Chapter 7: Surviving Advances

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I own nothing
Chapter 7: Consequences and Decisions
My mind was a fuzzy haze of musk, heat, and slight pain when I was finally able to open my eyes. The first thing I realized that I was in a bed, satin silk red sheets covered my form and the softest, most feathery pillows supported my head.
Then I realized I was not wearing my clothes.
I bolted out of the bed and examined my form. I was a gothic nightgown which, ahem, enhanced my features far more than I felt comfortable about, not to mention it was near see through. Even my under garments were different with my bra being this barely suitably sized lace and my underwear even more so. My face blazed red.
"He better not or I will make sure he isn't able to reproduce!"
I left the bed and headed straight for the door before tripping on my face. I looked down and saw a silver chain around my ankle that was connected to the bed. I growled.
"Right, of course,"
Unable to do anything, I studied the room. Like my clothes, it was gothic. The bed had 4 mahogany post which connected to a roof that held curtains to hide those sleeping inside. On the 4 corners of the roof was carvings of lotus flowers made from red garnet, both symbols of high fertility. The room itself was a crimson color made brighter by 3 lit candles a a solitary window. In a corner of the room, there was a vanity mirror with a gold outline and a dresser filled with clothes I would likely would never dream of trying on. I walked over to the window and push back the curtain, only to hear a hellish snarl from a monstrous beast on the outside. I quickly retreated.
"Gargoyles, of course,"
After my near heart attack, I noticed a heat coming from the room which caused me to sweat a bit and my mind to slip back into a haze. What was that scent?
I held my breath as I remembered an old trick among Incubi and Sucubi: engulfing an area in a mist which gave off a pleasant aroma that slowly such down any fear or adrenaline producing parts of the mind, leaving their prey in stupor and easily seduced. I fixed my breathing, trying to limit the amount of mist I inhaled. Just because he caught me, did not mean I was going to give in to his demand for my body and offspring. The door than open to reveal my 'mate' with horrible smirk which always made me see stars. Wait...
Gods damned mist!
He chuckled inched closer, as if I were a mouse and he was the cat about to pounce.
"You look quite ravishing in that (Y/N)," his voice was husky, as if he were restraining himself.
"It's not like I had a choice to wear this! How dare you forcibly dress me in this, cloth!"
"You have nothing to fear, my dear mate. While I did dress you, I didn't do so in a way that would expose you to my eyes. Not yet anyways,"
"I am not your mate!" He put his had to his cheek as he wore a look of false curiosity.
"Really? My mark says otherwise,"
A blast of heat spread through my body, starting from where the mark was, nearly forcing me to the ground. It took every ounce of strength I had to stay on my feet, combating both the mist and the mark's power. Yami simply took my chin between his fingers.
"Something the matter love?" I mustered up a smirk.
"Nice try, but the mist looses part of its power if the prey is aware of it,"
"Indeed, but it still seems to be effective enough,"
"So what now? Force yourself on me?"
"Wait what?"
"I'd much prefer we consummate our matehood with you being willing. This was simply my tactic is asking you to accept me,"
" are one weird demon. You're just giving me time to come up with a mistake,"
"I think not. I have gargoyles posted at every window and you won't be able to access your succubus form since I can simply sap your magic through my mark. You won't be leaving anytime soon. You may as well learn to love me,"
"Love, ha! You don't know the meaning of the word,"
"Then teach me,"
"Are you able to learn such things?"
"Perhaps, but until then, we must decide on a punishment," I gulped, all my bluster suddenly vanished. He smirked.
"Of course, after all, you kept me waiting for so long and simply teasing me. I can't let that go without retribution. But what to do? Oh, how about this?" With a snap of his fingers, my outfit changed.
And suddenly, the nightgown wasn't so bad.
Think of the most revealing French maid outfit, then imagine it being fixed to cater to the whims of a sexually driven demon, including stockings and garter belt. I grew even redder and tried to conceal myself. I glared at the demon king.
"You're only making me despise you more!"
A silver chain appeared in his hand and I realized too late that the chain had moved to my neck, as he tugged it and forced me into a very hot kiss. His tongue pried my mouth open and explored. I wanted to pull away so badly, but I just couldn't, most likely because of the mist and mark (yeah right). He grin.
"Try to run, and simply give this chain a tug and well, I won't be responsible for the things I may do. I believe falling over would expose yourself," my teeth grinder together.
"Do. Your. Worst,"

Yugi (POV)
We were all gathered in museum, baffled at what had happened and ashamed that we had caused it. No matter what we told ourselves, we knew it was our fault the incubus had found (Y/N). Currently, we were trying to think of a plan when Jay meowed sadly at Tea, probably looking for some comfort. She picked up the tabby gently.
"Oh poor Jay, he sounds heartbroken,"
"Come on guys, there's gotta be a way to save teach!" Joey said. Tristan shook his head.
"How? You heard what he said, we try anything and we're dead, and (Y/N) won't be there to save us,"
"Tristan's right," I admitted. "There's no way we can do this," Jay suddenly jumped from Tea's arms and dug through a pile of papers before pulling out a cellphone. He meowed and pawed at the device. I picked it up and realized it belong to (Y/N). I went to her contacts and found one that stood out:
"Maybe we just need someone who can,"
"What are ya thinking Yug?" Joey asked.
"(Y/N) said that her dad was part of this high council of magic investigators or something like that! That gave her the cloak which hid her for so long, maybe they can help,"
I hit the contact and heard the phone ring. Eventually, a tired sounding man picked up.
"Sweetie? It's almost midnight,"
"Um sir, I'm a friend of your daughter's, she needs your help,"

Incubus!Yami x Reader: Run and HideWhere stories live. Discover now