Chapter 12 - A Not So Nice Surprise

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Once we arrived at Blake's house, I dashed for the door and I even tried opening it before remembering that it wasn't my house.

"Whoa, slow down eager beaver. I know I'm sexy but the bed can wait." Blake said, flashing me a grin. I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the way as he unlocked the front door and stepped inside. I quickly followed with the others and as the door shut I collapsed onto the first couch I saw.

"Wow.." I hear a soft voice say. Definitely Anastasia's.

"Hm?" I mumbled, I had closed my eyes mentally planning on how to start with my important story.

I got up and realized what she was so awed by. This house was huge and absolutely gorgeous. It looked very retro but at the same time elegant, with dark, fancy wallpaper all around and a nice dark brown wooden floor to add the touch. The house itself looked very old. As if a mansion was made of the same material as a cottage in the forest would be. It was the most cozy looking place I have ever stepped foot in.

"Blake!" I exclaimed, standing up.

He flinched, clearly startled by my sudden outburst. "What?!"

"Why didn't you tell me you had such a lovely, beautiful home?!" I demanded.

He simply shrugged and Logan snorted.

"You should see this place tomorrow morning." Logan spoke, excitedly.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked and as soon as she did Blake let out an annoyed groan.

"Logan is throwing a party in my house. Again." He said.

I blinked. A party? We can't have a party! I have important news to tell them!

"Guys. I really need to tell you something." I spoke, my voice a bit rough. They all looked at me, staying silent, waiting for me to continue.
"It's about Hunter... Today he-"


Are you kidding me?!

Logan looked at me apologetically has he answered his phone.

"Hey man." He said. I gave him an impatient look. He looked right back at me. "Yeah, she's here. We got her all locked up." Logan gave me a devilish grin before laughing. "I'm just kidding! Dude, you gotta dip whatever you're doing and get your ass here. Party tonight." I sighed. Who is he talking to? Why did he look at me. "Where do you think it would be? My house? Ha! Get your ass to Blake's. It's gonna be killer."

"It wasn't my idea!" Blake yelled. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Sure thing... Yeah whatever!... Dude! You know me! If it's important I won't bark!... Right, okay. Catch ya soon, bro." With that, Logan hung up his phone.

I was the first to speak. "Who was that?"

Logan gave me a look. "You know, Stone?"

I furrowed up my eyebrows. "Who?"

Logan rolled his eyes. "Ethan Kellings."

"Oh! He's in two of my classes. What about him?"

"I texted him about the party and he asked about you." He said, an evil smirk on his face.

I blushed. "Oh."

"He's into you, but don't trust him too much." Blake said.

"How come? He's pretty sweet in English."

"Yeah, well, he likes to keep a low profile. Can't tell you how many girls he banged." Logan spoke, jokingly.

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