Chapter 3: Truth

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I own nothing
Chapter 3: Order of Seers
I let out a sigh of relief as the students set off back home. The less people who are around me, the better. I went over to the chalkboard Joey had flipped and began writing down some clues I had discovered while studying that tome in the library while Jay slept peacefully on a stalk of finished work paper (don't ask, I'm good at multitasking). I looked at the new clues in culmination with the old ones before throwing the chalk down in frustration. It didn't make sense! None of the pieces were lining up! I'm getting nowhere, I have to conger that potion before the power in my cloak wears out. I sighed before sliding down to the floor. I stared at the ceiling in depression.
"Maybe I should just surrender. I'll never find the ward at this rate. At least then it won't consume my every thought," Suddenly, I felt a warm breeze brush my ear, it was as if it were him chuckling into it. I also felt the fiery graze of his claws over my belly. No.
I stood up with renewed determination.
He may be able to try a seduce me with sweet caresses and lustful kisses in my dreams, but in reality, I had managed to outsmart him not once, but twice. I couldn't let him get to me. I went back to the board and began reviewing the clues again. With a calmer more determined mind, I was finally able to see the connection.
Unfortunately, it was not a good one.
"I have to go there!? I can't! He'll know right away! No, no, I just have to be relational, if I wipe up a disguise, I can gather the items I need," as I plotted with myself, I heard Jay suddenly bound to his paws, hissing menacingly and pupils dilating. I knew exactly what this meant. I quickly pulled the hood of my cloak over my head and grabbed the crossbow hidden in a secret compartment in the desk. Loading it with a specially poisoned arrows, I put my guard up.
"Sniff them out Jay. Where are they hiding?"
The blind tom jumped off the desk and scratched at the door. Curious, I opened it and watched as he bolted out of the building...
In the same direction as Yugi and the others.
"Oh no," I raced down the street, hesitation lost on me. If anything happened to those kids, it would be my fault since the seekers were looking for me! I finally caught up to Jay and found the group surrounded by a pack of monster dogs.
"Sending your guard dogs to do the job? You underestimate me,"
The dogs attacked, one grabbing hold of Tristan and another lunging at Yugi. Jay managed to knock Yugi's attacker off his path while I immediately shot the one on top of Tristan and then the other. Once I was certain they were dead, I looked over the group.
"Ms (Y/N)?!" Tea asked in confusion.
"Everyone alright?" Joey was currently helping Tristan stand.
"He got bit by that thing!" I bit my lip. I was the only one able to treat his injuries, and if I didn't, he'd...I motioned with my hand for the others to follow.
"My apartment's not far, I can treat him there,"
"Shouldn't we go to the hospital!?" Yugi suggested. I shook my head.
"They don't have anything that could save your friend, but I do. Now hurry up! We don't have a lot of time!"
They finally followed me and we rushed to my building. Joey of course was interrogating me the whole way.
"What the hell were those things!?"
"Hellhounds!? You mean one of those freaky monsters you were talking about?!"
"That is correct Joey,"
"So you were hiding something!"
"Not the time!"
"I bet you really are a witch! Why save us from your pets then!?"
"I'm very much human Joey, but unless you shut your trap and focus on running, your friend might not be soon!"
That got him to be quiet long enough to get back to the apartment and apply some potion I had learned to make in Guatemala to Tristan's injury. The wound sealed and healed over as if it had never been there and I sighed in relief.
"He'll be fine, he just needs rest," Joey then wasted no time jumping.
"Good! Now start talking! If you didn't sick those beasts on us, why did they attack us? And what's really going?" I looked over to Tea and Yugi, both of whom looked to want answers. I capitulated.
"Alright, what I'm about to tell you cannot leave this room. The more people that know, the worse it will be. Just telling you this will put your lives in danger. Knowing that, do you want me to continue?" They nodded.
"All those monsters I mentioned in that lecture, every myth and fairy tale you have ever known exists. Monsters are real," Tea shook her head violently.
"That's insane!"
"You saw it with your own eyes, those hellhounds are only one breed of monster in this world,"
"Then, how come other people don't see the monsters!?" Yugi asked.
"Two reasons: first, the monsters have their own realm, the Shadow Realm. There, they go about their lives as we would do here, it just so happens they cross into our world in order to gain sustenance since food in of itself isn't enough,"
"What do they eat then?" Joey voice shook.
