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I feel asleep on the ride there. Andre played soft music while I slept. I felt the car stop and looked up to see a beautiful building next to us.

"This is where me and my two brothers live. We originally wanted a mansion, but it'd be lonely." He gets out and walks to my side and opens the door. "Can you walk?" He asks. I shake my head and look down at my feet. He sees me looking at them and gently lifts it up to look at it. His eyes widen and his mouth hangs open.

"Holy shit. Let's get inside and get you looked at by my brother. He's a doctor and will fix it for you." He unbuckles me and carries me inside the building.

Not much was on the first floor. He presses the button on the elevator and it opens up. We stop on the second floor and he steps out. It's pretty spacious compared to the outside. It's beautifully decorated and comforting.

 It's beautifully decorated and comforting

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"Wait here on the couch. I'll go see if he's home." He places me on the edge of the couch and turns on the TV to Tangled. Ooooo I love this movie! It's at the part where Rapunzel heals Eugene.

Andre walks in texting on his phone. "He said he'll be home in 10 minutes. His name is Leo. My other brother Micah is still at work." He puts his phone in his pocket and smiles nervously at me. My stomach growled and it feels like it's gonna eat me if I don't eat soon.

"Um Andre?" I say shyly. He smiles at me finally speaking. "Yea what's up?"

"I don't mean to be rude, but I'm really hungry."

"Oh shit. Right...uhh do you like turkey and swiss?" He says walking towards the kitchen. I smile and nod my head eagerly. "Okay I'll whip it up for you!" He smiles.

He's nice. He seems nervous for some reason though. I continue to watch Tangled as I wait.

"One turkey and swiss for the lovely lady." He presents a large sandwich and potato chips on the side and places it on the coffee table. As soon as it hits the glass, I pick up the sandwich and take a big bite. It's so good! Andre watches me eat and laughs to himself.

He sits down on the couch near me. "If you don't mind me asking, I'd like to get more information from you. For starters, what's your name?"

I place the half eaten sandwich back and lick my lips. "Rose Hamilton."

"It's nice to meet you Rose. How old are you?"

"I turned 18 in February." I take more bites from my sandwich and a few chips.

"Are you homeless?" After he said that, I hear the elevator beep and open. "Hey I'm home. Who did you want me to see?" A man I'm assuming is Leo walks in and he stops next to me. He stares at me for awhile. Just like Andre, he's beautiful. But they look nothing alike? Leo is Asian and Andre is African-American.

"Who is she?" He asks Andre.

"This is Rose. I found her in an alley. Check out her feet." He says standing up. Leo takes off his jacket and loosens his tie. Jesus this man must have no clue how attractive he is or he does and is just showing off.

"May I?" He says, kneeling down in front of me. I nod and watch him as he looks at them with a serious look. "Lots of cuts and blisters. Almost like you ran through glass. It just needs cleaned and some ointment." He stands up and pauses, smelling the air. I don't smell anything. Oh god it's me. I hang my head down to avoid eye contact.

"Can I talk to you Andre?" Leo says.

Andre stands up and walks with him down the hallway. I turn back to my sandwich and continue to eat.

Leo's POV

"Tell me again why you brought her here?" I pinch the bridge of my nose and try to process this all.

"I was driving back from the store and saw her laying in the alley freezing her ass off. I wasn't going to just let her be." He argues at me.

"Yes but she's a little girl. What about her parents? Have you even thought about that?"

"Of course I did. I asked her but she didn't say. Plus she's not that young. She's 18."

I freeze and look up at him. "No. Don't tell me you think she'll be the one."

"I do. I also think she's homeless. But we won't know until we ask. My plan is to figure out more about her. If she has a home, we send her back. If she doesn't, we can take her in. Maybe she'll be the one." He smiles with a pleased look on his face. It's not a terrible idea.

"Maybe she was running away. She's wearing shorts and it's freezing outside. Plus she smells bad."

"Let's go talk to her." Andre says.

"Who are you?" We both hear Micah from the living room. "How did you get in here? I'm calling security." Shit! Me and Andre both run into the living room.

"Woah woah woah. Chill out man. I brought her here. It's cool." Andre stops him from making the call. I turn to see Rose crying. My heart sinks at the sight. Her bright blue eyes look so sad and her pouty lips frown. Something tells me to comfort her but I can't move.

"I'm sorry he scared you Rose." Andre picks her up and she wraps her little legs around his waist. "Let's go clean up your cuts and if you want, you can take a bath. Does that sound good?" She nods and wipes away her tears. He walks to the elevator and heads to the third floor.

"Who was that?" Micah asks.

"Hopefully, our little girl."

Hello my sweets! I felt like updating again cause I have several chapters pre-written so why not?

I hope you're enjoying the story!


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