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"Now that you've agreed, you have to start calling us Daddy. Okay princess?" Leo says. We're eating our lunch at the dinning room table and going over some things.

"Yes Daddy."

"Oh! Before I forget, we got you something in case you said yes." Andre gets up and jogs to the living room and comes back with a small present box.

"What is it?" I say grabbing the present and shaking it around.

Leo laughs. "Well open it to find out."

I carefully undo the bow tied around the box and lift the top to see the pacifier I wanted?!?!

I carefully undo the bow tied around the box and lift the top to see the pacifier I wanted?!?!

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I gasp at the sight of it and lift it up to the light to admire it.

"Do you like it?" Micah asks with a smile.


They look at me confused and exchange looks. "I love it!!" I squeal.

"What do you say?"

"Thank you daddies."

We're playing hide and seek now. I'm looking for a place to hide so I head up to the top floor where my room is. I quickly run into my closet and shut the door.

They must be close to being done counting.

About ten minutes pass and I hear a faint buzzing of the elevator. My heart speeds up and I cover my mouth. I hope I'm not breathing too loudly.

"Where's my little Rose~?" Andre calls down the hallway. He opens my door and looks around the room.

"I know you're in here." He looks underneath my bed and in the bathroom.

"Welp, I guess she's nowhere to be found. Too bad. She would've had cookies with us."


I jump out of the closet and stop him from walking out of the room by clinging to his leg. He turns around and smiles down at me.

"I'm here! I want cookies!" I squeal with excitement.

"Oh there you are!" He chuckles. "Me and Micah put on a Movie downstairs. Come." He picks me up and spins me around. I giggle with him.

"But wait. What about Leo?" I look up at him confused.

"He got called into work. That'll happen alot but he's usually never gone long. He should be back by the time the first movie is done."

Downstairs, Micah was making a pallet on the floor with blankets and pillows.

"Look who finally came out of hiding." Andre says to Micah.

Micah looks up and adjusts his glasses. He squints at me and puts his hands on his hip.

"Who is that? It's hard to see but... is that... my little girl?" He jokes. I run over to him and knock him down into the pile of pillows. "Yes it is! Can you see now?" I ask with my forehead pressed against his, looking into his green eyes.

"Crystal clear." He smirks.

We start the movie and I sit in between them. Andre rubs my feet and Micah plays with my hair. I feel like royalty being pampered like this. Even though I am royalty already being Daddy's princess.

I think this is what I wanted. To be cared for and loved. But I didn't expect it to be coming from three attractive guys.

Realization hits me like a brick. I forgot to call again!

"Daddy I need to call again."

Andre looks at Micah with a serious look. Micah ignores him. He takes out his phone and hands it to me.

I dial my dad's number and wait like last time. "You have reached the voice mail box of........"

"Dad please pick up. I'm okay now. I love you." I hang up with a sigh.

Micah strokes my back. "Maybe it's his phone." He says gently.

I nod. "Maybe."

Andre's POV

I can't believe he's not telling her. I also can't believe I haven't either. But I'd hate to bring it to her. How do you even tell someone that their parents are dead and you've known about it?

I'll try to get her alone and attempt to break the news. It won't be easy, but it has to be done.

The elevator buzzes and Leo walks in looking exhausted and worn out.

"Daddy!" Rose cheers. She quickly sits up and rushes over to him. "Did you miss me Princess?" Leo says tiredly.

She wraps her short arms around his waist and nods.

"Work was awful. I just wanna be with my little girl right now." He picks her up and walks over to the pallet. She smiles happily and cuddles him.

"What are we watching?" Leo asks.

"It was Pocahontas but it just ended. Let's watch something funny. How about Liar Liar?" Micah suggests. We all agree and plays the movie.

About an hour in and everyone fell asleep except me. Rose was sprawled out across their legs. I should put her in her bed.

I slowly stand up trying not to wake anyone. I carefully pick her up and lay her head on my shoulder. She whimpers in her sleep but I rock her back to sleep.

I head upstairs and change her in her pajamas. Good thing she doesn't put up a fight.

I tuck her in and put her pacifier in her mouth and she latches on. She's so perfect. I sit on the end of her bed and sigh.

You have to tell her.

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you. You didn't deserve to get kidnapped or loose your parents. I promise to make this all right. You deserve happiness babygirl."

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