Post 77

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22nd of June 2017
Whats on my mind today?
This morning I woke up with the word misunderstanding.
Lets see what it means.
Misunderstanding; A failure to understand something correctly.( or
A situation where something is not understood properly(
Uhmmm!! Well this is a word which definetly gets hot under the collar😡 most of the time. Where in the the world does anyone have patience with this word.
How many times does this word get thrown around and the people who throw arrows at it can't see that not everyone thinks alike nor hears the same things. At times it is really just that a misunderstanding. It's an innocent and unprovoked thing. This is when this word becomes understood.
But at times the word misunderstanding gets thrown about to take advantage of others. This is definetly when the word becomes much more sinnister in appearence.
But why us humans use up so much energy on the latter I don't know.
Yes misunderstandings do happen and lets just move the word over and get on with our lives, where more useful things can be done and achieved in the better words that are in our dictionary and vocabulary.😀❤️👍😁

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