11th of May 2017
Whats on my mind today?
This morning Honour popped into my head.
What does this word mean.
Honour is Fairness or integrity in ones beliefs and actions.( www. Dictionary.com)
Or A quality that combines respect being proud, and honsety.
Uhm! Fairness, integrity and beliefs of actions. This word is a word that gets used the most in all our lives. It's powerful, it's a word of such strong movement. You can actually feel it rush past you. Did you feel yourself spin around? I did. Yes we do need to be fair. We do need to have integrity otherwise our belief system would be empty. But to how far do we push it, before it gets out of hand. I believe if everyone practised a little of self controland a little of respect in their lives, then this word Honour wouldn't look like the bad guy.
It would just be.
We pay a high price for honour. We pay it in many ways. But if we could all just back off a little, it would be a nice way.
Uhmmm!! What's on my mind?
RandomMy Thoughts, My Posts. Funny and Entertaining way to look at life.