Dragon's Blood

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Starring Andrew, Insane, Herobrine

*Andrew has come to visit Insane at the mansion. They are walking throughout the halls talking when they wander into Herobrine's lab*...

Andrew: *Walks into the lab*. Woah, look at all this stuff.
Insane: You've never been in here?
Andrew: Mr. Brian, Harry's father, would never even let me come downstairs. He was a strict man, but with good reason.
Insane: I see.
Andrew: *Sees a thick, diamond blue liquid in a syringe that has a faint glow to it*. Ooo, look at this...
Insane: Be careful, Andrew. Who knows what that even is. It could be dangerous.
Andrew: *Notices a paper under the syringe*. There's a paper here. *Grabs the syringe to move it, he doesn't notice the needle end pointing at him*.
Insane: *Reads the title of the paper*. "Dragon's Blood"? Is that what this is?
Andrew: Maybe. *Puts the syringe down*. It was under this liquid here.
Insane: Weird. Well, let's get outta here before Herobrine catches us reading his stuff*.
Andrew: Agreed, but let's leave this as we found it. *Puts the paper back under the Dragon's Blood*.
Insane: Good thinking, Andrew!
*Gives him a pat on the back*.
Andrew: *Slouches forward from the pat as the needle goes into his stomach*. Ah! *The liquid quickly empties from the needle*.
Insane: *Notices*. Oh my Notch, Andrew I'm so sorry! *Yanks the needle out of his body*.
Andrew: Ow!... Insane, why? *Feels lightheaded*... Oh, boy... Ugh... I don't feel well. Almost like I'm gonna- *Faints*.
Insane: Andrew? *Nudges him a little*. Andrew?!... Oh, gosh... *Yells*. Uh, Herobrine? Could you come here for a moment? I have a problem!

*2 Hours Later*...

Herobrine: We just need to wait for him to wake up.
Insane: But, will he be okay?
Herobrine: Well... He won't be dead.
Insane: You say that as if that's not all that'll happen...
Herobrine: Let's just say that shortly after he wakes up, he's going to be in a world of pain.
Andrew: *Wakes up on the lab bed*... Ugh... What happened?...
Herobrine: He has one minute until the pain hits.
Insane: Okay... *Thinks*. What's going to happen to him?
Herobrine: *Reads her thoughts*. 10 seconds and he'll be fine after "it" happens.
Andrew: 10 seconds for- AHH!!! *Pain is coursing through his body as dark blue scales form on his hands and spread to just below his elbows*.
Herobrine: Insane, do me a favor and flip him onto his stomach. *Goes into how potion cabinet and grabs a syringe filled with a potion of regeneration*.
Insane: *Grabs Andrew and turns him onto his stomach*. You'll be okay, I think.
Andrew: What's happening to- AHH!!! *His fingernails sharpen into claws as his teeth grow into fangs*. IT HURTS!!! *A long scaly dragon tail grows from his tail bone*. MAKE IT STOP!!! *Large dark blue wings sprout from his back as horns grow on his head and a row of gray spikes grow on his back*.
Insane: Help him already, Herobrine! Can't you see how much pain he's in?!
Herobrine: Yes, but he's almost done. Just wait a moment more.
Andrew: AH AHH!!! *The pupils of his eyes become slits as his eyes glow a faint blue*. STOP IT, PLEASE!!! *Becomes taller and more muscular*... Stop... Please... Ouch... *Faints again*...
Herobrine: Okay. *Injects the potion of regeneration into Andrew*. He'll wake up in 30min.
Insane: *Starring at Andrew as she nosebleeds*... Uhm... K... *Thinks*. I know he's hurt and unconscious, but he's hot.
Herobrine: *Reads her thoughts*. You look at me everyday, why is Andrew any different?
Insane: Because I love him, not you! And stop reading my thoughts.
Herobrine: *Chuckles*. Sure.

The End.

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