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she had never thought of having a boyfriend before she met him


"Who are you and what will you do to me?!"

Doyoung rolls his eyes as he sets koeun's breakfast on the table. "I'm Doyoung, now shut up and eat your breakfast" he sasses and closes the door.

Koeun shrugs and follows what doyoung commanded. The door then opens and a boy with blonde hair comes in with a phone on his hand. "What's with the fork?" Mark asks Koeun who was pointing her fork at him. "I thought doyoung came in again" She exhales, relieved that it wasn't that sassy man.

"You have a phone!" she points at the phone on mark's hand. "Yeah, I had to sneak this out of doyoung hyung's room that's why I sent him here" He wiggles his brows, the girl smiles at mark who is now weirded out by koeun's toothy smile.

He throws it to her and she catches it with both of her hands, "Make it fast" he said before leaving the room.

Koeun quickly dials her father's number and places the phone beside her ears, someone answers it after the fourth ring. "Hello?" She heras her father's voice on the other line. "Dad!" She exclaims, "Dad, where are you?" koeun asks, "Oh my goodness, ko eun ji. Tell me where the heck you are?!" Her father states, probably worried about her daughter's condition.

"I'm fine, just please pay the debt you made so I can get out of here!" she says to her father, "Alright, i'll find a way" he answers. The call ended quickly and as if on cue mark entered the room.

"So?" mark asks, he is anticipating for an answer from koeun. "He said, he'll find a way" she says in a low tone, mark sensed that koeun was sad so he had an idea to cheer her up. "Wanna go out and play with the others?" he asks, koeun looks at him and shakes her head. And that was the cue that mark needed to have a better idea on cheering koeun up.

He left the room and went to his own thinking for possible ideas on how to cheer koeun up. Mark's room was different from koeun's, his room was larger, it has windows and appliances, his room was filled with colors, unlike hers which was gray and black and white.

He was lying on his back; few drops of water hit mark's window, it's drizzling and soon rain will come. When he was a child, mark loved playing with jisung in the rain, it made him feel happy and contented.

Mark looked outside, down from his window he saw his hyungs playing in the rain, he laughs at how childish his hyung can sometimes be, albeit they were acting mature they still had a little softness and childishness left in their hearts.

An imaginary lightbulb appears above his head, he quickly gets up from his bed and practically ran to koeun's room. The door slams open, a startled koeun appears in front of him. Koeun was about to open her mouth but mark stops him by holding her wrist. "What the-" he runs with koeun's wrist in his hands, a smile forms in his lips as he quickly glances at the confused koeun.

"Mark! It's raining!" koeun halts, "So?" he raises his brows, koeun sighs, she hates to say this but she feels defeated in a way.

Mark laughs and runs whilst still holding koeun, the raindrops then fall on them making them wet. He releases his grip on her wrist and looks at her, koeun is looking at him too.

They both laugh out of awkwardness, koeun considered it lucky because the rain was a big help in hiding her now red ears.

"Catch me" mark says and runs far from koeun, koeun refuses and folds her arms near her chest. "you're so childish mark lee" she states tired of his childishness. "if im childish then you are no fun" with that koeun runs at full speed to mark's current position, he quickly ran farther away hoping that koeun wont catch him.

His hopes has betrayed him, koeun ends up catching mark and she gave him a pinch on the cheeks. "That hurts!" he says whilst rubbing his now red cheeks, koeun chuckles and taps his cheeks. "It'll be fine, dont worry. You wont die because of that" she says but her smile fades after realizing what she just said.

"Cheer up, you still got four days and that's quite a lot time" he cheers her up and squeezes her soft cheeks, koeun felt a little happy because of his words, those are the words she needed to hear right now.

They continue to laugh and play outside and in the pouring rain not caring that they could catch colds.

By the time the rain stops, they go inside to wash and dry up. Mark walks koeun to her room before going to his own, he smiles after entering the room, it was a smile that shows triumph. He was sure he cheered koeun up, with that thought koeun smiling and laughing flashes in his head making him smile and laugh as well.

Koeun, on the other hand felt her heart slightly beating because of thought of mark lee. "Come on heart don't beat like that" she says while continuously hitting her chest trying to reduce her heart's rapid pace.

She sighs realizing what she has gotten in to: she fell.

Koeun didn't believe it at first, everything was just so fast and his actions were sweeter and more caring the longer she stayed. It felt like the exact opposite of what he was tasked to do. Koeun lets herself fall into her bed, not caring if she was soaking wet.

To her mark is everything a girl could ever wish for, except for his criminal title, he is a perfect boyfriend material. It was pretty obvious, like it's plastered on his pretty face, his actions say that as well. He screams: boyfriend material.

And koeun never really wished for a boyfriend until she met him.

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