Chapter 10: A Debt Repaid?

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Ok, so this may have been up sooner if not for Hurricane Irma. Oh well.
I own nothing.
Chapter 10: Your Choice
It had been 2 weeks since my daughter had disappeared, and now we were making a charged to the Demon King's castle. (Y/N)'s friends or students had proven to be somewhat capable with weapons and were easy enough to prepare for battle, though I had doubts in letting them come.
Oh well.
We eventually made it to the castle perimeter, (without being detected thanks to concealment spells) when Joey touched my shoulder.
"So what's the plan?" I grunted.
"We sneak in, find (Y/N), and get out,"
"Good plan," Yugi coughed.
"Maybe we should specify how we get in?"
"The underground network runs throughout the castle. It's the perfect way to sneak in undetected," a random member assured. I nodded.
"Then let's get a move then,"
Don't worry sweetie, we're coming to save you,"
These last few weeks have actually been rather pleasant. Yami no longer forced me to wear that ridiculous maid outfit and we began to talk more about the Shadow Realm. There was so much about it that the Order didn't understand, like how some of the isle moved randomly from place to place. I found it all so fascinating and Yami seemed to enjoy my curiosity. That was the problem: I was a prisoner here, I shouldn't feel comfortable with all this, yet I was. Being with Yami, talking to him like a normal person, it felt right all of a sudden. My greatest fear was realized:
I was falling in love with him.
I tried to shake it of, say I was just delusional, but that in of itself was a delusion. I decided to distract myself by studying the many books in the library. Since the incident, many doors had been open to me, metaphorically and literally. Just as I was really starting to immerse myself in the text, I heard explosions and the sound of angry men and monsters. One of the gargoyles rushed by.
"Remain here your highness! The Order has invaded the castle!"
The Order? There was no possible way the high council would risk lives just to save me, unless my dad was really creative in his persuasion. Once the room was empty, 4 familiar figures walked in.
"(Y/N)!" Tea joyfully yelled as I was hugged by her, Yugi, Tristan, and Joey.
"What are you lot doing here?"
"Came to save you teach!" Joey explained. "Couldn't let that debt go unpaid," Tristan looked at me.
"Your dad is distracting the monsters while we get you out!"
I heard more battle cries and ran to the window. The monster forces had managed to push the Order through the gates, but both sides were taking heavy casualties. In the midst of it all, I saw Yami and my father fighting head to head. Yami looked badly injured, but he didn't seem to be fighting at his full strength while dad was pulling no punches. Why wasn't Yami fighting back!? Was it because he was fighting my father?! I knew I couldn't leave him to suffer after he had saved my life. I bolted to the gates, the pleas of the students deaf to me. I rushed into battle, desperately weaving through the bloodthirsty troops. I reached out to my mate and father when a shield bashed my side, sending me flying off the edge of the island, knocking the wind out of me in the process. I clawed at the ground and flailed my legs against nothing, trying to get back onto the island. A shadow fell over me. It was a brutish looking member of the Order, in his meaty hand, a shield which had sent me over the edge. He chuckled.
"Sorry it had to be this way (Y/N). The High Council member said we couldn't risk that demon doing this again and succeeding. Nothing personal. Now do us all a favor and die," his foot dug into my hand and I screamed, my cries drowned out by the battle. He snarled and raised his shield, intent on bashing my head in, when a familiar snarl rang out.
Yami POV
From the start of the attack, (Y/N)'s father attack relentlessly. I couldn't bring myself to raise my hand against the father of the woman I loved, so I did my best to tire him out until he gave up. This tactic resulted in my bleeding in several locations and leaving me woozy. He growled.
"Why won't you fight!?" He demanded. I said nothing as I stopped his sword dead in it's tracks. Then I saw something:
It was very fast so I couldn't make out the form, but it was a gray and blue color and was fairly small compared to my other warriors. However it was large enough to get my attention.
And turn my attention to the man about to push my mate over the island. I roared and charged, leaving (D/N) in the dust. I pounced and sent the fool and myself over the edge, his terrified screams fading quickly. I then saw (Y/N) fall to, unconscious and her head bleeding. I wasted no time flying to her side and cradling her frail form. My strength was fading quickly, so I scanned the area for a place to land when that same light passed my eye and pointed me towards a small wandering island. I glided desperately to the edge and crashed into a small lagoon fed by a waterfall. With the remainder of my strength, I pulled myself and my beloved to the shore and laid there.
I woke up feeling cold and wet. Regaining my eyesight, I saw my body laying next to a lake and  a terribly injured Yami. His shirt was destroyed, revealing many open wounds (among other things), and he was breathing unevenly. I crawled to him.
One of his purple eyes opened and he smiled.
"Hey beautiful. Sorry you have to see me in this state,"
I began tending to his injuries, using his ruined shirt and parts of my shirt to bandage the wounds. I began to panic.
"We need a medic,"
I, of course, knew healing magic, but Yami's species wouldn't match the magic and would do more harm than good, this island was obviously deserted, and waiting for the island to pass a habited one would take too long! There had to be something I could do to stop him from bleeding out!...Wait, there was!...
But it wasn't gonna come without a price.
I took off my shirt and crawled on top of him while his eyes widen in disbelief.
"(Y/N), what are you doing?"
"You need to restore your strength, you will die if we don't,"
"No! I can't let you!" He began to push me away.
"You've saved my life twice now, let me save yours!" He grabbed my arms.
"I won't let you go through with this just because you think you have a debt to pay to me!" I grabbed his face in return and chuckled.
"You think that's the only reason? Your denser than I thought. Here's a hint incubus: you were right," I kissed him straight on. He tensed for a second before melting into it and trying to gain entry into my mouth. I let him in and our tongues danced for a bit before his pinned mind down. He then flipped us so that he was the one on top, a sign his strength was already starting to return. He put his forehead to mine.
"This is that last chance you have to say you don't want this. Once we do this, there is no going back," I kissed his nose.
"Just don't make me regret it," he chuckled and kiss my forehead, his fangs glittering in the light of the lagoon.
"As you wish my queen,"
That night, I finally surrendered to the one who had been hunting me, though maybe that's too harsh a term. I wanted to save him, but after talking to him, learning who he really was and how kind and noble a king he had been, I wasn't doing this out of obligation, but love for someone I truly knew.
Though I wish someone would've warned me he wouldn't let me sleep until late into the night, and I'm fairly sure it was the afternoon when we started.
I can't help but feel this is rushed. Sorry guys😅! Anyways, were coming up on a very interesting part of the story that I hope you'll love! Anyways, you know the rules, if you want to write a lemon or a lime for this chapter, just send me a link and I'll put it up in an author's note for everyone to see because I am too wimpy to write it myself😅! Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

Incubus!Yami x Reader: Run and HideWhere stories live. Discover now