|| Destined - First Kiss ||

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Enjoy the chapter. #HappyReading #Cheers.

 Nandini's POV from 9 years ago :

That night I went home dreamy eyed. I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn't stop my lips from curving into a huge smile. I was losing my mind. Suddenly, in between my assignment, I would blush and smile and close my eyes in embarrassment. I could not believe that this was really happening in my life. It was like a sweet thrilling dream.

The next two days I did not see him as I was busy with school. I have classes all day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. My thoughts would betray me and keep going back to him intermittently during my classes. I could not talk about him with my amms, for obvious reasons and Navya would have lectured me to stay away from the playboy. So, for now, the word is Chachi. And anyway, we just talked. Nothing beyond that. But, somehow, it didn't really seem like that. It felt like so much more, like I knew him since forever - that there was a deep undeniable connection somewhere. Isn't that strange?

It was Friday and it was work day. This was going to be my schedule for this semester. I was excited to go to work.

Are you excited to go to work or are you excited to see him? I question myself as I look into the mirror and I wasn't quite sure about the answer. All my life I was so thoughtful and logical. Every action of mine had a reason but what is this? I had no explanation for my wayward thoughts and spontaneous feelings.

I am wearing a white summer short dress and my blue demin blazer over it. Intentionally, I do not wear my charm bracelets. I look at the time and wearing my wedge heels and grabbing by now overlarge sachet, I run out and... then.. run in again. I quickly go to the mirror and apply some more mascara and another coat of my peachy lipstick and finally get out of the apartment.

At work, I made new friends that day. We had started working on our project. We had made a lists of the book drafts that has to be edited for publishing. We were to edit all of them and make a report. Based on the cost and valuation of the author, we were to edit five drafts for each author and there were five authors allotted to us. It was a huge budget project and by the end of the day, as we finished making the list, I was exhausted. More than exhaustion, I guess I was a little disappointed as there was no sign of Mr.Cryptic anywhere. Where did he disappear?

At the cafeteria, after the rush hour, I was sitting at the counter with one my assigned novels, trying to edit for the class. The assignment was to make an alternate Epilogue . My professor was a really passionate guy. It was so romantic when he said write something from your everyday life. It could be a emotion, it could be a fact or a fantasy. But, it has to have a unique perspective, something that everybody else 'looks at' but does not 'see.'

I kept looking at the coffee cup on the counter to see anything hidden in it that nobody else other than me than find. There were scratches on the bottom that you couldn't see unless you look really, really close. Argh! What am I doing!

I put the cup away and look around bored.

I feel him before I see him. The most handsome guy in the world just walked into my cafe. I wonder if he is just walking into the cafe or into my life - my heart? One look at him and I know the answer. How can a guy I didn't know a week back, have such an affect on me? And he really is much more than what I had been imagining. I guess I hadn't captured his beautiful face in all it's essence and glory. He was wearing formals again - a beige colored shirt, work trousers, the same laptop bag and that killer attitude I so vividly remember. All my life, I liked humble, modest and down-to-earth then why this sudden fall for arrogance and attitude?

|| ENDLESS LOVE || -- A MaNan FFWhere stories live. Discover now