Chapter 9: Past Pain

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I own nothing but the plot
Chapter 9: A Rift between Friends
Yami carried me back to my room, silent all the way. For an odd reason, I wasn't uncomfortable in his arms, whether it be his aphrodisiac aura or the fact he had saved me from having my throat torn open, I didn't know. He placed me gently and materialized some bandages and antiseptics. He placed a cotton swab into it and brought it to my arm.
"This may sting, so bear with me,"
I hissed as the swab disinfected my bite mark, while Yami continued as gently as he could before gauzing and bandaging the wound.
"That's taken care of, so let's see that ankle,"
He dropped to his knees and began inspecting it, only removing his head when I cried at the pain of contact.
"Well it's definitely dislocated, but I don't think it's broken,"
"Suddenly you're a doctor?" He chuckled.
"All squires are required some form of medical training. I'm going to snap it back into place. On three: 1..." he didn't even say 2 as he forcibly realigned the bone, causing me to jump in pain. I hissed.
"You didn't expect it so it hurt less. You should have a brace," he then conjured up 2 metal bars and made a splint for my injury before standing up and looking at his handiwork.
"There, that should keep you injury in check," I was shocked to my core. He had been surprisingly gentle through the whole process, not once even making a lecherous comment. I tried to ask him why he acted this way, but the words that came out instead were:
"You were a squire? But only the king's children could inherit the crown!"
He rubbed the back of his head, obviously distressed. I covered my mouth.
"I'm sorry, if it's that bad, it's none of my business," he sat down and took my hands into his larger ones.
"No, you're my mate. You have more right than anyone to know. You see, I was the illegitimate child of my predecessor, a son born to an elf,"
"An elf!?" Even by entire messed up life story, elves were incredibly gifted with magic and even more elusive. They were the strongest beings in the Shadow Realm next to the Incubi. Now I understood why Yami was such a powerhouse. If his mother had been an elf, Magic would be natural for him!
"Yes, it would seem dear old dad, even when he had his mate, couldn't help but cross genetics with a elf. In any event, I was a product of the affair, and my mother left me at the castle to be with her own kind,"
"She abandoned you?" I saw the pain in his eyes, the pain of rejection and betrayal.
"My caretaker told me it was more than likely she wanted nothing to do with a incubi child born from a scandal. So I grew up a squire for the royal guard. My father hardly acknowledged me and my step mother tried every which way to get rid of me. At one point she even tried to poison me,"
"What!? That's terrible! It wasn't your fault that your father decided to reproduce with another woman!" He looked surprised at my defense of him. I couldn't blame, even I was surprised at my own words. He smiled and continued.
"Well, the attempts only got worse and worse until she mysteriously died," his tone was different. He sounded exactly the same, but my sixth sense told me I wasn't being told the whole truth.
"What happened to her?"
"The guards said it was most likely a Gorgon in a blood lust that accidentally turned her to stone, though the guilty party was never found," he was lying. Something told me he had orchestrated the entire event. I mean the king's mate being assassinated and the guilty party getting away? Gorgon weren't even that fast! And yet, I could ridicule him. He was being terrorized by this monster, and no one would stand up for him, so he took the logical route: kill or be killed.
"My father barely batted an eye, he had harem large enough to fill the palace," his voice was laced with venom. "But my situation began to change. He suddenly became more interested in me and had his tutors School me in many arts and studies. Suddenly, I went from being a verbal punching bag, to having the respect of my peers. I even had a friend in my half-brother. We would spar everyday, growing stronger and enjoying life together. Everyday he would tell me I would be his right hand man and captain of the royal guard. Those were probably the happiest moments I had before I met you," He reminisced like someone remember a fond dream which brought them so much joy.
"What happened?" His fists clenched and his teeth ground together.
"As time went on, my tutors began me making remarkable progress in my studies and my combat skills. My elfin blood they told me was the most likely cause. And then the day came. Do you know of the Day of the Blue Sun?"
"Isn't that the time when a king will appoint a crown prince?"
"Yes, I assumed my brother would be named. But when the time came, he called on both of us," I suddenly realized where the story was going.
"He said that while my brother was the rightful king by birth, he believed I was the stronger one, the one smart enough and more worthy to be king. I think he found out about what I did to his mate, and he didn't care. Only that I had been clever enough not to get caught," I was liking Yami's dad less and less as this story went on.
"What did you do?" His eyes darkened with sadness.
