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how are you?


"I'm tired honey, i'll go to sleep now"

Her dad says as he pulls his blanket and closes his eyes.

Koeun, who was staring out the window- sighs. What a long day they had, there were a lot of things that happened. donghyuck, who was sleeping beside her lets out a loud snore. she laughs, mark told her that donghyuck snores, she's now amazed that it wasn't a lie.

They were currently in an inn, his dad told them that if they were to go straight to their house, the gang would find them there, so he thought of a smart way to escape and paid for a room to spend the night in.

Her eyes were about to close so she lies down the bed and tries to sleep, koeun tosses and turn but her system wont shut down. something was bothering her: mark lee

The curly haired blonde boy made her come up of lots of theories.

1. Mark's dad scolding him
2. His dad kicking him out of the gang and disowning him
and 3. Mark Lee punished to death.

She shakes her head, no. Koeun had faith in mark's decisions, she believe in mark. He isn't called absolutely fully capable for nothing.

For the mean time, she closes her eyes again and wondered off to dreamland.

Meanwhile back at the headquarters the guards were being scolded, mark's dad was furious that they let them get off. And because of that, mark found his spare time as a time to escape this horrid place.

He successfully runs out the gate without anyone noticing, his hyungs were probably asleep by now because it's midnight. After running to what he thinks is the main road, he halts for a while to think about the right thing to do, then a lightbulb appeares above his head again.

He thought of a bright idea

An idea that was about to fix his life.

euphoria ; markoeunWhere stories live. Discover now