Can we take a sec for the girl in the pic? I took that pic btw. I didn't like her about 6 months ago. I can tell she's a great girl. Whatever.
Mi novio me despertó a las 2:14 de la mañana pero no alcance a contestar la llamada. Abrí su mensaje y me dijo que se había golpeado, en todo el día no me había respondido. I messaged my best friend Flor, telling what my horoscope said about this month, and it said that my sex life would be -very- active. I pictured the last Friday night at my man's place. He placed his hands on my body, but I let him do it, because hours before he placed his mind on mine, paying attention to every word I said. "La Libertad" no es un lindo bar, es más bien un lugar donde los señores van a ahogar sus desgracias y terminan dormidos justo afuera, pero esa noche fue bastante agradable. Para empezar, una cerveza, después subimos el volumen a dos caballitos de tequila, terminamos con una "quemadita" aunque no me guste el ron, estaba bien, y me mato.
I'd like to say that night happened something remarkable, but all we did was kiss. The light of his room was weak, so was I. I remember my head spinning, my thoughts too; worried, I sat on the couch thinking wether go back to home or not. It wouldn't be the first time I spent the night out of my house, also it wouldn't be the first night I stay with him. He sat on the bed, staring at me. I took place beside him, with one hand he grabbed one of mine, and with the other gently touched my face.
Una semana después mi horóscopo se cumplió. That's all I have to say.