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(Just a song to go with the scene... And cause I really like Steven universe 🤷‍♀️)

Alex leads me through the cemetery to their grave. I didn't talk much when he tried to start a conversation with me. I was thinking about what it would be like. To see them buried. Messed up as it sounds, it was all I could think about.

"It's right here, underneath this cherry tree." He points towards the tree a few feet away. My heart drops when I see the two mounds of dirt. "Do you want me to come with you?" He says. I nodded and walked slowly towards it.

I looked down and stared at the piles of dirt. "Where's the headstones?"

"It takes a while to make them."

All I said was oh.

I sit down in between them. It was really quite. All you could hear was the sound of leaves rustling in the wind and my loud heartbeat.

"Hey... mom and dad. I-I'm not sure how these things are supposed to go. But... I wanted to tell you I'm sorry." I wipe my face from the tears.

"I'm sorry I was such a brat. Especially to you mom. I never listened. I know I'm late saying this but I appreciate all that you guys did for me. You guys strived to keep me happy all the time. I just with I could have told you how grateful I was." My cries become louder. I hold myself and lay on the ground.

"Please... come back. I miss you so much. I need you back."

Alex picks me up and holds me. He was crying as well. I wrap myself around him tightly and cry into his chest.

"I'm sorry Rose." He says. My breathing slows down. "It's going to be okay."

We sat on a nearby bench. I looked at the cherry tree and watched the branches sway.

"Do you want to know what happened?" I say to him while focused on the tree.

"Only if you're ready to tell me."

"The night it happened... this guy came and kidnapped me and tied my parents up. I tried to escape but he was too strong. I was in the back of his van for several days. He stopped to use the bathroom and I ran away. I found myself in Chicago." I layed my head on his shoulder and continued.

"I wasn't alone for too long. I met a guy named Andre. He brought me back to his apartment with his two brothers Leo and Micah. They cared for me the entire time. I even agreed to be their little."

"You were their little? I knew you were the little type but I never expected you to be interested in it." He wraps his arm around me and shields me from the cold air.

"Are you going back to stay with them?" Alex says.

"Yea. I really love them. But don't worry, I'll spend plenty of time with you while I'm here." I smile up at him.

"Thanks for coming back nerd."

"Anything for my favorite loser."

Yea ik it's shorter than usual.

It's honestly coming to an end relatively soon. But I have two endings in mind. A bad ending or a good yet disappointing ending.

Let me know how you would like it to end!


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