Chapter 5: One Mistake

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I own nothing. Sorry for the wait, I had Summer School. Happy early 4th of July
Chapter 5: A Village of Monsters
It took a little while, but I managed to teach the kids how to get from island to island. Joey was quick to flying and volunteered to carry around Tea, Yugi teleported to keep up, and Tristan with his strong goat legs was able to jump the gaps. Eventually, we saw a giant island containing a medieval style village. I motioned with my wings to huddle.
"Ok, so everyone will stay together. We cannot afford to be spotted, me especially!"
"Why? Does everyone know you?" Tea asked.
"We're close to a guild, I'll show you then,"
We landed on the island and walked into the village. On all sides we were surrounded by monsters, from werewolves to missing links, and they were just going about the day as if they were normal humans. I knew monsters weren't all completely evil, humans just usually end up on the wrong end of their mischief. A female manticore with a tiger pattern brushed up against Joey.
"Hey there handsome! Knew in town?" Joey stuttered and blushed, unsure how to react. I divided them with my wing.
"Easy tiger, he's not looking,"
"And who are you?"
"His guardian, now get a move on," opened my hand and a blue flame appeared in it. "Or there will be trouble," her tail drooped and she backed off. Joey rubbed his head in embarrassment.
"Thanks teach. How did you do that little trick with the fire?"
"My reserve magic can be used in this form. Let's keep moving,"
Finally, we made it to the market place and the products were...interesting to say the least. Rotting produce, fish heads, different parts of unintelligent creatures and a few others I'd rather not talk about. I saw the teens beginning to gag.
"Keep it together, the scents shouldn't bother you while you're like this,"
"Speak for yourself! How are you not gagging!?" Tristan spewed.
"Practice, just breath through your mouths,"
Eventually, we came across a vender with Blue Blood flowers, one of the ingredients to the potion. I strutted up to the counter and put the money on the table.
"One bundle of the Blue Bloods," the vender, who was a gnome, smirked while eyeing.
"Sorry doll, not enough," I gave him the evil eye
"Yeah, maybe you could sweeten the deal?" I faked a seductive look, drawing him in, before yanking his beard and giving him a look which could send even the most seasoned of monsters back to their makers.
"How bout I let you keep that instrument of yours, you take the money, and hand over the flowers?" He whimpered before nodding and handing me the ingredients. I sneered.
"Glad we could do business. I walked back to the students, who were all terrified.
"Um, that was kinda harsh," Yugi spoke for the group. I rolled my eyes.
"In this realm, you have to be cutthroat in order to make deals. You can't let monsters push you around. Now come on, we've got more ingredients to find,"
The next few hours consisted of shopping and learning experiences for the group. Tea used her own natural charm to get good deals, Yugi used what little illusion magic granted to him by the potion to trick scamming venders, Tristan learned more about the town from an old witch and a male undyne, and Joey...he was scammed out of all our money by the leprechaun, which ended with me flying after the little thief and dangling him over a pit of hungry hell hounds until he agreed to hand back the money.
All in all, a productive afternoon.
Eventually, we were down to the final ingredient: a fang from a sphinx.
Finding a sphinx was hard enough, getting a fang from it would be a challenge in of itself. Though the fang would grow back in a day, sphinxes were greedy creatures who didn't like anything of theirs to be taken.
"So, where are we gonna find this thing?" Joey asked.
"Luckily, I overheard that the working guild has a sphinx as a member. We'll start there," Tristan gave me a suspicious look.
"And what then? Start a fist fight until its fang falls out?"
"A riddle game. Sphinxes can help but play them. But that fist fight idea is a good back up," they sweat dropped as I led them into a large wooden building. It had a elegant exterior, while the interior resembled a bar with several boards of posters. I explained that they were job requests posted for the members to take in order to earn money and make a living. Tea went up to the job board, curiosity in her eyes when a brutally scarred naga grabbed one of her frills and forced her to look him in the eye.
"Hey trout, members only,"
"I-I was just looking!"
"Really, seems more like snooping," I jumped in and dug my claws into his arm, forcing him to release Tea. He glared and I returned it.
"Lay off, she's a student. He doesn't know better,"
"Needs to be taught a lesson then" the naga beard his fangs. I quickly ignited my claws and slashed his torso, making him hiss.
"Wanna start something here!?" I hissed, my own fangs out in defiance. He looked conflicted before slithering off. Tea sighed in relief.
"This is why I said not to wonder off," the others joined us and Yugi spotted a particular poster on the board.
"Isn't that you (Y/N)?"
Sure enough, on the poster was my photo and an extremely high reward for my capture which explicitly stated I had to be alive and unharmed.
"Yep, this is why I need a disguise. Yami has a high price on my head and every monster in the Shadow Realm is after it," we heard a laugh and saw a drunken dwarf at a nearby table watching us.
"I wouldn't even think about kids. Butch of rookies like you wouldn't make the job," Tristan, realizing he probably thought they were a butch of juveniles looking for a quick buck, pressed.
"Why's that old timer? She doesn't look so tough,"
"Ya got guts Kid, but every creature that's gone after the king's mate has never returned. He chose a real fighter, but I guess Incubi like strong mates, produces good offsprings," I ground my teeth in annoyance.
