Chapter One: The Bunker

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"Oh the webs we weave. Is that a little too on the nose? I don't care if it is. You see, I'm stuck in this bunker. Well not actually stuck per se, I know the code to get out, but I'm a danger to everyone around me and must stay isolated. I have no idea how long it's been, but it's necessary.
Ever since I was bitten by that stupid spider, I can't trust myself. The only issue is; I am lonely and bored out of my mind, so that would be why I'm talking to a wall. I am actually telling a piece of concrete my problems!" Sighing, I lean against the dirty grey wall.
"Have I gone mad? You see I loved my life before all of this happened. I played hockey with my friends, and was acing all of my classes. I was on the track to get into Oxford! What am I doing instead? Talking to an inanimate object!" I slump down in defeat. The dark, dingy corner of the small bunker was where I spend most of my time now anyway.
"It's like I'm being imprisoned or punished for something I didn't do." I think to myself because the wall is a lousy conversationalist.
Every time I think about leaving, I remember why I can't.
My mom decided to punish me by forcing me to go on this field trip with my school. The trip was at some laboratory to witness the public exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratories. I was talking to one of my friends halfway through the presentation, and I felt a tiny pinch on my ankle. I looked down quick enough to see a tiny, black spider use its hairy legs to scurry away. Thinking nothing of it (but that it was disgusting), I continued talking to my friend.
It was a bigger deal than I could have imagined because a few minutes later, I found myself hiding in the bathroom. There was a strong tingling sensation racing down my legs and arms. It felt as if microscopic spiders were running down my veins and into my fingertips, which started to hurt. To add to the horror, I had a horrible headache due to the pinprick sensation on the back of my head. The pain passed, but the confusion did not. I composed myself and then called my dad to ask him to come pick me up.
When we got into the car and he asked me what was wrong, I didn't tell him because I did not know myself. That night, I figured it was just some weird side affects of a spider-bite.
The next day, I was in a bit of a fog due to the confusion of the night before. I considered faking being sick and staying home, but my mom thinks school is ridiculously important. The trouble with having a strict Asian mom is that I could throw up on her or burst into flames and she would tell me to "power through it" and go to school. So I had to go.
Still having a horrible headache, the school day was miserable, but looking back on it everyday since, I figured something out.
As I was walking to my fourth period, I was unaware of my surrounding and ran right into someone. The books and papers I had been carrying all flew up into the air and floated down into the floor. I pushed the long black strand of hair out of my eyes, and felt an odd ache in my chest. The perks of having an eidetic memory are that I remember exactly what happened next.
"I am so sorry! I didn't see you there!" A tall, lanky teenage boy uttered as he bent down to retrieve my papers. He seemed to be out of it as well, but it is high school so that describes half the people present.
"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I replied. He seemed familiar. I just don't know why. I quickly bent down to help him.
"I'm Peter Parker." He said looking up at me with a half smile.
"Cindy Moon." I said smiling back.
We held eye contact for a second too long. Looking back down, we stood up with paper and books in hand as hundreds of rowdy students flooded through the halls. A particularly noisy guy behind Peter tripped and almost fell on him, but he moved out of the way just in time. Which caused the klutz to fall down and quickly get up to face the ridicule of his friends. The quick movement caused Peter to drop the last book he was handing me. As it fell towards the floor, without thinking, I caught it.
"Wow. That was impressive." He said taken aback.
"Thanks." I was quite visibly blushing now.
That was the part I was hoping to forget. The downfalls of having an eidetic memory is that you remember every single embarrassing detail.
With an awkward pause later.
"This is actually yours I think." I realize, still blushing, and handing him the book. As he went to take the book our hands met. I felt an odd pull towards him as we touched. It was as if there was an urge making me want to stay with him and be with him. Giving myself a reality check, I remember there is this thing called hormones, and he seems to be feeling them as well.
The bell rings and we are brought back down to Earth and rush into separate classes with quick goodbyes and a "thank you".
Later that night, when I accidentally stuck my brother to a wall with spiderwebs that came out of my fingertips and freaked out, I figured there might be a more complicated explanation to what happened to me.
The next day, I was taken away by a man who called himself, Ezekiel Sims. He was the one that convinced me to go into hiding. He told me about the magnitude of my abilities and how they would only put those I love in danger, so I quickly said goodbye.
I've had a lot of time to think since then, and the quick catch of the book was the first sign of the heightened agility Sims said I possessed. Now if a quick catch of the book is a bite-related power, then wouldn't moving before something happens also be out of the ordinary? For example, moving out of the way before an idiot falls on you from behind. I'm not saying this guy has powers or anything, I'm just thinking it's a possibility.
While organizing my thoughts, I realize how much I miss my dad's constant support, my brother's sense of humor, and my mom's concern for my well-being. It feels like it has been ages since I heard then laugh and felt their warmth. I wish I could see them now, but this dark, small room was my future. It was the only way I can keep them safe.
I am brought back into reality by a knock. I should be alone here (wherever here is). Who could that quiet knock belong to and what do they want? There was another, louder, knock that shook the light wood that only the door was made out of. Shouldn't the door be made the most secure though? That wasn't something to worry about now.
I quickly get up from the dark corner, and am met with the door being slammed open. In front of me stands a man dressed in a tight red and blue outfit from head to toe. There seems to be a weblike pattern covering the suit which has a black spider-shaped insignia on the chest. The person's face is covered, I have my suspicions as to their identity.
"Are you okay?" He says rushing over to me with concern.
Giving him away, the sound of his voice assures me that it is Peter Parker.

Thank you for reading the first chapter! I personally love Silk and her backstory just had to be told before getting into her a Peter's "relationship".

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