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A/N: I'm starting to wonder if my update schedule has just been changed to Tuesday... :P Seriously, I don't have much of an excuse to use now, just that I was quite busy with work yesterday and then I decided to do something else because of a headache. But at least I'm updating now? Hehe.


02 - 17 - 2089

The world slows to an agonizing crawl as I watch the scene play out before my eyes. I'm helpless in Cade's arms as a bullet rips into Enzo's chest and another into his shoulder. Blood pours out of the wounds at an alarming rate as Enzo slumps motionless on the cement floor.

Then I'm screaming, unable to comprehend what I've just seen. My mind knows without a doubt that his wounds aren't ones you come back from. And I can't stop the cries that are wrenched from my throat, the sobs that shake my body.

Cade is shouting, trying to say something in my ear as he tries to pull me away from Enzo's body. The soldier is still standing over Enzo, a triumphant smile gathered on his hateful face. Tears pour down my face as I stare at him and Enzo.

I want to tear him to shreds.

"Gis, we have to go," Cade finally breaks through the din as the fog momentarily lifts from my mind. The chaos of the fighting around us is heavier than before, but it won't conceal us for long. Not when everyone will be looking for me.

"We... we can't just leave him there," I say as I turn to face Cade, the pain evident on both our faces. I can see the frustration and reluctance in him, and I know he doesn't want to take me away from Enzo without a goodbye. But how can I manage a goodbye in such horrific circumstances.

Cade watches me for a second more before he sets his jaw, his expression hardening into one of determination. Then he drops his hands from me and runs toward Enzo's murderer. I watch in mute horror as he tackles the man, catching him off guard.

Cade shoves and kicks at the soldier, moving him away from Enzo's body to give me enough space. With only moments left, I rush over to the pale body and kneel beside him, determined not to let this time go to waste. Drawing a slow, tender hand across his hair, I clench my jaw, wiping away the tears from my face.

Then with an exhale, I lean forward and press a feather light kiss to his temple. "Thank you," I whisper, my throat thick and raw with emotion. Enzo sacrificed himself for me. He was willing to give up his life for mine, for my safety. And the knowledge that all these people here are fighting for me as well is overwhelming.

Before I let those thoughts consume me and paralyze my body, I turn away from him and rise. My mind blocks the pain as I prepare to run with Cade and leave this place behind forever.

But I can't find him. My eyes scan over the chaos to where I last saw him, fighting Enzo's killer. He isn't there, and dread clings to the edge of my mind as I force the panic back. He's got to be here somewhere.

Stay calm, Gis.

There. I spot him a few yards away, still locked in combat with the soldier, but standing. My feet make to go towards him, but someone grabs my arm, halting my steps.

I swing around to break the grip, but stop when I see the familiar face of one of Enzo's associates. The older man shakes his head and points to the waiting truck.

My eyes widen at his meaning. "I can't leave Cade."

"We're fighting for you, darling," the man says, his tone soft as he shakes his head again. "Don't let Enzo's death be in vain."

No, he's right, and it kills me. But how can I leave Cade behind? How can I leave all these men behind when they'll surely be punished for helping me? If I leave, how many will be given mercy for their actions? A part of me knows Director Lestat isn't' the type to issue out mercy. The memory of Cade bloody and beaten at his mother's command enters my mind.

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