"It's their own faults. Law states that if a monster goes after a human, they have every right to defend themselves,"
"Aye, they do succubus. Still doesn't mean you can't pity the fools. Now what brings you lot in?"
"Potion ingredient gathering for a professor at their school. We're looking for a sphinx that works here,"
"Sphinx fang? Rare stuff for a professor, but you'll find the creep in back. Careful though, she's a nasty one," I nodded in thanks and found the target in a darken corner of the room. With the others huddling closely, I made my way over to her.
"This spot taken?" The sphinx looked up at me. I could tell she was an old warrior from all the scars on her face and the blood thirst look in her eyes.
"Small talk will get you nowhere. I know already what you seek," I planted on the seat and smirk.
"In that case, are we doing this the easy way or the hard way?"
"All submit to me, I devour all: rocks, men, and beasts, I am the worst thing to waste,"
"Time. Reign over all, rulers together yet never see each other. Both bring light and darkness. All life depends upon them,"
"The sun and moon. I am in water, yet I never am wet,"
"A reflection. Belongs to me, but others use it more,"
"Your name," she suddenly smirked. "Who is the foolish deer who walks into the lion's den in hopes of escaping her hunter," I didn't get to answer as she clamped her hand and my arm.
"You, (Y/N) (L/N)," My eyes dilated. She continued.
"How clever of you to buy the ingredients to the repellent potion under your mate's nose. But those wings of yours are a dead give away to anyone who knows their ancient artifacts. Oh how much would King Yami give me by handing you over to him?"
Yugi POV
We stood there in silence, horrified at the idea of (Y/N) being captured by that incubus. Suddenly, one of her eyes, which had been hidden by her face, glowed like fire as her free uppercut the sphinx square in the jaw. The female reeled back in pain, letting go of (Y/N)'s arm, before she punched her again, knocking out a fang and sending the monster to the ground. Grabbing the fang, the professor pushed us to the exit.
"High steps children before she gets her second wind, no time for hesitation!" We bolted down the street. We then heard the horrible wails of the female.
Two draconian men covered in golden armor pursued us as people barreled out of our way, seemingly afraid of (Y/N) due to her rep as a monster slayer. By some miracle, we managed to get out of the village and were bouncing across the islands to the portal, now being followed by a small of army of various creatures and hell hounds. We were nearing the portal when I felt myself being picked up by (Y/N) and tossed like a sack of potatoes into it. I then felt the horrible process of going through the portal once more
Once we made it to the real world, the portal shut closed, needing to recharge for a couple of days. Everyone was out of breath, but somehow Tristan manage to hold on to the bag of ingredients and I still had the fang in my clutch. I began to laugh and lay on my back.
"This is it, it'll finally be over!"
I was going to get my life back! I was finally going to sleep without the fear of being molested by a love sick demon. I was finally going to have my freedom back. I stopped laughing when I felt Jay rub up against me, his faded pupils curious. I pet my loyal companion and kissed his head.
"We're almost done Jay,"
He just purred.
Yami POV
I was sitting on my throne, drained from the many meetings I had about the running of my kingdom and the current rise in thieves. I maybe a monster, but I still care about those in my charge. I slumped in my chair, trying to regain my breath. Once I visited my beloved tonight, I would be fully restored. I smirked at the thought of seeing her. Her fiery personality, her beautiful body, her brilliant mind, her kindness, it drove me mad knowing I could only touch her in her dreams, but I would see her soon. At that time, a draconian man enter my throne room and knelt to me.
"My lord, I have news you must hear,"
"This best be important captain. I have little energy for trivial matters,"
"My lord, (Y/N) (L/N) was spotted with a group of juveniles in the southern village," this caught my attention. Why would my queen do something so careless as to enter my realm when she still resisted me? The obvious question came up.
"Did you capture her?"
"No sire, she escaped with her companions," I clenched my hands. The fools couldn't even capture my mate when she was in our realm! Of course, it only made me admire her cunning even more.
"Why would she enter the Shadow Realm, let alone a highly populated area?"
"We have reason to believe that she was gathering ingredients for a potion. A sphinx who was assaulted by her mentioned a repellent,"
A repellent?...
The repellent potion! The only thing that could sever my connection to her and force me to spend eternity without her! I had to find her quickly before she could brew it!
"Do you know where she exited the realm?!"
"Yes sire, but the portal is on recharge due to too many exiting through it at the same time,"
Damn it! The portal would be down for days. If she hadn't already brewed the potion by then, she would have moved on and I would have no way of locating her in time. Damn that cloak!
"I want every patrol sent to the human realm this instant to search for my queen. She must be sound as soon as possible!" The draconian nodded.
"Before that my king, another matter you should be made aware of: during her stay in the village, one of her companions was in a confrontation with a naga of the guild. He happened to scrape some scales off her frills before her highness broke it up,"
Scales? I smirked as I realized what this meant.
"Captain, gather your men with the best sense of smell and have them inspect these alleged scales,"
Oh my sweet (Y/N), your one mistake: letting those beneath you help. Now, you will soon be mine and no one would stop me this time.

Incubus!Yami x Reader: Run and HideWhere stories live. Discover now