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Rose's POV

The next morning, I get up and take a shower. I dry off, brush my hair, and get dressed. What to do today?

I head down to Micah's room to see what he's up to. The elevator opens and I skip to his door. I knock three times and hear a faint "Come in."

I open the door and see the room filled with smoke, music blasting, and Micah giving Victoria a tattoo on her arm.

"Hey sweetheart. Do you need something?" Micah asks me without looking up. He's smoking something. He then passes the brown thing to her.

"I was just wondering what you were doing. Are you giving her a tattoo?" I walk closer over to get a good look. He hums and continues his work. "I'd like a tattoo some day."

"Really now?"

"Yea! I think I want the moon on my arm."

Victoria spaces out, not paying attention to us. Her eyes are pretty red. I think they're smoking weed. One of my friends tried to get me to try it, but I coughed really hard and it hurt.

"When you're 18 I'll give you one. It's my job anyway. I own a tattoo parlor and practice here at home." He stops and wipes the sweat from his forehead. "Let's take a break Tori."

Victoria nods and puts out the brown thing in an ash tray. "Oh heeeey snow bunny! I didn't see you there." She smiles. I give her a small wave.

"It'll just be me and you today. Everyone else is at work." I pout. Ugghh why do they have to work all the time!

Micah turns down the music and picks me up. "What do you wanna do today?"

"I dunno." I shrug.

He scratches his chin and hums. "You said you liked to paint, right?" He said.


"Why don't we get some art supplies for you and you can paint me a pretty picture. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like a plan." I smile.

Micah, Victoria, and I get in the car and head to Michael's. I was in awe at all of the art supplies they had. Who knew there could be so much?

"Pick out all the stuff you need. Don't worry about prices or any of that stuff. Whatever my little girl wants she gets." He smiles down at me a caresses my cheek making me blush.

I look through the aisles for paints, canvases, and brushes. I filled the cart with tons of paint of each shade, matte, gloss, and metallic. Micah was talking to Victoria about some show while I looked around.

"Almost done girly?" Victoria says. I nod and pick out some canvases. I notice a misplaced case of glittery pens with 50 colors! I must have it!

But what of he says no cause it'snot painting stuff?


I take the case and quickly put it inside my sweater. I glance around to see if anyone noticed. Nope!

I put brushes in the cart and walk up to Micah. "I'm done."

"Okay sweetheart, let's go pay and head home." He pushes the cart towards the checkout lane and I follow behind.

Every time I steal something I get all fidgety and I'm always looking around. I look very suspicious right now.

While Daddy was paying, I was looking at the candy displayed on a rack. I didn't see the person behind and bumped into them, trying to get a better look. When I did, the case fell out of my sweater and hit the ground with a loud bang. I'm. So. Dead.

Micah, Victoria, and the cashier turned to look at me and saw the case. The cashier gasped and Daddy looked furious.

"Rose, what did you do?" He said in a stern voice. It scares me.

"Answer me now."

"I-I...um... I was just uh.."

"Were you stealing?" He crosses his arms and glares at me with intimidating eyes. I nod slowly and look down at my feet.

He grabs the bags and my wrist and heads for the door.

"I'm just gonna walk to my friends house Micah!" Victoria calls out.

We sit in the car in silence. I was too afraid to speak.

When we arrive home, he put the bags down in the living room. "Why were you stealing? I told you that you can have whatever you want and yet you steal?"

"I'm sorry..."

He lets out a huff and adjusts his glasses. "You do realize what has to happen right?" I shake my head.

"You need to be punished. Come here." He sits on the couch and waves me over. I make my way over and he tells me to lay across his lap. He pulls down my skirt and panties. I feel really exposed.

"You're going to get 20. If you move, then we start over. Am I clear?"

"Yes Daddy."

With that said, his hand lands on my butt. Hard. It stings badly, but I try not to move. He rubs my cheeks in between each smack and they get harder. We're only on the 7th.

"Daddy it hurts!" I cry. Tears fall down my face. He ignores me and continues.

I'm bawling by the time we're at 15. The elevator buzzes and Andre and Leo come in. I can't see them but I can hear them whispering. It hurts so bad. I just want this to be over.

One last smack and he pulls up my panties and skirt. "All done." He sits me up on my feet and I run to the elevator.

"Wait Rose!" Andre calls out but the elevator already shut on him.

I hate him! I hate Micah!

Do you think Micah was too harsh on Rose? Do you think he'll apologize?

Let me know!


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