Chapter 6 - PBJ&N

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That was the first thing that came up in my mind when we reached the house. Jordan said it belonged to Hunter's friend, Leo Court. Apparently, his parents are out of town and so he couldn't resist throwing a party. The house was huge. It reminded me of those fancy penthouses or condos. But this house was ten times better. Jordan parked the car and I could hear the music. Some people were outside on the front lawn, making out or looking drunk. My eyes made my way to the door, where two people were standing and talking. It was Hunter and most likely Leo.

"Want me to take you to the door?" Jordan asked. I swallowed.

"Um. Sure." I said. How embarrassing would it be for me to show up with my older brother? I guess Jordan must've read my thoughts because he started laughing.

"I won't humiliate you, don't worry. Let's go." He got out of the car and hesitantly, I followed. We walked up to the door and I stood close to Jordan, worried that some drunk person would kidnap me or something.

Yeah, I'm not really good with parties..

Hunter looked up and his eyes sparkled when he saw me. He smiled but just as quick as it came, it left. His smile formed into his signature, cocky smirk.

"Glad you could make it, Hero." He said. "Meet Leo. The host of this badass party." I looked at Leo. He had dark skin and he was wearing a black tank with black jeans. He had dark brown hair and it was looking like a really small afro. He said hello and I said hi back. Hunter's eyes danced from me to Jordan. His smug look disappeared as he looked at Jordan. I watched the two have a stare off.

"What are you doing here?" Hunter asked Jordan. I was a bit surprised. Do these two know each other? Hunter tried to look intimidating but he seemed more nervous. Why would he be scared of Jordan? I felt Jordan's arm go around my waist and he pulled me closer, like he was protecting me.

"Well, seeing as my baby sister needed a ride, and our eight year old can't drive, I had to take the opportunity." Jordan said, with this devilish smile on his face. Hunter backed off a bit. He looked at me.

"Jordan Felicity is your brother? Can't you drive yourself?" He asked me, a bit surprised. How did he know my brother's name? I was so confused.

"Oh, uh, yeah and yeah. I just didn't want to drive.." I said. Hunter gave me this look, and I guess Jordan must have noticed because his grip around my waist had tightened. I knew how to drive. I was pretty good at it too. But ever since the incident with Melanie, I choose not too. The last time I drove was when it was for getting my license.

Leo excused himself as he had a party to host. But I swear he had this look of relief after he managed to get out of this awkward situation. Hunter moved his hand to his neck and started scratching it. He gave me this half-shy and half-awkward look.

"So, do you want to come in? I can show you around." He had this look in his eyes that made me melt, but also made me wonder whether he's actually being nice or he's just trying to get in my pants. I looked at Jordan, giving him a look that told him, 'I can handle myself, you can go.' He understood. He moved his arm away and sighed.

"Be careful and have fun." He said, emotionless. Then he stomped off to his car and drove away. Shocked at his behaviour, I kept staring into the street he had just drove off in. I felt a hand grab ahold of mine. My head jerked around to face Hunter. I looked at his hand and I was terrified. What was he going to do?

I guess he saw my worried face because he smirked. Again.

"Don't worry Butterfly, I'm only showing you around." His words made me feel great. He walked inside and I followed, my hand pressed against his. It made me feel warm and tingly. I'm holding his hand!

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