Chapter 11: That Must Be Them

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Tarah woke, but instead of seeing Wayne, she saw Randolph sitting in her chair.

"Good morning," he said. As soon as he spoke Tarah felt the change again. She knew what had just happened.

"Good morning," she replied, "It was nice of you to take Wayne's place and stay the night here.

"Well I am just being a good friend to him and beside I get to spend some time with you," Randolph said with a blushing smile, "I brought you breakfast."

"Thank you," Tarah replied. Tarah know that Randolph liked her, but she only saw him as a friend. She started to worry that if Randolph did something she didn't like, she would end up repaying feels she didn't have for him and the last thing she wanted to do was upset Wayne. Randolph walked over to her and handed her breakfast. Randolph touched her hand, Tarah quickly picked up how much he wanted to kiss her. Her worst thought was just about to come true. She looked into his eyes with a mischievous look. Randolph looked a bit confused then realized what happen. Tarah was suddenly repaying the feels he had for her. Tarah put her tray down and grabbed his shirt and began to kiss him. Randolph wasn't able to control himself. He began to kiss her back. Tarah went over and locked the door then pulled him down onto her bed. Randolph's weight fall onto her. Randolph began to kiss her neck. Tarah let out a slight moan. She began to unbutton Randolph's shirt. Randolph began to unbutton her shirt as well. Tarah couldn't believe what she was doing. How was she supposed to explain this to Wayne? But no matter how hard she tried to stop she couldn't. She felt very ashamed, but she couldn't stop. She had taken his shirt off and he had her's off too, when a knock came at the door.

"Hey Tarah you been in there for and bit. Everything okay?" came the voice. It was Wayne. She went to tell him that she wasn't okay but ended up saying,

"Yeah I am fine."

"Then why is the door locked?" Wayne questioned her.

"Because I am getting dressed and no Randolph isn't here, I made him leave," she lied. She was shocked that she said that.

"Okay well I will be waiting for you at the Headquarter when you are done changing," he said. After hearing him leave she turned back to Randolph and started kissing him again. She then started unbuttoning his pants. He started to breath heavy and began to unbutton her pants. Tarah began to moan even more. She got his pants off him. His body was pressing down hard on her. She was now in her bra and underwear. He began to unhook her bra, but he stopped. What was he doing. This was not like him. He was using Tarah to get what he wanted from her. Tarah was taking off his underwear when she picked up on what he was thinking. She quickly stopped. She looked up at him and asked,

"Is something wrong?"

"I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking," replied Randolph as he removed his body from Tarah's and began to get dressed. After his body leaving her's, she felt guilt and quickly covered herself up then said,

"No, it was my fault. I should have controlled myself.

"No it's mine. I didn't control myself and took advantage of you acting like me," replied Randolph, "Better get dressed and meet Wayne before he comes back." Tarah know he was right so she quickly got dressed and went to meet Wayne, while Randolph waited a few minutes before leaving Tarah's house and heading to his.

"There you are," said Wayne as he hugged her, "You are breathing heavy and you are also sweating. Did you run all the way here?"

"As a matter of fact I did," she said laughing. But she knew that wasn't the reason why.

"So you were that excited to see me," Wayne said laughing then grabbing her hand. Unlike with Randolph, Wayne was controlling himself so Tarah didn't need to worry about doing anything she would regret. They continued to walk when she began to go into a trans. It was the Guardians.

"What have you summoned me for?" She asked.

"We have arrived. I suggest you find a way to save your friends and fast," replied the guardian.

"But you guys aren't supposed to be here until tomorrow and seems how I can't tell everyone about you guys, how am I supposed to save them," said Tarah in a shocked voice.

"That is for you to figure out," replied the guardian. Just then an idea popped into her head. She could tell them to stop practicing because it was causing her to act like this. She wasn't telling them about the guardians but it just might help the Earth balance back out. Just then she saw Wayne waving at her face.

"Umm who were you talking to?" He asked

"I can't tell you but you need to quit practicing with your powers. Everyone is making the Earth unbalanced and that is what is causing me to act like everyone," said Tarah. Wayne wasn't sure if he should believe her because she had taken on his personality of him, but he wouldn't lie about something.

"Okay, I will tell everyone else. I believe lunch is ready. Do you want to wait until everyone leaves before you eat?" Wayne asked.

"Yeah. If you want to you could bring it to me when your done eating," replied Tarah.

"Okay, but are you sure you can wait that long," Wayne asked.

"Yep," replied Tarah smiling. Wayne smiled back at her then kissed her.

He reached the Headquarter and told everyone what Tarah told him.

"Hmm. I think we should listen to her. It would make since for the way she has been acting," replied Randolph.

"But we are not for sure that is the real Tarah talking since she was with Wayne," replied Mercy.

"But I won't lie about something that concerned everyone," said Wayne.

"Wayne is right," said Kristopher, "He wouldn't lie about something like that." Just then the ground began to shake. They all went outside to see several giant, glowing men coming out of the ground.

"That must be Them," replied Rachelle. Everyone then ready themselves for battle.

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