Chapter 11: Too Much Carrying

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I own nothing
Chapter 11: the Hidden Isle
Yami POV
I woke up the next morning on the beach with a warm object curled up to my chest, wrapped in my wings, and my tailed curled around a leg. Cracking my eyes open, I saw the love my life sleeping peacefully, her face like that of an angel. I don't care if I had been on death's doorsteps a few hours ago, I would've happily gone through getting beaten up by my now father in law several times over if this was the result. I gently curled my arms around her waist, bringing her closer to me. Her nose scrunched cutely as her beautiful (E/C) orbs opened. She stared at me with slight confusion and curiosity.
"Yami?" I smiled.
"Good morning my queen, I hope you slept well. After all that we did, I assumed you would've been unconscious for at least few more hours," she slapped my chest playfully.
"You were insatiable last night! What are you, a lion?!" I smirked.
"Oh I am much stronger than 10 lions. Believe me, had I been at my full strength last night, we'd still be going now," her face blossomed into a gorgeous crimson color as she hid face to my chest. I chuckled and ran my fingers through her (H/C) locks. I then gave her a solemn look.
"You didn't have to do that. Now you're really-" she grabbed my cheeks with both hands, killing the words in my mouth.
"Stop. I already told you I saved you because you deserved to be save. I hated you for what you did to me, marking me with my consent and hunting and capturing me like prey. However, you didn't force yourself upon me, you saved my life twice, and most importantly, you opened up to me, you showed me a vulnerable side most people wouldn't admit to. I love you Yami, so I don't want you to ever mention me regretting this again. Got it?" I nodded.
"Got it. Now can I please have my cheeks back?" She laughed and let go. I kissed her forehead and hugged her closely (realizing only now that both of us hadn't put on clothes after our activities). Suddenly, there was a large boom as the area around us shook. I held (Y/N) closer until the tremor subsided. She peaked up.
"What was that?"
"The island must've hit another one. Judging by the size of the tremor, it must have hit it right the center so we should be here for days at the least," (Y/N) began getting up.
"In that case, maybe we should see if this other island has someone who can help us get back to the castle,"
She stood up and shivered as she was bare. I quickly stood up and wrapped my wings around her again.
"Perhaps we should both get dress love," her blush deepened.
"R-right, so where are my clothes?"
"Well, I see pants on the shrubs, undergarments by the dunes, shoes where we were laying down, and your shirt..." I looked up and saw that particular article of clothing hanging from a palm tree. I gave her a sheepish smile while she glared.
"How did you manage to get it up there?!" I gave her a serious face.
"In my defense, this situation could be more permanent if I had followed my instincts and used my claws. Not that I would mind," she turned to face me and pushed her palm into my nose.
"No mister, you had enough last night to last you a few weeks at least. Now go put on your pants and fly up there while I go put on everything else," I quickly stole a kiss despite her protest before running off to do as she said.
After getting properly clothed, (sort of. Yami's shirt was completely unwearable now, so he was forced to make do without one) we began trekking across the island, me limping the whole way. Yami seemed quite pleased with his handy work.
"If you're so uncomfortable, I could carry you. It could even be on my back,"
"I will not give you the satisfaction! Besides, you wouldn't be able to control yourself," he chuckled.
"Perhaps you're right,"
We continued through the dense jungled area until we finally reached the edge. Yami hadn't been off when saying we landed dead center on the other mass. Only, the other mass was 10 times the size of ours and the edge was up 20 feet into the air. Yami picked me up.
"Ok, now I am not asking because I don't want you to climb that,"
He took off from the ground and landed safely on the second island. This one was enormous and, unlike the jungle island, was more of a forest, the type you see in either horror or really gory fantasy movies. So either way, very eerie. Yami held his tail out to keep me from moving forward.
"Stay close. We don't know what could happen,"
"It's not like they can attack us. You're their king aren't you?"
"Not everyone enjoys a king. Stay close to me," knowing I wasn't going to win the argument, I stood down as we marched through the forest. Each shadow draping the branches, the rustling sounds from nowhere, the seemingly whispers on the winds all pushed my nerves closer and closer to the edge.
"This place gives me the creeps," Yami grunted.
"Agreed. Perhaps we should take our chances on the jungle isle,"
Just then, something whizzed past my ear and embedded itself into the ground. We turned and saw it was an arrow. Yami wasted no time picking me up and running back to the jungle island as many other arrows flew by.
"Yami, what's going!?"
"Elves! We have to get back now!"
"But you're half elf! Why are they trying to kill you!?"
"Elves are vain creatures! They actively seek to destroy half bloods!"
"Oh, in that case, please pick up the pace!"
He ran faster. We barely made it to the edge when Yami's legs were tied by a device made up of a rope with heavy orbs tied at the end. He tripped and I skidded over the edge. Luckily, I managed to haul myself back up and saw my mate viciously wrestling with 2 elves holding knives. Somehow his claws were more than enough to defend himself as he managed to break free of the bidding and knock the hunters off, only for 4 more to rush in. It was then that 2 female elves came at me with spears. I managed to tap into my magic reserves enough to materialize a shield to protect myself.
"Please! We didn't come to fight, we just need to find our way," the one on the left hissed.
"She's a human, but she reeks of that halfling! She must have bred with him," the other nodded.
"Agreed, we mustn't let her escape alive," the two rushed in, trying to push me over the edge of the cliff. Seeing this, I side step, letting them fall over. The battle wasn't over though and I found myself surrounded by more elves. I tried in vain to defend myself, knocking out many of their warriors, but soon I was overwhelmed. Just as it seemed I was about to be skewered, Yami managed to the jump in and drive off the last few. He wrapped his arms around my waist, his tail around my leg, his wings around my body, and let out a menacing growl which would send any reasonable monster to the pits of hell, his fangs bared in their full malice. I remember him teaching me that it was a sign of dominance and a warning to others not to attack one's mate or suffer the consequences. An elfin female, the leader presumably, stepped forward.
"Who are you, and why have you come here?"
"I am Yami, King of the Shadow Realm. We came here by accident, by way of the isle beneath you. We mean you no harm," one of the younger males spat.
"Yami!? He's the spawn of that demonic creature that raped Lily! We should kill him no and make him pay for his crimes!"
"Indeed, he seems to have already defiled this human as well," Yami growled, but I decided to do the yelling this time.
"Yami didn't anything! We just want to go back to the castle! We'll happily go back to the jungle if our presence bothers you so much!" The elves were silent as the leader spoke again.
"Strong words for a human. You do not deny mating with this halfling?"
"I don't,"
"Do you deny being forced?"
"I do, it was of my volition,"
The elves muttered to each other in disgust, but the leader silenced them.
"You are braver than most monsters, let alone humans. Do you love this Incubus?"
"I do, I truly do," Yami looked at me. He couldn't say anything, but his eyes were filled with pure happiness. The Elf chuckled.
"Love truly does go beyond races. Very well, we will take you back to our village. The council will help you find your way," the hunting party gasped.
"But Violet! The law states..."
"The law is old and times have changed. If we waste our strength on half bloods who are guilty of no true crimes, we will vanish! It's time to end this," the soldiers were silent as she faced us again.
"You may come with us. Do you have any conditions to prove we mean no ill intent?" Yami picked me up yet again (he's doing that too much now).
"My mate was nearly killed by your hunters, so she will not leave my side," Violet nodded.
"Condition agreed to. Now follow us, and do watch yourself your highness. One false step could lead to your and your mate's deaths,"

Incubus!Yami x Reader: Run and HideWhere stories live. Discover now