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A/N: Hello my wonderful readers! This has been a crazy week for me, as I explained on my profile board, which is why this update is late. *insert hesitant smile emoji* I was at an amazing writers conference this past week and had NO time to update. But..... I did get to meet a BUNCH of amazing authors and talk with them about writing and stuff so that was cool. 


02 - 11 - 2089

Refreshed. Relaxed. Sleepy. Comfortable. Safe. 

The first five words to enter my consciousness as I wake. The feelings flooding my senses are overwhelmingly wonderful, and I allow them to wash over me. I see myself in a field of green, bright and alive. 

When I open my eyes to reality, I yawn and stretch, flinging my limbs every which way. The blanket cuddles me in warmth from the previous night, soft and welcoming. I don't bother to get up at first, content to be sleepy. 

After another yawn, I roll to side of the bed and peer down where Cade is sleeping. 

Only, he isn't there. 

I shoot up in bed, scanning the room for Cade's tall figure and dark, ruffled hair. Nothing. The room is devoid of life other than my own. My eyes follow the path back to Cade's bed. The blanket he slept on is crumpled up and messy, the pillow wrinkled. 

Before panic can set off like a bomb in my mind, I climb out of bed and suck in a deep breath forcefully. I turn towards the door, doing my best not to let my overactive imagination ruin me. He's probably downstairs, doing something important. I head for the door, my ears attuned to any noises outside the room. 

"Good morning."

I swivel around to see Cade emerging from the washroom, his hair dripping and clothing wet in some places. My eyes widen, then I smile, relief washing away the panic. 

"There you are," I say, crossing the room to where he stands, looking at me with a confused expression, his head tilted. His lips quirk slightly and he crosses his arms.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, when I woke and you weren't there, I just..." I trail off, realizing how silly that sounds. And needy. What am I feeling? 

Cade smiles just a little, his eyes laughing. "I see. Well, I'm sorry I didn't leave a note."

For a moment, I'm about to thank him, but then I realize he didn't mean it. He was kidding. I shake my head, crossing my arms as well. The smile falls from my lips. "Excuse me? I really thought you might be in trouble." I feel a bit hurt that he would tease me when I really worried for him. How could I know he was in the restroom bathing? What exactly was I supposed to think when I awoke to an empty room?

Cade notices my expression and takes my hand, unfolding my arms. "I'm sorry," he says seriously. "I didn't mean to scare you." The warmth of his hand is distracting, and I find my hurt washing away. His smile is infectious as he leans forward. I suck in a breath as his face stops, inches from mine. His playful smile mirrors mine. 

"We're going to be okay," Cade says. "You and I."

"How do you know?" I glance down at our interwoven hands, noticing how well they fit together. 

He shrugs, giving my hand a small squeeze. "I just know."


Exactly an hour later (I asked Cade how long it had been), we are sitting in a small table at the cafe beneath our room. Breakfast consists of a pile of scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage, all of which are delicious. I had to ask Cade some of the names of the food, but he didn't seem to mind. 

"Is it good?" Cade asks, interrupting my train of thought. 

I nod vigorously, my mouth full of toast and sausage at the same time. I swallow and lick my lips, feeling thirsty. I'm about to ask Cade for something to drink, when the lady who served us before sets a glass of orange liquid in front of me. 

I hear Cade thanking her, but my eyes are frozen on the cup in front of me. Then I'm back in the facility with Barr and Doctor Acosta, being told to eat a meal I've never had before. They infected me with it, the thing that started it all. After that, everything seemed to go downhill, changing and getting worse. 

"Gis, are you okay?" 

I exhale as my vision clears and I see Cade across the table from me, his expression concerned. Forehead creased, lips drawn in a thin line. 

I manage a nod, forcing myself to keep my eyes on Cade, and not the liquid in front of me. The drink is taunting me, bringing back the horror of everything I went through before Cade was there. 

"What is it?" Cade asks, his hand finding mine, the warmth bringing me back. Familiar, comforting. I meet his gaze head on, finding strength in his gaze, cool and focused. Intense, full of life. I don't think I could ever tire of his eyes. 

"The drink." My gaze wavers to the cup, but I force it back to Cade. I stare into his blue eyes instead, not letting the fear take over. Breathe, Gis. Breathe. "Doctor Acosta... infected me with something that she put in the drink. Back at the facility." 

Cade nods slowly. "I... see. I didn't know." He takes the cup and lifts it to his lips. "Well, I better make sure it isn't tampered with then." His tone is completely serious, not a hint of sarcasm or mockery. After he takes a sip and licks his lips, he hands the glass back to me. 

"Just normal orange juice." At my hesitation, he adds, "I promise."

I stare at the cup, still not feeling very brave in the moment. Still not able to drink from the cup that holds so many horrid memories. Instead, I try to change the subject. "So... what is the plan now?"

Cade's forehead creases in confusion, his focus changed from the orange drink. "What do you mean?"

"Well..." I gesture around us. "Enzo let us go. What do we do now?"

"Oh." Cade purses his lips, thoughtful and steady. He's a rock, I think. But it's so true. In the vast ocean of life, he is the only thing steady, the only thing that has held me close and safe through it all. Cade, my rock. My safe haven. 

"What?" Cade looks at me with a slight smile, his eyes dancing, and I realize I'm staring. And probably making a face too... 

"I... nothing," I say, blushing. "Just... what's the plan?"

"I see. Well, we need to get you away from here. In fact, I saw a group of Enforcers out in the street earlier this morning, which means we don't have much time before they'll begin searching these buildings."

"What's an Enforcer?" I scoop another forkful of eggs and chew slowly, enjoying the salty, squishy taste.

"An elite government task force made for special jobs such as this." Cade's expression turns sour, and I can see it in his eyes that these people are not to be messed with. A shiver goes down my spine. 

"What do we do?" 

"We need to get to the transport station. From there, we can board a transport train and leave this barren land behind. We should be safe once we leave this place, because it will be incredibly hard for them to track us down."

I nod. What he says makes sense. We can only hope things will turn out to be so simple. 


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