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Narrators P. O. V

It seemed like nobody knew what was going on. Everyone was rushing around unsure of who's orders to take but no one realized how dead Zayn actually was. Jake stood still for what seemed like hours waiting for Alex to respond but of course Jake knew deep down he would never get one.

Jake took one look at the man laying on the ground and had no remorse. Zayn was the worst leader they could have ever had.  Jake and the guys were happy when Mr. Acone reassigned Alex the Mafia. Zayn was obsessed with the fact that he had power. So much so that he started to blow up the homes of his workers because they didn't agree with some of his decisions.

Zayn is, well was the worst Acone brother; nobody and I mean nobody could get any worse.

"Grab his body and take him to the family funeral home. " Alex said to Jake and walked off down to the torture room.

"Where is Ashanti?" Kim ran out of the kitchen asking Alex.

"Downstairs I'm about to go get her, you and Crystal wait in the kitchen. " Alex replied back and walked off to continue what he was doing.

As Alex walked down the stairs he saw the love of his life, the mother of his child, the women he lied too for so many years, the woman he knew loved him unconditionally laying on the floor tied up.

"UNTIE HER NOW!!" Alex ordered at the few men who were standing around watching her.

" But your brother said to- DO YOU WORK FOR HIM? LAST TIME I CHECKED YOU WORKED FOR ME.  NOW DO AS I SAY BEFORE I KILL ALL OF YOU!!" Alex yelled cutting off one of the men who dared to speak up at a moment like that.

They all started to run around in panic untying the ropes and sitting Ashanti in the nearest chair.
Alex stood in front of her for awhile not knowing what to do; he watched the blood drip from her head and the bruises on her wrist. He knew he was the reason for it all.

He finally had enough of just watching and had to do something. He picked her up as firm and as gentle as possible and carried her to his room.  He ignored the stares and the yelling and the pushing her friends did to get his attention to try and see what was wrong with her. He knew that it was a family matter meaning NOBODY COULD KNOW.

He was embarrassed, ashamed, and horrified. He was scared of the fact that Ashanti could wake up any minute and things would have to be explained and of course fought out. Hopefully she would understand that he fell in love half way through his mission and gave eventually up on the task.

You see the day Ashanti "met" Alex was all a set up. Zayn who was in charge of the Mob at the time, had known every last move she made. They faked the death of the man.  They faked the court hearing, the investigation they faked it all.  Zayn knew Ashanti was a ride or die.  He knew she wasn't a snitch so he set his little brother up with to date her and get her back for him.

Alex was the boy who had no feelings, and Zayn knew he would be perfect for the job. Alex cared nothing about Ashanti at first because the mission was more important to him. He did everything to please his brother and that was all he wanted to do.
     But the day she opened up about her past and the lost of his niece killed his spirit to be evil.  He started to fall in love with her and all of her flaws. He started to lie to his brother about everything; saying that the mission is going as planned but too many years went by for Zayn and he had to come see himself.

The day at the cemetery was not planned though.  Alex just so happened to get a call notifying him that his brother had arrived in town and was currently at a cemetery.  He knew exactly where he was and remembered that Ashanti would be going to visit Evelyn's grave site. Alex hoped and prayed Zayn wouldn't ruin it all.  He acted so cool and nonchalant that day ; Alex knew he wasn't over her at all.

Zayn had come to his home that evening when Ashanti and her friends fought his sister and mother.  He was there in the kitchen but surprisingly heard nothing.  He was beyond pissed when he found out what happen and for sure was going to get revenge. So he did what he knew how to do best, manipulate Alex into one task and that was to get Ashanti in that house and get her to stay.  He couldn't do that simple thing.  So he took matters into his own hands and sent a couple of his men to burn down her apartment. He then sent his close friend who worked for the sheriff's department to go and "save" Ashanti. Asia had been in on the plan all along because she too wanted for Ashanti to disappear. Once the trap was set he was ready to move in the next day and kidnap her for good. 

Alex had a different plan and wasn't going down without fighting for her. He knew he was in love and for the first time he admitted it to everyone.  All of his men who weren't stuck up Zayn's ass helped him get Ashanti back.

Jake had know the plan for so long that he was planning to tell Ashanti himself.  He knew she didn't deserve the treatment they planned to give her.  He just never got the chance too because Alex kept him far away from her and her friends.  Jake was no snitch but he was one of the men who actually had a heart.  He cared for Ashanti like he cared for his sisters and he wouldn't dare let it happen to them so he sure as hell wasn't going to let it happen to her.

Just when everything started to calm down and Alex sat in the chair across from the bed waiting on Ashanti to wake up. Asia stormed through the front door.

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