Chapter 29: A New Beginning

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Wayne watched Calvin leave and then turned to see everyone else gathered together.
"Let's end this once and forever," Wayne said. Everyone nodded took off. Liam quickly created a tornado and shot it toward the enemy. He then took to the sky and shot hard forced winds knock the enemy back. He could doge the bullets with easy until one hit him that had earth power in it. He fell to the ground, but was still able to fight, just not as well.
"Liam, look out," Leann shouted. Liam saw another bullet coming for him. He shot air at it, but missed. He watched it come close, but then saw it move away.
"You're welcome," Leann said.
"I didn't know you could control someone's power. She smiled, but it soon disappear when the world went black.
"Calvin," she said then disappeared. Liam then saw a moon appear in the sky that lifted most of the darkness. Liam saw Leann near Calvin's body and headed toward her, but was stopped by some of the enemy.
"Someone get to Calvin and Leann," Liam shouted. Paris and Jake quickly sprung into action. When they reached them, they saw Leann crying,
"He's dead,"
"Quick. Call for Wayne. I am going to try and make it brighter for us," Jake said to Paris.
"Wayne, we need you now," She shouted toward him. Wayne heard Paris calling him and saw her standing near Calvin's body and Leann. He turned to Kristopher and Mercy and said,
"I will be back." They nodded. Kristopher then blow frost onto an enemy, killing him right away. Wayne reached them and saw Calvin's lifeless body.
"Can you heal him?" Leann asked trying to control her crying.
"I will do everything I can," he responded, "But I need you two to protect me. I have to focus all my energy on him."
"Make it three," Jake said appearing out of nowhere, "It's didn't work, but at least the moon is bright enough we can mostly see."
"Hear they come," Paris said winking at Jake. He smirked and charged toward them. Paris was close behind him. Jake shot a blinding light at them and then struck them with a knife. Paris would use her voice to drive them crazy and would let them kill themselves.
"Jake, be careful with your light. You will send my shadows away," Erinn called out. Erinn watched him laugh and continue fighting.
"Some days I really do hate him," Erinn said to Rachelle. Rachelle laughed and went back to fighting. Rachelle would play with their minds and cause them to kill each other. Erinn would use shadows to confuse them and then would kill them from behind.
"I need to get over to Calvin, can you handle on your own?" Erinn asked Rachelle.
"I will be fine. You go," Rachelle said. Erinn then took off over to Wayne and Calvin's body. She heard Wayne chanting something, but couldn't quick understand. Erinn was about to ask him what he was doing when she had someone yell stop. Everyone turned to see Randolph standing on the build debris with both Adam and Kimberly laying on the ground.
"Your leader is dead. If you wish to live lower your weapons and surrender. They all lowered their weapons. Ethan then gathered the guns in one place.
"Thank you," now please remove your armor and then come to me," Randolph said. They all removed their armor and headed toward Randolph where he checked them to make sure they didn't have anymore weapons and then sent them on their way home. 
"Erinn, Jake, and Leann, come here," Wayne called. Jake joined Leann and Erinn. They saw Calvin's body began to move and the sky started to become brighter. Calvin then opened his eyes.
"Calvin," they said and hugged him.
"Did we win?" Calvin asked slowly.
"Yes," Wayne said. Calvin smiled and said,
"I assume I have you to thank for bringing me back." Wayne smiled and said,
"I would do anything for a friend." Calvin smiled.
"Calvin, you're alright," Mercy said running toward him. Calvin's face light up and he said,
"I have missed you." Mercy run into his arms and kissed him.
"I tried getting to you but I could never get away from the enemy," she said after breaking the kiss.
"It's okay," Calvin said with a smile.
"Well I hate to break up the fun, but we need to go see Randolph and figure out what happened," Wayne said standing up. They all nodded and headed toward Randolph. Wayne gather up everyone else and then headed toward Randolph.
"I am concerned about Randolph," Tarah said as they walked.
"Me too," Wayne said.

