At last...

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"You can just take me to the bus stop." Raina sniffled as they got on the off ramp. Calum didn't even blink.
"No I'm taking you home." He slowed to the stop light. "And I'm speaking to your guardians because, I have a feeling you weren't supposed to be there."
"I can go whenever." Raina crossed her arms over her chest. "The lights green."
Calum mumbled under his breath.
"Who was that guy?" He glances at her before turning back to the road.
"My sperm donor."
"Your what?" He sputters before stopping at the stop sign. She shrugs and doesn't reply.
"Okay so basically your biological father?" He tries to press questions into her but she won't budge.
"Why do you have a restraining order against him?" With that Raina just slumped a little.
"You don't need to know so much about my life we barely know eachother! Your just in my chem class and you constantly stare at me which gives me a gross feeling. You don't need to know my life because you are already basically my stalker!" She huffs and gets out of the car.
"Wait-" he jumps out of the car as well. "I'm not trying to be pushy I just need to know what to tell paps when they come for me next."
Raina stomped towards him. She didn't know what came over her but she slapped him. The feeling was beautiful to her. She felt alive and wanted to do it again. She raised her hand to do it again but his hand caught her wrist.
"That was hot. But it hurt don't do it again." She felt defeated.
"My house is river street. It doesn't have a number so I'll have to point it out to you." Calum felt pure joy as she gave in. She wasn't like other girls who gave him their numbers and house address', she wasn't like Shelby who would give in to everything.
'Shelby shit.' What was he going to tell her when she saw the magazines. She was going to dump him. He didn't feel guilty, he loved her but if she was going to be with him she had to understand that it's not all going to be rainbows and sunshines. He was famous and there was going to be ups and downs of publicities.
"What about Shelby?" Raina looked at him while he was still holding her wrist.
"Nothing, her birthday is coming up that's all." Raina didn't buy into the whole birthday stunt.
Raina wiggled her wrist and he let it go. She felt a loss as his hands left her skin but she pushed that out of her mind as soon as it came. Curiosity flew into her mind as they drove to the street she lived on.
"Just be warned my brother is a huge fan." She grumbles and points at her house.
"Thanks always good to know someone likes me." He flashes a dashing smile at Raina who laughed.
"Do you honestly try that with every girl you meet?" She hopes out of the car and watches as the lights all burst into existence.
"Here we go." Raina grabs Calum by the hand and starts the steady March to the front door.
Calum felt sparks fly beneath his fingers. He almost laughed at how cliché that he is but, he felt something between them that he never felt about Shelby. He felt guilty for thinking that but, he was wasn't going to hurt he girl he lives because , he 'felt' something with another girl. The door opened and they were hit with the song at last.
"Where have you been and who-"
"OmigoshisthatCalumHood!!" Caden rushed out the door to them. He looked at their joined hands.
"Raina are you dating him!?" Calum and Raina looked at each other and quite harshly rubbed their hands on their shirts.
"No bud, keep wishing." Raina kissed three top of Caden's head and walked to Avery who was starting to turn a red color.
"Mom I'm sorry, I needed to see her. I went to the bus stop and well he was there so I let him drive me. He's a friend from school." Raina rushed to explain herself.
"No come inside. Calum can you go with Caden please?" He swiftly nodded and Caden brought him into the kitchen.
"Raina what on earth were you thinking?" Avery shouted at her face turning fifty shades darker than normal.
"I couldn't wait! I needed to see her right now!" Raina shouted back.
"So you go out and somehow come back with a boy?" Avery retaliates. "I'm calling bull-sheets" Avery looks up to see Caden walk into the room.
"Mom we can hear you." He whispers and leaves the room.
"Fine don't believe me but tomaro expect reporters at your door asking about  me." Raina smirks and leaves the room.
"-I still can't believe your in my house- with me." Caden started to hyper ventilate.
"Alright bug. Let's get you to sleep yeah?" Raina squats next to him.
"No bud. Gotta get you in bed you have to be up early remember?" Rains raises her brow.

Calum watched in awe as a girl who had the exterior of a warrior princess have this gentle side. The way she spoke to her brother with love and care was beautiful.

"Calum do you want something to drink?" Avery pulled Calum away from his disturbing thoughts. He chanted to himself his girlfriends name, Shelby Shelby Shelby.
"No thank you, I should get going actually. Let little man over there get some sleep. Raina has my number, just let me know if you need anything?" He got up from the chair and took the letter Caden had wrote to him off the table.
"Just let know Caden I said goodnight and that Raina has my number and I can get a hold of the band if he wants a private meeting." Calum flashed the fakers smile he could muster before leaving Raina's house somber.
At last... Calum saw something he never realized he was looking for... at last he met someone who was real...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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