Chapter 13: Jay the Meddler

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I know this is coming out late but school is a total pain and I've been having writer's block
I own nothing
Chapter 13: Intertwined Destinies
Yami POV
I clutched (Y/N) tightly to my chest as the elves circled us, but not daring to step closer to the flames her cat had surrounded us in. I always knew that feline had to be special in some way, the scent was a dead giveaway, but I never imagined he was a deity of any sort. Judging by my beloved's face, she had no idea either.
"Jay! You're a deity!?" The cat nodded and bashfully tied his tail around his front paws.
"Sorry for the lies (Y/N), but I needed to keep an eye on you,"
"I found you digging through my trash!"
"Oh the things I did for you,"
Despite the situation, I chuckled and directed my voice to the cat.
"I always knew there was something off about you," (Y/N) shot me a bewildered look.
"You knew!?"
"I didn't know he was a holy being, but come on (Y/N), what normal blind cat can take down a hellhound 10 times his size?" Her face blanked out and she sweat dropped.
"Good point,"
The old elves cried out for the small cat, probably frustrated their prey was being kept from them by their own guardian.
"Great Guardian! Why do you protect these blasphemers? They must be punished!"
Jay's eyes glowed a fierce blue as he glared in the direction of the withered shrews, his fang bared and his claws digging into the statue's head, as if to prevent himself from pouncing at the old fools.
"Do not speak to me as if I were your familiar! You and your predecessors have committed ultimate treason against your clan! Your hatred of the half bloods has nearly destroyed your people and you dare speak of it as if it were my orders! No more! Yami will be the last half blood you wrongfully persecute!"
The old man led out a loud, fearful gulp. What exactly was this tabby going on about? The spirit let out a loud and sharp meow, pulling the attention of all elves.
"Elves of the Shadow Realm, listen now to your guardian! You have been lied to by your council for generations! I nor any of your other gods have ever called for the destruction of hybrids!"
Gasping broke out among the normal elfin people as the council glared at the cat. Violet looked to him.
"All Seeing Guardian, what do you mean? The council has always stated-"
"The council has been falsely speaking in my name. Long ago, several elves believing in the importance of only pure elfin blood in the clan rose to power. During a terrible season when ice and fire ravaged the lands, these elves claimed the gods were disgusted by the presence of mixed blood and called for their destruction to end the suffering," the tabby's head drooped in shame. "Many innocent lives were lost that season, and from there on, not only were hybrids to be killed on sight, but only those elves with such radically discriminatory ideals were brought onto the council,"
My blood boiled beneath my skin. Everything I had suffered, being abandoned by my mother's race, being force to grow under my monstrosity of a father, all of that was because of some old fools who wanted to keep their blood "clean"?! My "mother", who's face was still twisted with hatred towards me, turn to the cat.
"Guardian! You say the deaths of the hybrids was unnecessary, but their destruction still ended the suffering," the cat hissed at her, turning her face into one of fear.
"Your inexcusable hatred for one who does not deserve it blinds you Lily and poisons your heart! The council of old staged the plagues upon the land in order to persecute the hybrids! The council continued to say everything they had done was in my name, but in truth, I had already abandoned such a despicable race. My voice became silent and the tree began to wilt without my presence,"
"Why did you abandon us when it was council who turned against you!?" One voice cried out.
"I could not change the minds of your people. Even if I had sent a sign, the council would have hidden it or purposefully misinterpreted it. The only reason I am able to stand before you once again is (Y/N),"
"Me?" She asked, clearly confused. The feline nodded.
"I cannot appear in the Shadow Realm if there is such hatred in my people's heart. The human world is easier since there is less magic to push me away, but here I am unable to take form. Your understanding and love of your mate are enough for me to take form here on sacred ground,"
"But why appear to us now? Surely you could've sooner!" I demanded.
"Because this has been my intention since the moment you were born Yami. I knew that I could save the elves through you,"
"What do you mean by that?"
"When you were born, I saw a possible future for you filled with sorrow and suffering, but I also saw potential for greatness. I altered your destiny so that you and (Y/N) would meet,"
"You were the voice in my dreams!?"
"Yes, I also manipulated the Order's council so that (Y/N) would be in the tomb that day and after you had marked her, I took this form to protect her from all sides," (Y/N) glared at the cat.
"So we've been your puppets all along? Just some toys for you to manipulate!"
"I made it so you and Yami would meet, I did not lead him to you, nor did I force you to fall in love with him. I even gave you the means to repel him. I only made it so you'd meet, the rest was in your hands as I wanted you to have a choice,"
"But why?" I asked. "Why go to all that trouble!?"
