Chapter Four: The Friend

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Darkness fills my mind as it goes blank. Frigid air runs down my body. The ache in my lungs persists. Pain runs down the muscles in my legs, as blood drips down my sides. I am running down an endless hallway. Frantic and scared, but I don't know why. My breath is getting heavy and thick. The pain in my side urges me to stop, but I have to get out of the darkness.



My running slows as Peter's voice echoes through the dark hall.

Where am I?

The weight starts to lift off of my chest but the blood pools around my feet as I stop.

"CIN, come on!"

I collapse onto the cold floor. As dark spots blur my vision, a bright light appears.

"Peter." I mumble.
I open my eyes and see Peter staring down at me on the cold floor of the concrete bunker. His brow is furrowed with worry as he shakes my limb body.

"Geez Cin! You scared me." He exclaims as relief spreads across his face and he stands up.
"Sorry, I was asleep." I say rubbing the fog of sleep from my eyes.
"I know but you were shaking and crying."
"Why are you here exactly?" I ask ignoring his question.
Peter looks at me with his eyebrow slightly raised, waiting for me to go on.
"Seriously Cin. Are you okay?"
"Just a nightmare." I reply simply. I lean against the cold concrete wall of my favorite little corner of my familiarly dark home.
"Okay." Pete says, shaking his head.
"So you didn't tell me why you were watching me sleep."
"I'm picking you up to see Tony, so hurry up. Happy doesn't like to be kept waiting."
"They sent a car and we need to get going."
"Right." I say rubbing my temple. The pain from my dream has moved to my head.
"Are you sure you are okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"No you're not Cin! You are living in a prison and having horrible nightmares while sleeping on concrete! That's not healthy!"
Getting up, I walk over to Peter.
"Why are you so worried about me Peter?" I say, raising an eyebrow.
"Your family would be so happy to see you, why don't you tell them you are alive?" He asks, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Fine don't confront your feelings." I say, crossing my arms as Peter's hand returns to his side. "Besides Pete, have you seen a single missing person sign with my face or name?"
"I've been gone for six months, yet they haven't tried to find me. Maybe they don't want to see me, or worse..."

I haven't wanted to think about this ever since I found out about the lies Morlun told me.
If they lied about my abilities then they may have lied about protecting my family.

"Something may have happened to them." Peter completes.
I can feel a lump in my throats as a single tear rolls down my cheek.
"Cin." Peter says, wiping away my tear and pulling me into an embrace. "It's okay. Besides, don't you at least want to know?"
"Yeah. I'll go to the house later." I assure him and we separate.
"Okay." He says, smiling. "Now you need to get going. Mr. Stark does not like to be kept waiting." Peter looks me up and down and gestures to my t-shirt and sweat-shorts. "You need to get some clothes."
"Funny you should say that because I worked on a little party trick last night, but I'm just going to put on my jeans and sweatshirt so get out." I retort, smirking.
• • •
"Wow you weren't kidding." I say, surprised to walk out and see a black car waiting.
"Well yeah. I told you that I'm friends with Tony."
"No you're not." The straight faced driver calls from the front.
"Don't listen to Happy, he's just grumpy." Peter whispers.
I get into the dark car and Happy takes off. After a long awkward silence, Peter sits up straight and nervously says
"So...uh...Happy, does Mr. S-Stark have any for me?"
Ignoring this remark, Happy presses a button and a dark window divider between the front and back rolls up.
Peter sits back in defeat.

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