Chapter Five: The Files

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Concentrate. You've done it before, you can do it again. This is the exact same...except a teenage boy is ogling at me as I do it.

I open my eyes as white, silky string weaves itself together on every inch of my body. The only part left untouched is above the red cover that has already formed over my nose and mouth. The webs make themselves into a durable fabric that covers and conforms to my body. My legs and feet are covered in black, as are my arms. However there is a white pattern that wraps around each arm, sneaks down part of my legs, and is displayed mostly on my chest and back. In the middle of the design on my chest is an swish shaped like a lightening bolt, that matches the red of the silk covering the bottom half of my face.

"That was awesome!" Peter says, impressed and full of enthusiasm.
He has already donned his red and blue suit, but has his mask lying on the floor next to him. He beams up at me and I notice that his hair is already an adorable mess.
I pull down the red fabric from my face to around my neck, and smile back.
"So what do you think?" I say spinning around in a circle, then sitting down with him on the concrete.
"It's so cool that you can produce that!" He exclaims motioning at the suit. "Plus it looks great Cin!" He says looking me up and down for the third time.
"Thanks." I chuckle. "Oh and I almost forgot." I say, and then pull the red fabric over my nose. "When I'm like this call me Silk...please" I ask, looking him dead in the eye.
"Silk. I like it." Peter says with a party raised eyebrow. "Is it because your webs created this fabric?"
"That and I like to think that my body is naturally producing silk and not bug fluids."
"Understandable." Pete acknowledges. "So do you want to talk before or after?"
Taking a deep breath and pulling my mask down again I answer,
"Okay." He response. "But you do realize that you are sitting like four feet away from me."
"I didn't want to risk it, I needed to concentrate."
"You don't need to anymore." He says slyly.
As I scoot another foot away from him I answer,
"I might." I pause and look into his dark brown eyes. "I went to my house after Happy dropped me off."
"Really! That's great! Was your family there?" Peter exclaims and jumps up.
"No and it doesn't look like they have been for awhile."
"Oh Cin." He says as he sits down beside me.
"It's fine. I knew they weren't going to be there, it's just more motivation to find Morlun." I say, rubbing my wrist.
He grabs my hand and looks me dead in the eye.
"We will find them Cin, I promise."
                                      •  •  •
"I don't know if I like having you in my ear and telling me what to do." I say adjusting the small tech.
"It will keep us safe." Peter's crackling voice says through the ear piece.
"More like help you keep an eye on me." I mumble.
"What was that?"
"Nothing." I say with a smirk.
I can see Peter's red suit in the dark sky, swinging down and onto Midtown High's perfectly manicured grass.
"Okay Cin." He says looking up at my position on a far away brown roof. "Wait there and I'll be out in a second."
"You just want me to sit here and do nothing!"
"Yeah keep a look out."
"Isn't this all a little too complicated? After all, it's a high school in the summer and it's late at night."
"I just want to be careful." Peter whispers.
I hop off of the roof and swing through the night sky, dropping down beside Peter on the grass.
"What are you doing?" Peter exclaims.
I take the earpiece out and put it down my sleeve.
"Coming with you."
"Fine." Peter says, giving in.
"How are we getting in?" I ask.
"There is a broken window in the science lab."
"How do you know that?"
"I broke it." He says chuckling.
"Why would you do that? There has to be other ways to get in."
"I had to look at the files to find where they were hiding you, and I wanted to get you out right away."
"Oh." I follow as he leads me to the side of the building. "I never did properly thank you for that, so thanks."
"It's no problem, I just couldn't image being in your place."
"Still you didn't have to, and you did."
We walk in silence to the broken window.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on edge as if a brisk wind went by, but the thick humid air shows no sign of a breeze.
"Are you feeling that?"
"The spider sense?" I nod and he replies,
"Yeah I am, but they are always like this when we are together."
"This is why we need to talk." He says smirking.
Before I can respond, he is climbing up to a window on the second floor that is covered with yellow plastic.
I follow quickly behind and pull myself through the open window.
"How about after this?" I say walking over to the long table of computers.
"Okay." Peter says, pulling off his mask and smiling.
Peter turns the computer on and the bright light illuminates the dark room.
"I'll be quick." He says pulling up to the table. The clicking of the keyboard fills the silence, as he does something to access the files.
"How do you know how to do this?" I ask in amazement.
"Computer Club. I've got them."
The screen fills with with rows of files.
"I was able to get 20 or so." Peter scrolls down the page. "Here is the one on you." He says clicking on a line labeled SpiderBite.
Only two pages pop up in the screen. A large picture of my bunker with the location underneath it, and a page detailing my powers and personal information.
"Scroll down."
"That's it."
"Seriously?" I ask and Peter nods. "Okay go on to the next one."
We go through most of the files with nothing but plans for new tech and no information on the company or my family.

Peter opens the last file simply labeled SBSurveillance. A long list of footage comes up and Peter clicks on the most recent one.
"Oh my god." I say under my breath. The camera overlooks an empty concrete room with a small dark-haired girl curled up in the corner.
The video plays and I recognize the room we are looking at's my bunker.
We continue to watch as the girl.. well...I get up and pace back and forth, I open my bag of clothes and starts to pull my shirt off.

I quickly hit the keyboard and turn it off.
I stare at the screen and pull my mask down.

"They've been watching me."
"For six months of my life, I have been recorded and stared at." I say as my eyes start to well up with tears.
"Every personal moment of my life has been seen by who knows how many horrible people."
"Cindy it's okay."
"NO IT'S NOT PETER!" I scream as tears run down my cheeks. "This is it! Just hours of video watching me! Nothing on my family and nothing on Morlun! How are we supposed to do anything! This was our last hope!"
I drop down into the nearest chair and bury my face into my hands.
"We have nothing now Peter."
Peter sits beside me and stays there awkwardly before he hesitantly places his hand on my back.
"We will figure it out Cin, we will find your family."
"What am I suppose to do now? My only home is full of prying eyes!"
"We'll figure something out."
"I need to be alone for awhile." I say as I stand up.
Peter starts to protest,
"I don't think that's a good id-"
But I'm already out the window.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this installment. I just saw Spider-Man Homecoming for the 4th time and my Silk cosplay came, so the fangirl has been extra strong today! Stay tuned for Chapter 6!
Question: I've thought about doing a chapter or two from Peter's POV, would you enjoy seeing that? Comment to let me know!

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