"Yami, you are king of this realm, and as such, king of these people, your people, as well," I growled.
"They are not my people," his brow raised.
"So you would leave them to die out?" My voice was silent. I couldn't honestly say I would enjoy seeing them die out one by one.
"I knew eventually your union would bring you here, there I would be able to expose the corruption and save the clan," Violet stared.
"Surely even you couldn't have guessed that they would be driven here by the Order!"
"I had a feeling, the Order's council had been in league with the Elfin council from the start after all,"
My throat went dry as Jay spoke these words. I croaked.
"What?" He nodded sadly, knowing how much faith I had had in the council only a few days prior.
"Long ago, the elves came to the Order with a deal: stage the attacks and prevent the breeding of hybrid elves in exchange for magic spells and relics to spy on monsters and prevent them from entering the human world. The councils agreed with each other's terms and the humans committed the crimes, appearing as acts of angry gods,"
I felt sick to my stomach. Everything I had ever worked for and believed in, was it all just a lie? I felt Yami tighten his grip around me. I looked into his eyes and he offered a comforting smile. I took a deep breath and hugged him. Maybe Jay had meddled in a few things, but my ideals and my feelings for my mate were my own. My thoughts were interrupted as an old prune on the council snarled.
"Do not be deceived my fellows! This thing is not our guardian, but an imposter! The incubus king dares to imitate our guardian to save him and his...concubine!"
I growled with Yami.
"I know you did not just call me that!"
"Old man, you have seconds to live!" Yami hissed as his tail lashed angrily. Jay huffed.
"You are free to believe what you will elves. But ask yourselves this: what good has come of persecution? Has it made you stronger?"
The elves were murmuring among themselves. A small number believed the council's accusation, while many others seemed to understand what Jay was trying to say. Jay rose to his paw, a blue wing pointed angrily at the old elves.
"You, and those like you will leave this clan and never return! You have damned enough souls to fire and brutality! Begone!" Jay slammed his front paws against the stone and a portal opened behind them. The elderly men glared and cursed the cat. One step forward.
"Let true elves follow us into this false exile! We do not need some demon playing god among us!" One by one, they slipped into the portal. A few elves quietly followed them, Lily among them. I wanted to hiss. Even after everything Jay had exposed about the council, she still let her hatred of Yami's father discriminate against her son and believe the lies of monsters. Once the elves loyal to the council left through the portal, it closed and the feline guardian let out a sigh of relief.
"I owe you 2 much. I've been trying to find a way to get rid of those air brained old men for years,"
He jumped down from the statue and walked up to me, brushing my leg like he had many times before. He looked up at me with those faded eyes, guilt betrayed by them.
"I'm sorry I interfered with your life. I know it was wrong and I had no right, but I never would've force a destiny that robbed you of your happiness on you! I understand if you can't forgive me for that," I picked up my friend and hugged him.
"It's ok Jay, I can't stay mad at family. Though I am a little worried about my apparent habit of picking up supernatural strays," Jay smiled, purr, and rubbed his head under my chin. Yami wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.
"You gave me a reason to live, how could I be angered by your interference?" We had a laugh when Violet approached us with a confused and near mortified look. I guess to her, she did see her clan's deity cuddling up to a human and her incubus mate. Kinda awkward to interrupt.
"Guardian, now that the council and their follows are in exile, who will lead us?" Jay jumped from my arms and walked up to the elves.
"We will return to the ways of old, when the clan had a single head and a small group of advisors. Violet, you were able to put aside teachings forced upon in order to understand a greater problem among the clan. As such, I name you Chief," Violet's widen as she quickly knelt before the small tabby.
"I am unworthy of this honor. I will do all that I can," Jay put a paw to her shoulder.
"I have no doubt you will. Tonight we will feast in honor of this new era for our people and to celebrate the union between elves and the King of the Shadow Realm!" There were cheers of agreement, though some gave Yami weary looks. I guess generations of discriminatory teachings would be hard to get over. Jay banged his paw on the ground.
"However, we mustn't let our guard down. The council will no doubt flee to the order and return with their soldiers. Tonight we feast, but tomorrow, warriors chosen by the Chief and myself will escort the King and his Queen back to their castle and prepare for a war," I gulped hard. War? Would both councils really go so far to maintain their power? I thought back to all they had done. Of course they would, greedy men and women would do anything to take all the power they could. Yami's grip on me tightened as he whispered comforting words into my ear.
"Don't worry, they'll have to kill me before they harm you,"

Incubus!Yami x Reader: Run and HideWhere stories live. Discover now