Meet Raina

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"Did you see her?", "Yeah she's so weird!" She heard whispers as She passed down the high school hallway. No one knew her struggle, her heart pounded as she went, hoping no one would pull her hood down or try to speak to her. She was an outcast, everyone knew it already. Why try and pretend.
Raina pushed her way down the hallway hiding her face that had a bright red scar down her cheek. All she wanted was to get out of their but she promised her foster family that she would make an effort to stay in school today. They may not be the nicest people to be around but, they truly do care.
She stepped into her next class, the class with the annoying child who kept asking stupid questions. Like why did you shave the hair at the back of your head off? Or why did you get a tattoo? Are you 18? All i don't know or because I wanted to and no. His annoying little voice stuck in her head and replaced the demons original voice with his. Which pissed her off the most.
Raina slipped into her seat quietly as the bell rang. The stupid frizzy haired science teacher wanted to do a lab today she felt a tingle down her spine. She knew someone was talking about her, she always knew when someone in the same room talked or thought about her she just had that sense. She glanced around. There was a boy sitting across the room sitting there intently watching her. She pulled the zipper up on her hoodie thinking that was the reason why he looked at her. He still intently gazed at her a curious glance in his eyes. She shivered again and looked at the stupid little twerp next to her who had already started the lab. He never shut up either.
She didn't talk to much she gave short answers and hand gestures to the geek but, that was it she normally stayed out of his way and took notes of what he was doing in case she needed to do it for the teacher over again. She felt the gaze of the boy across the room again. She covered up her tattoo sleeved arm trying to assess what his problem was.
She wanted to scream stop staring at me but, she couldn't find the courage to do it. She was such a pansy.
Soon enough the bell rang and she was out of the class room before anyone could say home work. She ran for the doors excited for home! Her hood flying off her head and her loose coffee brown hair flying free of its hooded cover.
"Raina! Over hear!" Caden yelled to the her foster brother. She could see him peaking his head of the top of their moms car. She loved the acceptance they gave her. She felt the need to hug him. So she wrapped her thin arms around the tinier boy. He giggled and laughed as she tickled him. Avery looked into the back seat and smiled she kept smiling as they buckled and laughed. Raina loved her Avery and Caden frame they were her favorite they didn't pressure her to find a good college or get good grades they encouraged her to try her best. They wanted the same from her as Thomas but, they weren't as hard on her.
Caden was still laughing about God knew what as Avery pulled into the driveway.
"Mum! Homework!" Raina bellowed as she ran to her room and locked the door. She pulled out the book she kept under her bed the one she wrote in to keep herself from the bad... Things in life. Raina searched her bag for any utensil she could possibly find and started to write about her day. Her doc recommended it. She wrote all about her day and what she wanted to do. She hid it under her bed when she was finished and unlocked her room she took out her actual homework, she wanted to get done before dinner so she could look through the pictures of her real mom again.
She loved her still but after the accident her dad went nuts and her mom was never the same.
She swiped a tear from her eye she wanted to visit them but, she didn't speak she just smiled at her mom who laid unconscious in her bed hoping she would get up sooner or later. Avery would sometimes come in and hold Raina as she cried, and smiled down at her mom even when the tears streamed down her face. She would force every fake smile she possibly could for the woman who went through so much to save her from everything. But nothing could prepare her for the time that she needed to protect her own mum.
I hope you guys are enjoying the book. I'm kind of just writing what comes to mind I don't mean to offend anyone! I love you all!

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