They reached Randolph and saw Kimberly and Adam laying lifeless.
"They are dead. Adam connected their nanites so if one died so would the other," Randolph said emotionless, "Kimberly gave me the last of her power to protect us and wipe the world of their memory of us. I say we head back. I need Tim's and Ella's help with something.
"Wait, Randolph. Let me cremate her body and place it in a vase," Mercy said. Randolph nodded. While Mercy burnt Kimberly's body. Kristopher made a clear vase to store the ashes that would never melt. When Mercy finished, Liam used the air to gather up the ashes into the vase and then handed it to Randolph saying,
"We are really sorry about Kimberly." Randolph smiled lightly and said,
"Thanks." Everyone then left.
"Wayne," Randolph called as they started to leave, "I want you to be the new leader. I just feel don't the same without Kimberly here. When we get back I will be letting everyone know.
"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Wayne asked.
"Yes, it's what is best for everyone," Randolph said, "Now let's caught up with everyone." Wayne nodded and then started walking. Randolph took one last look at his parents and then left. Randolph remained quiet for the rest of the trip until they returned to the headquarters.

Tim and Ella greet everyone with smiles until they noticed that Kimberly was gone. Wayne filled them in on what happened. Tim and Ella then expressed the condolences to Randolph.
"Thank you, but there is something I want to talk to you about. We will be needing a new Government and I feel that you two suit that role well. Is this something you would consider doing?," Randolph said pulling them aside.
"It would be our honor," Tim said.
"Thank you," Randolph said then headed for his house. Randolph put Kimberly's vase on a table and headed to the headquarter.

"Everyone I have an announcement. I will be stepping down from leader and Wayne will be taking my place as your new leader. Please treat him with respect as you did me," Randolph said. Everyone looked at each other confused. Randolph picked up on it and said,
"In light of everything that has happened, I don't feel fit to be the leader anymore. I will still be here though so don't think you can get away with picking on Wayne." Everyone chuckled. Wayne then said,
"Randolph, thank you for everything. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Everyone cheered to that.
"Now please continue eating. I am going to carry out Kimberly's last wishes," Randolph said then left. He went and got Kimberly's vase and approached the guardians and said,
"Thank you for everything you have done. With Kimberly's power, I will create a crack in the void to hide us away, so you don't have to protect us anymore and I will wipe the world of the knowledge of us." They nodded and then disappeared. Randolph then stretched out his hand and made a huge crack that surrounded their houses and Headquarter. He then shot out the rest of her power and let it spread around the world. He took a deep breath and turned back to the Headquarter. As he got closer he saw everyone laughing and enjoying each other company. He had been hiding it from them that he was finding it hard to life. He could feel himself hardening. He stood a few feet away from the window and just watched them. He felt his body slowly turn into a metal statue. He last move was moving the vase just right so that the evening light would shine through it.

"Tarah come with me," Wayne said taking her hand. Tarah followed him up to the roof.
"What's going on?" she asked.
"I told you if we made it through this we were going to get married and well," He said getting on one knee, "Will you marry me?" Wayne pulled out a ring with a flowered band and a pearl in the middle.
"Yes, of course I will," she said with tears coming from her eyes. Wayne stood up, put the ring on her finger and kissed her.
"Shall we tell everyone the good news," Wayne said breaking their kiss. Tarah nodded and they headed back downstairs. 

Everyone congratulated them.
"Where is Randolph?" Wayne asked.
"I assume he is still outside," Calvin said. Everyone then preceded outside to find him. When they got outside, they saw Randolph's metal statue, but also a statue of Kimberly on the other side of the vase and the vase was empty. Everyone remained quiet for him then saw something on the building. It was their elemental signs shining on the building. They all felt proud to see their elementals signs together.
"Thanks to them we can all have a new beginning and life," Wayne said grabbing Tarah's hand. Everyone smiled as they watched their symbols move around the building.

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