"My brother was furious. He had said I had betrayed him. I tried to explain I had no idea father would do this, but he attacked me, and I had no choice but to defend myself,"
"You defeated him didn't you?" He nodded.
"The moon was blue by the time the battle was over and father declared me future king. I tried to reason with him, but my brother attacked me from behind. Father grabbed him by the neck, calling him a cowardly worm and unworthy for not accepting defeat with grace. He said the castle was no longer his home, and should he return during his rule, he would be executed. He left terrible scars on his chest as a sign of his exiled and cast him out. As he left, he swore vengeance on me, claiming he would take everything I loved as compensation,"
I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I didn't realize how much pain Yami had been hiding being that flirtatious ego. Instead I had focused on what he was, instead of who he was. I then thought about his half brother: sworn to take everything he loved. An old friendship. It then clicked in my head.
"Bakura is your brother, isn't he?" He nodded.
"So what happened?"
"I was raised to be the crown prince under the watchful gaze of my father. He told me I should forget matehood and concentrate my efforts on producing powerful heirs with whom I knew would bare them. Everyday I grew to hate him more and more, and on his deathbed, I swore to his corpse that I would be everything he wasn't. When I became king, I found out about my father's ill treatment of the people, from taxation to guard brutality. I made an announcement, denouncing my father as a ruthless tyrant and a being worth of the title monster. It took a few years, but I managed to undo most of the damage and disband that harem of his. Though, a toll was taken on my mind and I was considering not searching for my mate in order to prevent my father's blood from continuing. A fitting end for a bastard child,"
"So what changed your mind?"
"I was visited in a dream by a blue entity. It told me I was destined for a wonderful mate who would carry the burden of my hardships. At first I didn't believe it, but it told me more, of how my mate, though unwilling at first, would look past my flawed exterior and be loyal to me. I guess it was the loyalty which convinced me to even gaze upon you,"
I could believe it: being rejected by his mother, his father barely noticing him, taunted by his peers, his brother swearing to kill him, I'd want some loyalty as well.
"When I first found out about you being in the Order I was shocked. How could I be destined for someone like that? But then I watched you for many moons, how you would treat the people you came across with respect, the love you showed to all creatures, even those the world saw as unfit, and the determination to get stronger. I had to be certain, so I took a gamble,"
"The tomb, you wanted to meet in the tomb," he smiled.
"The way you spoke to me like a normal person, you're hopes for a peaceful future, I became convinced. And perhaps in that moment, I became obsessed," he rubbed his head bashfully, like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I pushed him.
"You marked me! You hunted me and gave me no choice in matehood!" He hugged me tightly, as if I'd vanished if he didn't.
"It was wrong, but I couldn't take the risk of someone taking you. So I marked you as mine, so all my subjects would recognize you as my queen," he smirked. "Besides, you had your revenge when you locked me in that book. 2 years without you was hell,"
"Exactly how long were you stalking me for?"
"11 moons? I also approached you once as an animal. Ah the way you held me to your chest that night was heaven on earth," his perverted nature popped back out.
"That was you!? I knew something was wrong when I found that black bunny in my underwear drawer!" I slapped, was playful. He chuckled.
"It's not like I wasn't going to see it eventually love," I turned my back to him and huffed.
"As if I'd let you! I'll admit perhaps you're better than I gave you credit for, but I still refuse to go on with the ceremony," he sighed playfully.
"I figured you would. I wouldn't want to risk aggravating your injury any further anyway. Get some rest heart of my heart," he stood up and gently kissed my forehead, a warm sweet kiss I was probably enjoying too much. He walked to the door and opened it.
"Yami wait!" He turned to me and I became bashful, playing with my (H/C) hair.
"Thank you for saving my life," he smiled.
"Thank you for allowing me to ease my heart. I will come for you in the morning," he closed the door and I laid back on the bed, my heart warm and pumping quickly. What was happening to me? This morning I could barely stand to see that monster who had threaten my friends and taken me from my family, and now I was pitying him?
Pitying was not the right term. I had this urge to be with him, to hear what burdened his heart and mind, to try to make him smile, even if it was that perverted one! Was this really happening?
Was I slowly falling in love with the Incubi I swore to run from?
Wow, I'd like to say this twist only came up as I was writing it. So yeah, Bakura is Yami's half brother and Yami has emotional scars. Will we be seeing his mother and that mysterious entity later on? You tell me! Tell me what you think of this turn of events!

Incubus!Yami x Reader: Run and HideWhere stories live. Discover now