"A number of things: human emotions, humans in general, moonlight. Different monster, different sustenance. The second reason why no one knows about this is because there is a society that works to prevent the interaction between the Human and Shadow Realms. I'm a member of that society," I took off my necklace which was a traditional Chinese dragon wrapped around a dagger, before placing it back on.
"My father was a member and notice my talent in seeing the monsters from a young age,"
"Seeing them?
"The human mind is a strange thing Yugi, it does things to protect us, wether it be distorting an image or warping a sound. My father began to train me to join the order when I grew up...if only he had left me be,"
"What do you mean?" Tea asked in worry. I dropped my gaze.
"I was your age when I went on my first mission. I was the youngest person to do so. We had been tasked by the leaders to interpret an ancient time in the deeps of a tomb. When we arrived, I managed to decipher the text and found it was a sealing spell. However, it set off a booby trap that destroyed the floor beneath us and I became separated from the group. I was rescued by a strange man who said he was part of the expedition. He was handsome and charming and very kind...had I had the knowledge I do, I would've seen right through his act,"
"He was a monster?" Tea deduced.
"An Incubus to be precise. He seduced me with sweet words and fell right into his trap. I slowly let my guard down and before I knew it..." I revealed my left shoulder from beneath the cloak. They gasped as they saw a bite mark distorted into the form of a dragon. I shuddered at the memory of his fangs plunging into my shoulder, how I had been powerless to stop him, and how I'd almost relished in the feeling of it.
"He marked as his mate. I could do anything. Luckily, the rest of the group found us before the ritual was complete. However, the damage was done, he had a claim on me now, and incubi never stop perusing their prey once they have a claim. Things only got worse,"
"Doesn't sound like it could," Joey retorted.
"If he had been a normal incubus, we could've killed him and that would be the end of it, even though we prefer not to kill. However, with my luck, he turned out to be the king of the Shadow Realm, the most powerful of all monsters. There was nothing the rest of the group could do. He went on, stating the nerve of them for interrupting the marking ritual and how he would take me to his realm as his mate and queen, as was his right,"
"How'd you escape though!?" Joey shouted.
"I did the only thing I could think of: I challenged him to a game of hide and seek. If he won, I'd go willingly, if I won, he'd revoke his claim. I knew he wouldn't play fair, so neither did I. When he found me, I had already found the tome and spoke the incantation aloud, sealing him within the pages. I thought that was the end of it,"
"I'm guessing it wasn't,"
"No, 2 years later, he started haunting my dreams, telling me I could hide, that I had to be punished for defying my mate and king, that one way or another, he'd have what he wanted. My father called upon the power of the order and this cloak was given to me. It was used during ancient times to conceal members from monsters when they needed to be studied. It's the only reason why he hasn't found me, but..."
"But?" Yugi asked.
"It's power was meant to be used in short bursts, not full time. At this rate, it's power will cease and they'll be nothing to protect me then. Well except Jay. With his blind eyes, he's able to not be confused by the distortion and is able to the locate the monsters before they attack, it's how I knew you were in trouble. However, that can't save me from him. It's why I've been looking for the ingredients to an ancient potion that can ward monsters away from a single person forever. It's what you saw on that chalkboard in the museum,"
"I see, one more question," Tea requested.
"What does this guy want from you?" I rubbed my hand in embarrassment.
"Not sure, but my best guess is...children,"
"HUH?!" They screeched in disbelief.
"Yeah, according to old research, monsters who take human mates sometimes target members of the order since our ability to see them clearly proves we have powerful reserve magic, which ends with us producing equally strong children. Since I was so quick in discovering my powers, the leaders believe I have the most reserve magic of any human in recorded history. He must've sensed it somehow and decided if he took me as a mate, we'd produce some insanely powerful offspring,"
Their jaws hung in disbelief as I clenched my fists.
"I refuse to be subjected to such a fate! I'll find that potion and make sure he can't even lay a claw on me!"
Yugi shook his head, as if to shake off the bad thoughts.
"You keep referring to the incubus as he, don't you know his name?"
"Yes, but if you repeat it without protection, he'll find me, so don't repeat this!
His Yami,"

Incubus!Yami x Reader: Run and HideWhere stories live. Discover now