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A/N: OHHHH BOYYY. What a week it's been so far! And still more craziness to come... *wipes forehead* I apologize for taking so long to update! I know this is way way waaaaay later than normal, but I really haven't had a chance to work on it at all until today. Thank you for your patience! And I believe you will all enjoy this chapter ;-)


02 - 10 - 2089

The sun has fallen beneath the earth and we are still running. Cade's hand is still locked in mine, warm even in the freezing temperatures. We managed to slip in a department store and purchase warm clothes with the money Enzo gave us before we had to continue on. The soldiers after us had caught up only a few blocks from the store, and Cade had to knock one out before we lost them in the back alley behind the main street. I recognized it from where we had first entered town, and the restaurant where someone first noticed me.

Now, as the sky fades from blue to orange, and then to dark gray, we keep running. I don't know where we are headed, but I know my legs won't let me go on for much longer. The ache running up and down in my veins can only be tolerated for so long.

As if noticing my discomfort, Cade slows to a walk. "We should be able to rest soon," he promises me. "I think we've lost them by now, but I want to be sure." He finds my hand, wrapping it in his own. I lift my eyes to his face, taking in the familiar features I feel like I've known for so long. Dark scruff lines his mouth and chin, though, hair that is beginning to grow in from our adventure away from the facility.

I stroke the prickly hairs lightly, stopping when Cade lets out a short laugh, his face lighting up. "What?" I ask, frowning.

"Nothing." He shakes his head. "Let's keep going."


Once the night has officially begun, Cade finds us a room to stay in at a quaint inn and locks the door behind us. The room we have is small, with a simple platform bed, table and chairs, and a door leading off to a bathroom. It reminds me of my room back at the facility, only this room feels more alive. My room felt empty, and cold.

"We can stay here for now. You can use the restroom if you'd like. I'll go find us something to eat." Cade heads for the door, and I watch him leave before turning to the bathroom.

Inside, I finish relieving myself and then turn to the small square mirror hanging on the wall. I pause there, taking in my disorderly appearance. Back at the facility I was always clean and smelled of antiseptic, but now I smell like mud and sweat.

I curl my nose, trying to smooth a bit of hair that insists on sticking straight up. The black locks refuse to stay down, and eventually I give up the task. I cast one more glance in the mirror at my gaunt, pale face, when I hear Cade returning.

I step out of the bathroom just as he enters, holding a paper bag. He sets it down on the table and stands in front of me. "Are you hungry?" He asks, leading me over to the table. I sit down, waiting while he pulls out two wrapped sandwiches and a large cranapple. The fruit is bright yellow, telling me it isn't quite ripe.

"I thought cranapples only grew in warmer places," I say, picking up the fruit and admiring the vibrant color.

"They do. It was shipped here." He takes a seat and offers me a sandwich. The bread is still warm, and when I take a bite cheese strings from my mouth, still connecting to the sandwich. I let out a small moan, never having tasted something so delicious.

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