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Andre's POV

Me and Leo walked in on Rose getting a spanking. I don't know what the reason was but it broke my heart to see her in pain. Just like the day I found her.

She ran past us and head upstairs. I tried to stop her but the door had already closed.

"Why was she getting punished?" Leo asks. We walk in and join Micah in the living room.

"I took her to go get art supplies and I said she can get whatever she wanted but the brat tried to steal some pens." He rolls his eyes out of frustration.

"Why would she steal?" I ask myself.

"I gave her twenty." He finishes. Me and Leo look at each other in shock.

"Woah twenty is excessive. Especially for her first time. You should have only given her five." I argue.

"I agree. That seems like much. Plus she needs aftercare. Her bottom is gonna be sore if you don't put any cream on her." Leo adds.

Micah scoffs. "You guys do this all the time."

"Do what?" I say.

"You guys always go against what I say or do. It's always you two against me."

"This isn't about taking sides Micah. This is about taking care of Rose. You went too far with her punishment and you need to apologize for it." Leo says. Micah turns the other way and crosses his arms.

Rose's POV

"I hate him..." I mumble to myself. I sat on my bed with my knees to my chest staring at the wall. There wasn't much in my room and nothing to do.

There was a soft knock at the door. I get off the bed and go to open the door. I was surprised to see Micah standing there. I tried to shut the door on him, but he stuck his foot in the door.

"I want to talk and apologize." He says, looking deep into my eyes. I sigh and open the door. He walks in and sits on the bed. He motions me over to sit next to him but I shake my head no.

"I understand now that I was harsh with you earlier. I didn't consider your feelings and was excessive with your punishment. Please forgive me sweetheart." Micah says with pleading eyes. I nod and smile.

"Apology accepted." It's hard to stay mad at him with those eyes of his.

He stands up and bends over to hug me. "Thank you Rose." He wraps his arms around me and rubs his hand on my back. I smile in content and feel better. But my butt still hurts.

"Daddy my butt still hurts."

"I brought some cream for it. It'll he with the burning." He pulls away and takes out a tube of cream from his pocket. "Lay across the bed and I'll put it on for you."

I lay down on the bed and Micah pulls down my skirt and panties. He massagesthe cream in on both cheeks. It feels so good I smile.

"All done." He pulls my skirt back up and puts me on my feet. "Before you ran off earlier, Andre and Leo had a surprise for you." He grins.

"A surprise?! What is it?" I jump around.

"Let's go downstairs and see."

Downstairs, Leo and Andre are cooking dinner. There were bags in the living room that were from Toys R Us. Ooooooh are those for me?

Of course they are, who else?

"Hi daddy!" I squeak. They look at me with warm smiles. "Hey princess. Are you getting hungry?" Leo says.

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