Not Under Control

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I was having a drink when Damon appeared.

"You want to hear the bad news or the really bad news?"Damon asked.

"Actually, I don't want any news Damon."I said.

"Alright, let me rephrase. Do you want to hear how the council is back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert?"Damon asked I looked at him with total dis belief.

"What?"I said.

"Great party by the way, huh?"Damon said and he smiled and left im was going to go after him but I stopped I heard Kelly's heartbeat and her crying and I smelt,blood I approached her.

"Is everything alright?"I asked.

"No. I ruined it, I always ruin it. What is wrong with me?"Kelly asked and I kelt down on my knees and stared at the blood on her forehead I touched the blood on Kelly's forehead getting some on my fingers.

"What are you doing?"Kelly asked and I finally came around I was about to loose it.

"Uh, I'm sorry."I said and I got up and left I headed outside and I still had blood on my fingers I hesitated by the urge was to sting and I licked the blood off them.


I was inside standing next to Katherine smiling but my smile quickly faded when I saw John Gilbert enter.

"You got to be kidding me."I said.


"What's wrong?"I asked.

"John Gilbert just returned from the dead."Damon said.

"What you killed him!"I exclaimed quietly.

"Technically yes but he's alive so I obviously did something wrong."Damon said.

"Thank you all, thank you very much, thank you. Thank you all for joining us tonight in just a few moments we will officially begin the countdown to our upcoming founders' day celebration and it's a very special one this year. The one hundred fiftieth birthday of our town and I would like to welcome back one of our town favorite's sons to do the honors of ringing our official charter bell. John Gilbert, would you please join me up here?"Mayor Lockwood said and John Applauded and joined the mayor. Damon was observing him.

"One hundred and fifty years of community, prosperity, family."John said and he turned his attention to Damon.

"We take care of each other, we look after each other, protect each other; it's good to be home."John said everyone applauded Damon grabbed my hand and we rejoined Alaric.

"Look at his right hand."Damon said.

"Who's?"Alaric asked.

"Towns favorite's son. Look at his ring."Damon said and John rang the bell we looked at his ring it was the same ring that Alaric was wearing and still is wearing to prevent death by a supernatural cause.

"Well, it looks like mine."Alaric said.

"Yeah, and that would be a big coincidence if he didn't just came back from the death 5 minutes ago. Where the hell did you get that ring?"Damon asked.

"Isobel, my wife."Alaric said.

"Who gave birth to Elena, under the medical care of the esteemed DR Grayson Gilbert, John's brother!"Damon exclaimed quietly. We looked at John.

"Do you think John knew Isobel?"Alaric asked.

"I think John knows a lot of things."Damon said and took a sip of his drink.

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