Post 24

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3rd of May 2017
Whats on my mind today?
This morning the word Seek, came into my head. What does it mean;
Seek; to find by sarching, look, to seek a solution. ( www. The free or to try find or get something, especially that is not a physical object.(
Seek and you shall find. I feel there is alot of people who seek aimlessly. They seek and seek but do not come up with an answer. I feel that to seek you need to delve deeper where your true thoughts lie.
Meditation is a great way to accompolish this, but it doesn't suit all. It's also a personal thing how people seek.
Whatever method you use, know that it's you and you alone that can find the true answers to your seek.
It sounds like a lost word , but it is just for a little bit. As soon as you concentrate, seek is right in front of you.
Seek and you shall recieve!❤️

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