Post 95

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10th of July 2017
Whats on my mind today?
This morning I woke up with the word Chair in my head.
Lets see what it means;
Chair; A separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.
(Google dictionary) or
Act as chairperson of or preside over( an organization, meeting, or public event)
(Google dictionary).
There you have it. A chair is something you sit on, or an individual who holds a meeting in an organization or public event.
Chair, where would we be without them?
We need them for good posture and comfortable living, and we also need them to have good organizatin in meetings and public events.
I suppose even before it was invented the chair, people found something around them to symbolize a chair, or a place you could prop your behind on, so it would not be on the floor.
Even in meetings,there always needed to be a chairperson in whatever culture or tribe you came from.
Chair; A great invention that was stumbled upon.
                  IN LOVE AND LIGHT.

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