Chapter Seven: The Room

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Peter looks my way and puts a finger to where his lips are underneath his red mask. He hangs above the window as he slowly pulls it open. Waiting for him to crawl in, I lean against the cold metal fire escape. After Peter pulls himself through the window, I jump up and follow him into the dimly lit room.

We move along the ceiling and he lowers himself quietly down onto the floor, as do I.
Throwing his mask onto the cluttered floor, he turns on a tall lamp which illuminates the dim room.
I look around the small space that contains the life of my...friend.

As Peter makes sure the grey door is closed, I walk over to his desk covered with stray pieces of torn apart tech.
"So this is how you make your webs." I whisper as I study the formula titled Web Fluid 3.0 quickly written on a stray piece of notebook paper.
"Yeah" Peter says as he attempts to tidy the space up.
"It's fine Peter." I mutter, putting my hand on his shoulder. He turns to me and I study his strong jawline, the deep brown eyes that seem to contain his soul, his askew post-mask brown hair, and finally his lips that kiss me softly.

I tell him to turn away as I change, and he asks me to do the same as he presses the spider emblem on his chest. It makes a mechanical release sounds as the suit starts to fall from his body and we both turn our backs to each other.

After creating a shirt and a pair of soft pink pajama shorts for myself, I get confirmation from Peter before turning to face him.

"I'll take the floor and you can have the bed." He grabs a couple of spare blankets and a pillow that he lays down onto the ground.

"We can both sleep on the bed Pete. I don't bite." I say taking a step toward him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I can control myself. Can you Peter?"
I look up at his tired eyes, millimeters away from him.
"I'll try." He says with a slight raise of his eyebrow.
Peter wraps his toned arms around me and I place mine around his neck.
He pulls me in and kisses me passionately. We stumble towards the full size bed, on which I land on the navy blue comforter. 
Peter pulls away and sits down next to me on the bed.
"We shouldn't."
"I know."
He places his head down on the white pillowcase and I lay next to him with my head on the heather grey t-shirt that covers his muscular chest.
"This isn't going to work, is it Peter?" I whisper.
"I want it to." Peter says hopefully.
"So do I." I hesitate, "It's just...we both aren't exactly in places to be anything more. Plus, we don't really know how much is actual emotion and how much is...instinct."
"Yeah, but we have tonight so let's just think about that tomorrow."
"Okay Pete." I say, turning over on my side as he wraps himself around me. Holding his warm hands around me, I mumble,
Laying there in the dimly lit room, neither of us daring to leave the embrace to turn it off, we savor every second of this moment. Ignoring the complications ahead of us and the realities of this cruel confusing world, I drift off to the slow thumping of Peter's heartbeat on my back.

                                        • • •

Jolting upright, I wake up in a damp sweat. Peter turns over at the sudden movement but his eyes remain closed. The dim sunlight shines through the cream colored blinds and onto Peter's resting face.
Longing for the arms I fell asleep in, I force myself out of the warm bed.
The silky fabric floods from my fingertips and around my body.
Pulling the red scarf over my mouth, I look back at Peter sprawled out on the white sheets.
The green numbers on the digital clock read 6:15 so I carefully open the window and slip out into the soft sunlight.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter! It's a bit fluffy but I'm excited for you to see what is in store for Cindy and between her and Peter. Don't forget to vote and comment please 😊. As always, thanks for reading!!

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