Post 138

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18th of August 2017
Whats on my mind today?
This morning I woke up with the word Jealousy in my head.
Lets see what it means;
Jealousy; feeling restentment against someone because of that  person's rivalry, success, or advantages.( or unhappy or angry feeling of wanting to have what someone has.(
Here we have a word that is totally against what and how I feel towards life.
It's a negative word, but I'm going to show you how we can turn it around to a positive one. When you read this word, it does not give you any good feelings, at least for me I know it doesn't.
What this kind of folk do not realize is it really isn't worth it.
When one assumes this word, then all you are going to get, is more of what you don't want. You need to rise above this word "Jealousy" and look at whatever or whomever through the eyes of appreciation and gratitude.
You see when your happy for someone or others you wish them more prosperity. In natural fact your sending it back to yourself 10 fold.
                IN LOVE AND LIGHT.

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