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A/N: Well, the update is actually on time! Yay! Haha, here's a secret... I forgot that I wrote part of this chapter last Tuesday since I had some extra time :) So it made it easier to get it out on time.


02 - 07 - 2089

"What do you mean?" Enzo asks, taking a step towards us. I press myself closer against Cade, my eyes wavering between Enzo and the older man.

The older man straightens and clasps his hands together. "Don't you recognize her? She looks awfully like that miracle girl in the news report. The one that is missing." The man smiles a bit, putting me further on edge. Enzo peers at my face, and I hate it. I hate how they are looking at me.

"I don't think she really looks like that girl, Gunner," Enzo says.

"She's not," Cade says. "This is my sister."

Gunner scoffs. "Sister? Give me a break, kid. Do you take me for a fool? I may be a criminal, but I'm not stupid." Gunner motions towards Cade to Enzo. "Bring him to the back room. I've got the prize." He stares down at me with a glint in his eyes.

Cade's hand tightens around me. "No. She's not the girl. Just leave us alone."

Gunner sighs, as if this conversation is boring him. "Do you want to get shot? Or better yet, your girlfriend?" He gestures to me, and Enzo points the gun at my head. I hold still, but on the inside I'm shaking.

"Okay, okay. Just... don't hurt her." Cade releases his hand from me and takes a step away, my heart aching as his touch leaves me. I'm collapsing in fear, and him leaving me is only going to make it worse.

Enzo nudges Cade with the gun, and Cade sends me a glance before walking into the dark hallway. I stare at them for a moment before a cold hand wraps around my arm. I flinch and try to pull away from Gunner, but he doesn't let go.

"There there," he soothes. "No need to be afraid. Come on now." He tugs me towards the hallway where Cade and Enzo walked into. But I don't want to give up. I've come too far; in my mind, surrender is not an option.

When Gunner tugs on my arm to make me walk, I don't budge. I hold my ground, doing my best to resist as he pulls harder, his grip pinching my skin. He grabs my other arm, and I squirm, trying to wrench my arms free.

"Got a little fight in you, eh?" Gunner laughs and grabs my arm again when I manage to free it. I growl in frustration and rear back my leg. I slam my foot into his kneecap as hard as I can and am rewarded with a grunt as he stumbles back. The grip on my arms loosens just enough and I use the moment to wrench my arms out of his grasp. I don't know where these instincts are coming from, but I'm not about to question them.

I turn and peer around the room, trying to find something I can use to defend myself. I spot a metal pipe lying on the floor a few feet away and run towards it. I reach down, but when my fingers are inches away, a meaty hand wraps around my ankle and yanks me backwards. I let out a loud cry as my face smacks into the hard floor and I'm dragged back to Gunner.

He presses me to the floor, yanking my hands behind my back so they are immobile. "Guess I better be careful not to underestimate you, little girl," Gunner hisses in my ear, pulling my head back with my hair. Then a sharp pain resonates through my skull as my head is slammed into the floor, sending me unconscious.


"...too good."

"Did you kill her?"

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