Chapter Ten: The Trap

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As I lay there in a small pool of my own blood, pain and fear consumes me.

Think Cindy. Think. There has to be a way out of this.

The heavy footsteps slow.

The blaring red light glistens off of a tall metal door near me, lighting my way to safety.
The open wound throbs as I shoot some webs over it, and pull myself upright. I pull my heavy body over to the door and lean against its cold surface. The once white side of my suit is now drenched in scarlet red. I reach up to the glistening doorknob but it's just barely out of reach.

The footsteps are getting louder.

I hurriedly shoot a small web onto the silver doorknob and the door clicks open. I bring myself to crawl into the dark space and quickly close the heavy door as loud uniform footfalls hurry past.

With a sign of relief, I look around the dark room. I am swimming in darkness, but a faint green beacon of a pixilated screen lights a path deeper into the room.
I slowly stagger over to the small display, clutching my aching side.
My entire body goes numb as I get a look at the glaring green screen.
"Pete..." I whisper quietly.
Every inch of my body is consumed by a tingling numbness.
Without thinking, I sprint out of the room ignoring the trail of blood behind me.

I charge down the ominous hallway lit by the blaring red security light with the once banging sound of the alarm only a faint whisper to me now.

I finally reach the tall metal elevator doors, but there is no time.
I throw myself into the nearby stairwell and proceed to run down them.
I look below at the maze of staircases prohibiting my escape, and hear the quick stomping of the guards. Each one dressed exactly like the other running uniformly beside one another, with a long black issued gun in hand. They make their unified way down the concrete steps to the next floor.

There is no way I'm going to beat them.

Frantically I look around trying to find a solution.

Shit. I'm an idiot. Last time I checked I have superpowers.

I quickly shoot webs onto the nearby railing and jump over the yellow bar.

My web quickly spins downward, anchoring my falling body.
I pass the clump of guards and hear a loud shout followed by the explosive outburst of gunfire.
I swing and let go.
Having moved so quickly out of their sight, they cease their useless gunfire and proceed to run down the steps.
I stand up on the cold concrete level that I escaped to and throw open the heavy metal door.


I quickly sprint down the dark hallway and slid into the dimly lit lab at the end of it.
As I press myself against the cold wall, I hear the hasty marching of the guards making their way down the hall behind me.

"Cindy." I hear a hushed voice call. "Cindy!" I hear it whisper again.

I let out a quivering sigh and the room lit by computer screens begins to spin.

"Pete..." I say in a fading, cracked voice.
I stumble forward and into the arms of this masked hero. "It's a trap." I say with difficulty as I look into his masked eyes. The mechanical eyes widen as he touches my drenched side and I wince.
"Cin I-"
Bright yellow aluminates the room as the blaring lights are switched on. Tall, gun-toting, half masked men encircle our embrace. Each one with the same stony expression on their uncovered mouths as they point their long black guns at us.
Large black spots blur my vision as I look around at our predicament.
The sound of guns being cocked fills the room.
Eyes wide, I take one last look at Peter's red-covered face as the numbing disappears and the sharp pain in my side stabs its way back to my attention.
The blaring lights spin around me and I collapse onto the cold tiled floor.

Hey spiderlings! Sorry for how long it had been to update, but I've been crazy busy and I wanted to get this chapter right. I hope you enjoyed this short little chapter! I think the next chapter is going to be one of my favorites so stay tuned!!Please don't forget to vote and comment! 😊

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