Chapter Nine: The Captor

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A bright light brings me back. The blinding overhead forces my eyes quickly shut yet again. Cold metal pricks the fabric pressed against the flesh of my back.
I open my mouth to shout but to no avail as adhesive duct tape muzzles me.
Frantically, I turn my head side to side, as much as the forced laying position allows.
Cool bands of thick steel presses my wrists and entraps my ankles onto the hallow table.
I try to flex the muscles in my fingers, in hopes that my webs will come to the rescue, but the bare pads of my fingers feel the prick of cold metal entrapping each one.

Well so much for webbing my way out of this.

Besides the beaming light hurting my eyes, the room is covered in a curtain of darkness. I try to move my torso up even just an inch but warm leather buckles attach me to the table.

My head is spinning. Can't concentrate.

I take three deep breathes and try to clear my head up, in effort to utilize my silk sense.

If I can't web my way out of this, I'll have to try something else... but what?

The fog blurring my mind begins to recede, but my silk sense still isn't giving me anything.
Frustrated, I attempt to thrust my body upwards but the tight grip of leather keeps me down and defeated.

My vision starts to blur with black dots so I shut my eyes tight. The light follows me in and turns the inside of my eyelids an orange hue like a sunset.

With my eyes closed tight, I try yet again to scream and am just as unsuccessful. I rattle my wrists around the metal entrapment and repeatedly thrash my body upward, but nothing happens.
Sweat covers my face as I continue to try to throw my body free.
My throat is raw from my useless screams and I can feel the rings of bruises ready form on my body.
I plop down onto the hard metal in defeat and tears.
The thick silence engulfs the room with only my quiet sobs breaking it.

A slight click of a door handle and the small squeak of a rusty hinge brings my tears to a halt.
The pinprick sensation of my silk sense stands on end and makes it's way down my entire body.
I lay still as a figure engulfed by darkness shuffles into the room. Taking their spot just outside of where the light shines bright, the figure stands still.

"Cindy Moon. You really don't know when to quit." A chilling and unfamiliar voice echos. "We know that you got out of the bunker, but did we do anything? No we did not. We figured we would let you free while still keeping a close eye on you just in case you decided to do anything uh...risky." The clear voice continues as he begins to pace in circles around me, like a lion stalking their prey. "You see, you could have just run off with your new Spider boyfriend," My tired eyes widen at the mention of Peter. "Yes we know about him." He adds slyly. "But no! You had to find your family!" He pauses. "My bosses here are much more generous than I. You either stop digging into things beyond you, or they let me take a stab at convincing you." He says menacingly with a step forward into the spotlight.

He is a brute of a man with a very round face which I have never seen before.A giant toothy smile spreads across his disgusting face and his dark bushy eyebrows furrow.
In his massive hand, once covered by shadows, a thin silver blade gleams.
With his other claw, he tears the duct tape violently from my mouth, leaving my lips raw and throbbing.
"So what will it be Miss.Moon?" He says, so close that I can feel his thick smelly breathe.
I open my dry mouth to speak but my throat throbs.
I shake my head violently and whisper in a cracked, breathy voice.
"I will end you."
With this the thin blade is plunged and swept across my side. My body goes numb as does my brain.
"Perhaps after you bleed out a little you will be more apt to agree. Oh and if that's not enough incentive, your little spider-boy is going to be put in the same entrapment when he comes to save you." The large man says calmly.

The faint click of the door leaves me once again alone in this room, but with blood pooling at my side and small drips of scarlet falling off the table like a leaky faucet.

Tears stream down my face as I sit alone in the cold room, but I remain silent.

Peter, I'm sorry.

A tiny creak. The door is opened again, he must be back to finish the job.
The door closes again quietly and hurried footsteps come to my side.
A warm hand placed itself on my frigid arm, and I open my mouth to scream when another hand violently covers my mouth.
I dig my teeth into the flesh and it recoils hastily.
"Hey! What was that for?" A young voice winces. I stretch my head upward to take a look at this new blood.  
It's a larger boy, about my age with dark tanned skin and light brown hair. I look into his eyes full of kindness and fear.
"Who are you?" I ask with as much of a voice as I can conjure.
"Oh I'm Ned! I'm kind of like the brains behind Spider-Man, he probably talks about me all the time." He says smiling.
"Ned." I say searching my brain, "Oh yeah. He talks about you all the time." The boys smile widens proudly.

I have no idea who this kid is.

"So are you going to help me Ned or are you just here for introductions because I'm not exactly in a place to make a good first impression right now."
"Oh yeah right!" He says hastily undoing the bounding around me. "Spider-Man has told me a lot about you, you know. He had me get this internship here to make sure they weren't after you, but like I said, I'm only an intern so I know pretty much nothing about what's going on. Luckily Spider-Man knew you were in danger and sent me up to set you free." Ned rambles.
"Thank goodness he didn't come. They are going to take him to if he does." I say in relief.
"What?" Ned pauses from unlocking my fingers. "Oh yeah he didn't come, he's just at home with May waiting for me to call him." He says nervously continuing to set me free.
"Ned! He didn't come did he?!"
"Maybe..." He admits with his eyes refusing to meet mind. "But he will be fine, he's uh...careful." Ned says lying. "He just wanted to get into their files to distract them from your escape."
"No no no no no no no, I have to warn him." I say bolting upright as the leather is undone. The pain in my side forces me back down onto the metal. Ned unleashes the final bruised finger and I jump off the table with a quick reminder of the burning pain next to my weak abdomen.
"What floor is he on?" I ask Ned aggressively.
"No, he doesn't want... you can't-"
"What floor?" I push.
"The one right below us, but you can't go after him! He is fine, he'd rather you get out while-"
But I close the heavy door behind me before Ned can finish his protest.

I start to jog as much as the pain will allow down the pitch black hallway. A red flashing light and a loud siren repeatedly fills the dark silence.

Peter. What have you done?

The ache in my side spreads as I sprint down the long corridor. Drips of dark red blood flow down my side as I trip and am brought to my knees. The pain keeps me down and I lay in a pool of my own blood, excepting my fate in this pitch black hallway.

Heavy footsteps get louder as they approach with haste around the bend.

Hey Spiderlings!!  Sorry for the super late update but I've really busy with school for the past two-ish months. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'm excited for you to see what happens (I'll update sooner this time😁). As always, thank for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! 🕸🌙

P.S. I went to Jet City Comic Show this weekend and cosplayed as Silk! So check out my new cosplay Instagram @wordslingercosplay for pictures and details!!

The Spider's Silk {A Cindy Moon/Peter Parker Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now