Chapter 1 - All My Fault

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Today was the big day. It's usually not a big deal, but it was for me. My first day of twelfth grade at a brand new school in an entire new city. I moved from NYC to California and it has been a huge change. I walked out of the bathroom after getting ready. I brushed my long, black hair. I had blueish-grey eyes and I was wearing a turquoise T-Shirt with khaki shorts. The weather has never been so hot before and it would take some time to get use to. I grabbed my white backpack and picked up my black and white sneakers and ran downstairs.

"Hero! You're late, and on the first day! Hurry up!" Mum yelled when she saw me. Yeah, I know. My name is Hero. Hero Celestia Felicity. Unusual, right?

"Sorry! It won't happen again." I said.

Mum rolled her eyes. "It better not."

I ran to the mirror and looked at myself.

"First day, first day. Should I tie may hair? Or leave it open? What will people say? Will they call me ugly? Oh, I don't know! Ugh." I said to myself.

"Hey, talking to yourself again?" A male voice said behind me. I had a very bad habit of talking to myself, out loud. A lot.

"Not the best time, dad." I said, not turning around to face him.

"Dad is at work, Hero. He left hours ago." I hear a quiet laugh. I turn around and see my older brother, Jordan. Who I haven't seen in months. He had perfect dark brown hair and grey eyes like mine, but they were more green than blue. His eyes were dark, just like mine. He smiled with his perfect white teeth. He was wearing a plain black tee and a normal pair of jeans.

"JORDAN!" I screamed with joy and ran to hug him. "When did you get here!? I thought you weren't coming 'til next week!"

"Haha, they let me out early. Silver Eagle University is pretty crazy sometimes."

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, H! So first day, huh? What's the place called again?"

"Maxwell High School. Named after the principal. Home of the owls."

"It can't be that bad!"

"Are you crazy!? What if they hate me!? What if they make fun of me? Oh my god! What if they make fun of me so much that I get depressed and go crazy and suicide and send a blast of negativity and sadness and pain in Maxwell High and everyone gets depressed and the entire world goes mad and everyone kills themselves and the school is done for and the world ends all because of me!? Or what if they-"

"Whoa, whoa! Slow down there, Hero! You're overreacting, don't over think, you'll hyperventilate.. Today will be a great day, just watch! I promise."

I took a deep breath. "Okay, I guess you're right. I just need to relax and calm down. I'll be fine. Totally fine! Haha! Yeah.."

"That's my girl. Have a great day! I gotta go unpack, I'm here for two weeks! Bye!" Jordan kissed my forehead then headed up. Mum gave me a sandwich and told me to eat it on the walk to school. My little brother, Legend, was eating cereal, he was in third grade, and his school starting an hour later than mine. I was about to walk out the door when I noticed a picture on the wall of our family. I took a good long look.

Mum, dad, Jordan, me, Legend.. And Melanie. Right in the middle. Boy, do I miss her..

Suddenly, I had a rapid flashback.

"Louder! Louder!" I yelled! Melanie laughed.

"How much!?" She yelled back.

"Crank it up all the way, baby!"

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