Chapter Three: The Deal

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"Cin! What are you doing?" Peter exclaims as we swing through the night sky.
"You don't expect me to just sit there do you?"
"No...but you are going to get yourself hurt." He argues.
"No I'm not! You even said that I'm more advanced than you were at this point" I retort.
"I know but..." While searching for a response, Peter slows down. Then speeds up as the answer comes to him.
"You don't have a disguise. " He states smugly.
"You don't want to broadcast: Cindy Moon has Spider Powers, now do you?"
"That's why I have a hood, and we knock them out before they see us."
"Yeah let's see how well that works for you."

Another terrified scream fills the air, and as we approach the knot in my stomach grows.
Peter jumps down to the ground and I follow. We walk down an alley and my black hood starts to fall off my head.
"Told you." Peter teases.
"Hold on" I close my eyes. Concentrate. Red silky webs weave themselves together around my neck to form a small scarf. Surprised and impressed with myself, I open my eyes and pull the front over my mouth and to the bottom edge of my cheekbones.
Peter is obviously impressed as well because we stammers for a second then says sarcastically, "I can still recognize you."
"Then that's your problem now isn't it?"
Shaking his head, Peter leads me around a corner of the dark alley where a blond woman is being attacked by two husky men.
The dark figures were arguing as one held her down and the other grabbed her bag as he yelled at her. The woman was struggling and trying to scream again, but her mouth was covered by a big dark gloved hand.
Pulling up my hood, I extend my arm and wrap a rope of web around the legs of the man holding the woman. Peter and I lunge at the men, who I have made aware of our presence, as the woman runs away.
"You two should really pick on people your own size." Peter says as he punches one of the assaillants.
"Really? Could you haves picked a bigger cliché" I say after kicking my guy in the groin.
"I think it works." Peter says defensively.
"It doesn't." I assure him. The two giants are getting tired, but are still much bigger than both Spidey and I combined.
I experience a tingling sensation on the right side of my face, and as I turn my head in that direction, I dodge the punch coming at me from behind.
"Well that's new." I say aloud.
After missing me, the man covered in shadows, fell to the ground. As he gets up, angry, and starts at me, I leap off the nearby brick wall and kick the side of his head as hard as I can. I gracefully land on the ground as the big lug falls onto the ground with a thud, knocked out.
"Cin! That was awesome!" Peter exclaims as he punches his guy out.
"Thanks. I don't know how I did it." I admit.
"Remember we have great agility now."
"Yeah, but apparently not the quickest wit. We need to work on your crime fighting banter."
Rolling his eyes, Peter says, "Well at least I came up with something. You just criticized my remark and made no attempt at your own."
"I didn't say I was a master at witty banter, just that yours sucks." This makes him chuckle.
"By the way, what was that feeling I had that told me the guy was going to punch me?" I ask, stepping over one of the massive men on the ground towards Peter.
"Oh you mean the Spidey-Sense." Peter says nonchalantly.
"The what?"
"It kind of just gives you a sense of the situation and helps you be quicker than your opponent. So, I named it the spider-sense." Peter states proudly.
"Seriously? Spider-sense?"
"What's wrong with the name?" Peter says defensively.
"Oh nothing." I reply. "I just don't think that name will work for me."
"Yeah okay" He says, unconvinced.

We walk down the dank alley in silence.
I lower my scarf from my face to join the rest around my neck as Peter says,
"I have something I want to show you"."
I nod and follow him, apprehensively, up the brick wall. Apparently I can stick to walls, that's new.

I pull myself over the edge of the roof and walk to Peter's side. From the roof, I can see most of Queens. The bright lights of ratty old billboards  with barely legible advertisements and the dull light emitting from multiple apartment windows with dark figures bustling about fill the dark city.
A soft wind blows a dark strand of hair into my face and I tuck it behind my ear. I sigh and sit crisscross on the warm roof.
"What is it you wanted to show me Pete?" I ask as he joins me on the concrete and pulls off his mask. His light brown hair is sweaty and sticking out in all directions as he flattens it with his hand.
I forget how handsome he is since he always has that stupid mask on.
"I love being up here. Seeing the life of the city, even at night." He pauses in hesitation. "This is why you need to fight with me Cin. It doesn't even have to be with me, but the gifts we were given need to be used to help people."
"I know Pete. It's just that I don't want to draw attention to myself. If the word spreads about a girl wth spider powers, then Morlun will know I left and hurt those I care about."
"Don't worry, I can take care of myself." He says smirking.
"Seriously Peter." I reply with a faint smile as I look over at him.
"I know, but what if we could take down Morlun, then you wouldn't have any reason to hide." He suggests, meeting my gaze. 
"You really want to take on a giant company with influences we probably can't even fathom? For me?"
"Yes! We can do it, I know people." He replies confidently.
Yeah right.
"Okay Pete. I don't want to hide my whole life anyway. Speaking of, it's getting late, I need to go home."
"Where is home Cin?"
"The bunker."
"Why are you still staying there and not with your family? They would be happy to see you and to know you are okay."
"Yeah but it's safer for everyone if I stay away for now."
He shakes his head but I know he understands.
We sit in silence and look out at the city. The light in each window is starting to go out as the night goes on. 
Peter Parker can't know anyone powerful enough to take on a company like Morlun. He seems so confident though. He believes so deeply in our abilities. He wants my help and I want his.
"So who are these people you know?" I say to break the silence.
"I'd rather not say."
"Oh come on. If we are taking on a corruption together, you can at least tell me who might help us."
"I'm seeing him tomorrow anyway, you can come along." He says nonchalantly.
"To see?" I ask in pursuit of a name.
"Tony Stark." Peter replied with a smirk.
"Yeah right."

It's been awhile since an update, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I am excited for you to see how this little deal/plan of Cindy and Spidey's will work out. Stay tuned for some possible Tony Stark in the next chapter!

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