Chapter Six: The Rooftop

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What am I supposed to do now?
Am I ever going to see my family again?
I shouldn't have been so cold to Peter, it's not his fault.
He just...messes me up. I don't know why but I just can't think straight when I'm with him.


Shit, speak of the devil.

"How did you find me?" I say to the spandex-covered teenage boy who swings onto the flat roof.
I look out on the dark silent apartment buildings, the flash of bright signage, and listen to the bustling that can be heard even at night. The humid air surrounds me and the dark night sky covers the city.

"Somehow I just knew where you were." Peter responds as he joins me on the edge of the roof.
"You what?" I ask him in disbelief.
"I don't know how to explain it." He says pulling off his mask. "Somehow I could almost sense where you were right now."
"That's creepy."
"It is."

Our legs hang over the side of building as a warm breeze goes by.
As we sit in silence, I fidget with the red silk around my neck.

"Everything is going to be okay Cin. We will find them. I promise." Peter says laying his hand on mine.
Retreating at his touch, I wrap my arms around myself.
"How Peter? We have nothing."
"We will figure it out." He reassure me. "Where are you going to stay now? I'm sure May will let you stay with us."
"It's fine. How would you even explain me to her?"
"I'll just say that you have bad parents or something, and that you have nowhere else to stay."
"I don't know Peter."
"Come on! It'll be fine. Worst case, you can sneak in and out through the fire escape."
"I'll just go back to the bunker Pete. Really, I'll be okay."
"Fine, If you insist."
We sit in silence on the warm concrete as a heavy breeze blows my dark hair behind me.
"When we are together do you ever feel... frazzled."
"Frazzled?" He asks with a half smile.
"Yeah. Kind of like you can't think totally straight."
"Yeah I guess so. It's more my Spider-Sense that gets all wacky."
He nods and looks at me with his deep brown eyes, and I know what he means.
"It's like they are out of control or something. Sometimes it feels like a pounding in my head and an invisible force pulling me towards you."
"I know what you mean." I say as we both move slightly closer to each other so that our legs are touching side by side on the roof's edge. "I feel it too." I admit while Peter seems to be studying every part of my profile. "...but I'm not exactly in a place to be focusing on that or anything."
"Oh." He says turning his head to intently stare at his hands folded in his lap instead.
"But I didn't say I wasn't up for exploring the idea. I need something good in my life right now." I smile as he looks at me hopefully.

His face grows slightly closer,
"I just want you to be happy Cin."
"I am Pete. Right now, on this rooftop with you. I can just ignore everything else that's going on."

The pounding in my head has become screaming. It's not just in my head. It's running through my veins as we grow closer. It's an entirely new sensation.

"Do you feel it?" He whispers.
Inches away,
"I do." I respond breathlessly.
I close the small space between us, and our lips meet.
The shouting has grown louder and runs through every inch of my body.
We pull apart, and I study every inch of his face and we both laugh nervously.
He places his hand on my lower back and pulls me in.
Smiling, his warm face touches mine as we kiss again.
The pounding of my heart fills my head and the pounding sensation envelopes my body.
He must be feeling it too because the kiss deepens and he pulls me closer.
We teeter on the edge of the rooftop, wrapped in each other.
I feel the corner of their edge slip away.

My eyes open wide as I await the fall, but we are still. With my hands touching the warm brick behind me, I am stuck to the side of the building. Peter is doing the same with an arm wrapped around my lower waist as he holds himself on as I do.
Noticing my surprise, Peter smiles as he exchanged looks between me and the faraway ground beneath us.

I can't think. My silk sense is out of control. My body tingles and yearns for his touch.

With my back against the dark wall, his body is now pressed against mine. Our lips meet once again and we give in to our "instincts".

 Our lips meet once again and we give in to our "instincts"

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My mind begins to clear and I reluctantly pull away.

"It's late." I say breathlessly.
"No it's not."
We keep the little haven we have created against the wall until he breaks it with a deep breath and says,
"Let me sneak you into my room...just for tonight." He adds hastily when he notices I'm going to protest.
"I'll be fine Peter, I can go back to the bunker."
"No you can't." He insists. "We can go in through the window by the fire escape and then get you out early in the morning. May will never know, and I will ask her if you can stay first thing tomorrow."
"I don't know Peter."
"I...I just want you to be safe Cin." He says looking into my eyes. Brushing a stray hair on my face to behind my ear, Pete pleads,
"If not for your own safety Cin, stay with me so I'll know you will be okay tonight."
"Really?" Peter says in surprise.
"Yes." I chuckle.
"Uh well then...shall we?" He says awkwardly.
Nodding, I shoot a web at the building across from me and Peter follows suit.
"Lead the way."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was...interesting to write, but nevertheless I love these two and was happy to let them find a haven in each other with everything else going on. Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for Chapter 7!

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