Finally at the Toppermost

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Chapter 5: Finally at the Toppermost

Flashback 9 Nov 1961

The past 5 months of my life have been pretty eventful. The Beatles, of course, have been making there way up to the top. Ritchie and I's relationship has been really strong so far, I swear he's perfect for me. Paul and I finally moved into a little apartment together, it's not the greatest, but we make it work. And finally, Brianna finally persuaded me to embrace my musical abilities, so I started writing more of my own stuff and performing it at the Cavern during open-mic nights. Of course, Paul and the lads don't know that though.

Today Ritchie, Bri and I are spending part of the day to watch The Beatles perform at their lunchtime show. Ritchie has become closer to the lads which makes me happy. I honestly feel like he'd be better off being the drummer for The Beatles. He's too talented to still be with Rory and them, also I feel like Pete's been slacking off a bit with his drumming.

"Pam, Pam, stop daydreaming, the lads are up to perform now." Bri snapped me out of my thoughts to look up to see the lads on the stage.

Ritchie held onto my hand, "What were ya daydreamin' about?"

I shrugged, "Just a little bit of everything, more or less song lyrics."

He nodded and we all focused on the stage to watch them perform Twist and Shout. They continued playing other songs like Roll Over Beethoven, Matchbox, Hippy Hippy Shake, and etc. While they were performing I noticed this man, he seemed to have been in his late 20s, dressed up all formal in a suit and tie, watching the lads perform then looking over at us. After they were finished performing Bri, Ritchie and I were talking when the man walked over to our table.

"Excuse me miss, I'm sorry to bother you. You just look very much like the bass player of the band that's performing and I had to come over and talk to you."

I looked over at Bri, then back at the man. "Well yes, Paul, the bass player of that band is my twin brother. I'm Pam McCartney by the way and you are.."

He smiled lightly, holding his hand out for me to shake it. "Brian Epstein, of the NEMS record store. Pleasure to meet you. Anyway, I've seen poster around town and pictures of The Beatles in magazines and I had to come see them perform. From their show so far I see great potential in them, do you know if they happen to have a manager?"

I shook my head, "No they don't. John Lennon, the leader of the group, he's in charge of everything with the band."

He nodded, then we saw the owner of the Cavern walk on stage. "Well, since our next act called in for a last minute cancelation is there anyone out there at would like to come perform?"

I sunk into my chair a bit, as much as I wanted to I couldn't with the lads being here. "Right here! She'll perform!"

I looked up to see Bri pointing at me to the owner. I turned to her, "Brianna, the lads are here, I can't perform."

"Oh come on Pam, you're just as good as Paul. Anyway, you haven't performed your newest song yet."

Mr. Epstein turned to me, "You're also a musician? If you don't mind I would very much enjoy to watch you perform as well."

Ritchie gripped my hand tightly, "Go ahead love, show 'em what you got."

I stood up and looked at Brianna, "I'm gonna get ya later for this."

She stuck her tongue out at me. Then I walked towards the stage, going into the back where the lads are. I walked over to Paul and picked up his acoustic guitar. "Can I borrow this real quick?"

He gave me the strangest look before nodding back. "Umm sure? What do ya need it for?"

I pulled the guitar over myself while walking towards the stage. "You'll see."

Walking onto the stage I saw that the owner was still standing there. "And here's one of our usuals during our open-mic nights. Everyone I present to you Pam McCartney!"

As the owner walked off the stage I headed over to the microphone. "Hiya everyone. Well I wasn't really expecting to perform today, but here am I. Anyway, here's the newest song I wrote, it's called The Real Me."

I looked down at the crowd then opened my mouth and began to sing. It was a rush to finally perform on stage.

I strummed the last chord on the guitar before hearing applause from the crowd. I smiled and walked off the stage as the owner came back up, "Ladies and gentleman that was Pam McCartney."

I walked back stage, putting Paul's guitar away before walking back out to see all the lads talking with Mr. Epstein. Sitting back down at my seat at the table Ritchie wrapped his arm around me.

"That song was deep there love, how'd it feel performing with the lads here?"

"It felt good, I finally got that off my chest."

Brianna turned to me, "You should 'ave seen the look on Paul's face when ya walked on the stage. It was bloody priceless!"

Before long George walked over to me, "Can you come over with us for a minute please?"

I glanced over at Bri and Ritchie and they gave me a nod back. Standing up I walked with George over to where Paul, John, Pete and Mr. Epstein were.

"Hello lads, Mr. Epstein."

Mr. Epstein smiled back, "Call me Brian, please. Anyway, I was talking to your brother and the others about managing them, they told me they were highly considering it and we'll be meeting again soon to discuss more. Now after your performance I see you're as talented as them. You wrote that song yourself?"

I gave a small nod.

"Well then, would you also consider me managing you as well? I can see both The Beatles and yourself going very far in the future."

Looking over at Paul and John they gave me this mixed emotions look. George on the other hand gave me more of a supportive look. And Pete wasn't really paying attention. As much as I wanted to follow what my mind was telling me, I listened to what my heart told me.

"Brian, as much as I'd love to accept your offer I'm going to decline it. The Beatles are more talented than I am. I love making music, but I don't think I could make it a career. Music is Paul's thing and photography's mine. Thank you very much for the offer though."

He gave me this somewhat sympathetic look, "I understand completely. Well then, I'll see you lads soon. Pam, if you ever change your mind please don't hesitate to rethink my offer. It was a pleasure meeting you all." After that he left, I looked at Paul then started to walk away. He grabbed onto my wrist before I got that far.

"Why didn't ya tell me you could play like that and that you write yer own stuff?"

I shrugged, "I really didn't want to. And how I told Brian music is yer thing, not mine. I didn't want to interfere with you and the band and your music."

It went quiet for a minute until he spoke up, "The song was about me, wasn't it? Wait, I can already tell it was. I know what you're thinkin'."

I let out this annoyed sigh, 'Why do we have to be twins? Why do we have to be able to know each others thoughts and all that?"

"It was, partially. Now if you excuse me I'm goin' to go back with my boyfriend now."

He grabbed onto me again, "No you don't, we're not done here. Let me finish talkin' first. Anyway, the song was really good, Pam. Ya got a lot of talent that I didn't even know you had. I guess what I'm tryin' to say is, I'm proud of you. And you can pursue music as a career if ya want, I won't be mad."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around me into a hug. "Thank you, but I'm still gonna stick with photography for now. Maybe one day I'll go into music. Anyway, I have a feeling that Brian can help get The Beatles to the toppermost of the poppermost."

He grinned, "I feel like he can too, we're finally on our way to the toppermost."


I know that this chapters title wasn't a song lyric, but I felt like it would really work well with how things went.

Peace and Love!

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