted down at her.

Milan hoped that she wouldn't have to witness him putting his hands on her,  she hoped that it wouldn't have to go farther,  but knowing those two,  it was bound to happen.

Milan was shocked to hear that Candace was questioning Yezir's loyalty to their marriage so she hired a PI. Candace was always one to seem to be never worried about her husband because she felt as if he wasn't going anywhere. She must have felt threatened by someone. "And what the fuck did I find out?! You was out here spending my money on some run down chick that live in Maryland!  I'm so damn sick of you!"She sent a charging force to his chest, pushing him out of her face.

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